Sources |
- [source06255] Valerie Pippi, @ RootsWeb
Renegades, Revolutionaries, Reverends, and Royals II, (Publication Date: 21 JUL 2006
Media: Website / URL).
- [source4071145179] Alpais of France, (Media: Website / URL).
ALPAIS . The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Arnulfum, Drogonem, Roriconem et Alpaidem" as the children of "Karolus rex…ex concubina"[372]. same person as…? ALPAIS . "Erleboldus…et uxor mea Alpaidis" founded the monastery of Salles "in pago…Haynau in loco…Macons" by charter dated 8 Sep 887 which names "filius noster Wiermiundus"[373]. Secondary sources suggest that she was the wife of Erlebold was the illegitimate daughter of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks, but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. If it is correct, the 887 charter quoted above must be misdated (assuming that it is genuine). m ERLEBOLD Comte de Castres, son of --- (-killed in battle 921). He possessed territories in pagus Lommensis (near Namur), pagus Castricensis (near Mézières), Charpaigne, and probably also the Saulnois (near Metz)[374].
- [source4071145178] GN83-BMM, (Publication Date: 25 JAN 2023
Media: Website / URL).