Notes |
- Note: The contents of this catalogue are the copyright of Berkeley Castle Muniments
Note: Rights in the Access to Archives database are the property of the Crown, © 2001-2006
Note: Berkeley Castle Muniments
Note: Catalogue Ref. BCM
Note: Creator(s):
Note: Berkeley family of Berkeley, Gloucestershire
Note: Besides those in common use, the following abbreviations may require elucidation.
Note: BCM Berkeley Castle Muniments.
Note: BIHR Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research (later called Historical Research)
Note: BL British Library
Note: BL Harl. MS 4748 British Library, Cartulary of the honour of Segrave
Note: Barkley Sir Henry Barkley, 'The Earlier House of Berkeley', TBGAS viii (1883-4)
Note: Blomefield, Norfolk Francis Blomefield, Essay Towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk (2nd edn., 11 vols., 1805-10)
Note: Bridges, Northants. John Bridges, History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton (3 vols., 1759-91)
Note: CChR Calendar of Charter Rolls (6 vols., Public Record Office, 1903-27)
Note: CCR Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III (14 vols.) and Calendar of Close Rolls (47 vols., Edward I to Henry VII, Public Record Office, 1911-63)
Note: CFR Calendar of Fine Rolls (22 vols., Public Record Office, 1911-62)
Note: CIM Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous (7 vols., Public Record Office, 1916-68)
Note: CIPM Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem (21 vols., Public Record Office, 1904-2002)
Note: CIPM Hen. VII Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII (3 vols., Public Record Office, 1898-1955)
Note: CLibR Calendar of Liberate Rolls (6 vols., Public Record Office, 1916-64)
Note: CMR Calendar of Memoranda Rolls, 1326-7 (Public Record Office, 1968)
Note: CPL Calendar of Papal Registers: Letters (15 vols., Public Record Office, 1893-1978)
Note: CPR Calendar of Patent Rolls (54 vols. to the end of Henry VII, Public Record Office, 1893-1916)
Note: Cal.Doc.Irel. Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland (5 vols., Public Record Office, 1875-86)
Note: Cat.Anct.D. Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office (6 vols., Public Record Office, 1890-1915)
Note: Copinger, Suffolk Manors W. A. Copinger, The Manors of Suffolk (7 vols. 1905-11)
Note: Cornwall Fines, 1195-1377; 1377-1461 Cornwall Feet of Fines, vol. i, 1195-1377; vol. ii, 1377-1461 (Devon and Cornwall Record Society, 1914, 1950)
Note: Curia Regis Rolls Curia Regis Rolls (19 vols., Public Record Office, 1922-2002)
Note: d.s.p. died sine prole (i.e. without issue)
Note: Devon CRO Devon County Record Office
Note: Dorset Fines, 1327-1485 Full Abstracts of Feet of Fines relating to the County of Dorset [1327-1485] (Dorset Records vol. 10, 1910)
Note: Ekwall, Dict. of Eilert Ekwall, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names (4th edn., 1960)
Note: Ellis C. A. Ellis, note and pedigree in Smyth, Lives of the Berkeleys, i. 19-20
Note: Farrer William Farrer, Honors and Knights' Fees (3 vols., 1923-5)
Note: Feud. Aids Inquisitions and Assessments relating to Feudal Aids (6 vols., Public Record Office, 1899-1920)
Note: Fryde, Fall of Edward II Natalie Fryde, The Tyranny and Fall of Edward II, 1321-1326 (1979)
Note: GAR Berkeley Castle Muniments, General Account Rolls
Note: GC Berkeley Castle Muniments, General Charters
Note: GCR Berkeley Castle Muniments, General Court Rolls
Note: GEC The Complete Peerage, ed. G. E. C[ockayne] (14 vols., 1910-98)
Note: GIPM Abstracts of Inquisitiones post mortem for Gloucestershire, 1236-1413 (3 vols., issued jointly by the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society and the British Record Society Index Library, vols. xxx, xl, xlviii, 1903-14)
Note: GMR Berkeley Castle Muniments, General Miscellaneous Rolls
Note: GRR Berkeley Castle Muniments, General Rental Rolls
Note: GSUB Berkeley Castle Muniments, General Series Unbound Books
Note: Genealogist The Genealogist: a quarterly magazine (1877-1922)
Note: Great Cartulary Berkeley Castle Muniments, The Great Cartulary (BCM SB 10)
Note: Hist. of Parl. 1386-1421 J. S. Roskell, Linda Clark and Carole Rawcliffe, The History of Parliament: The House of Commons 1386-1421 (4 vols., 1992)
Note: Historical Research See BIHR
Note: Hutchins, Dorset John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset (4 vols., 1861-70)
Note: Jeayes Descriptive Catalogue of the Charters and Muniments in the possession of the Rt. Hon. Lord Fitzhardinge, at Berkeley Castle, compiled by Isaac Herbert Jeayes (1892)
Note: Lysons, Magna Britannia Daniel and Samuel Lysons, Magna Britannia (1874)
Note: McFarlane, Collected Essays K. B. McFarlane, England in the Fifteenth Century: Collected Essays (1981)
Note: Morant, Essex Philip Morant, History and Antiquities of the County of Essex (1816)
Note: n.d. no date
Note: Nichols, Leics. John Nichols, History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester (4 vols. in 8 parts, 1795-1811)
Note: PNGlos A. H. Smith, The Place-Names of Gloucestershire (English Place-Name Society, 4 vols., 1964-5)
Note: PRO Public Record Office, Kew, London
Note: Pole, Devon Sir William Pole, Collections towards a Description of the County of Devon (1791)
Note: Proc. Som. Arch. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society
Note: Radford, 'Tretower' C. A. Raleigh Radford, 'Tretower: The Castle and the Court', Brycheiniog (The Brecknock Society), vi (1960)
Note: Reg. Bransford Calendar of the Register of Wolstan de Bransford, Bishop of Worcester, 1339-49 (Worcestershire Historical Society, 1966)
Note: Reg. Cobham Register of Thomas de Cobham, Bishop of Worcester, 1317-27 (Worcestershire Historical Society, 1930)
Note: Reg. Drokensford Calendar of the Register of John de Drokensford, Bishop of Bath and Wells (A.D. 1309-1329) (Somerset Record Society vol. 1, 1887)
Note: Reg. Giffard Register of Bishop Godfrey Giffard, 1268-1301 (2 vols., Worcestershire Historical Society, 1898, 1902)
Note: Reg. Hallum The Register of Robert Hallum, Bishop of Salisbury, 1407-17 (Canterbury and York Society, part cxlv, 1982)
Note: Reg. Shrewsbury The Register of Ralph of Shrewsbury, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1329-1363 (Somerset Record Society, vols. 9 and 10, 1896)
Note: Rot. Litt. Claus. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in turri Londinensi asservati (Record Commission, 2 vols., 1833-4)
Note: Rot. Parl. Rotuli Parliamentorum (6 vols., 1783, and index vol., 1832)
Note: Rudder, Glos. Samuel Rudder, A New History of Gloucestershire (1779)
Note: SB Berkeley Castle Muniments, Select Books
Note: SC Berkeley Castle Muniments, Select Charters
Note: SR Berkeley Castle Muniments, Select Rolls
Note: SRS Somerset Record Society
Note: St Augustine's Cartulary The Cartulary of St Augustine's Abbey, Bristol (Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, Gloucestershire Record Series, vol. 10, 1998)
Note: Sanders, English Baronies I. J. Sanders, English Baronies: a Study of their Origin and Descent, 1086-1327 (1960)
Note: Saul, Knights and Esquires Nigel Saul, Knights and Esquires: the Gloucestershire Gentry in the Fourteenth Century (1981)
Smyth John Smyth of Nibley, The Lives of the Berkeleys, with a Description of the Hundred of Berkeley (The Berkeley Manuscripts, 3 vols., Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society; vols. i-ii, 1883, are the Lives of the Berkeleys; vol.
iii, 1885, is The Hundred of Berkeley)
Somerset Fines, 1196-1307; 1307-46; 1347-99; 1399-1461 Pedes Finium, commonly called Feet of Fines, for the County of Somerset, 1196-1307; [second series] 1307-46; [third series], 1347-99; [fourth series], 1399-1461 (Somerset Record Society,
vols. vi, xii, xvii, xxii, 1892-1906)
Note: Staffs. Hist. Collections Collections for a History of Staffordshire (published by the William Salt Archaeological Society, later the Staffordshire Record Society)
Note: TBGAS Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society
Note: temp. tempore (i.e. in the time of)
Note: VCH Victoria History of the Counties of England (for all counties; in progress)
Wilts. Fines, 1272-1327; 1327-77 Abstracts of Feet of Fines relating to Wiltshire for the reigns of Edward I and Edward II (Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, Records Branch vol. i, 1939); for the reign of Edward III
(Wiltshire Record Society vol. xxix, 1974)
Note: Wilts. IPM Abstracts of Wiltshire Inquisitions post mortem, 1242-1326; 1327-77 (British Record Society Index Library and Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, 2 vols., 1908, 1914)
In the abstracts of deeds, place-names are usually given in the spelling of the manuscripts. Exceptions include the names of counties used to locate places, the names of places of residence (other than surnames) that occur in the statements of
the parties to deeds or in witness-lists, and the names of the rivers Severn and Wye. The identifiable place-names occurring in notes of accounts and court rolls are similarly modernised. Persons' surnames are given in the abstracts in the
spelling of the manuscripts except that descriptive surnames in Latin using common nouns (usually occupational terms) or adjectives are, where possible, translated; for relatively unusual surnames the Latin word may be given in brackets, in
italic and in the nominative case or with a preposition. Latin and French forenames are translated into English where there is no problem: thus Matilda appears as Maud, Dionisia as Denise, but Amicia retains her Latin form rather than appearing
as Amice, Amy, Amity or Aimée. Where French or English words and phrases that occur in documents that are mainly in Latin need to be distinguished they are either enclosed in quotation marks or are given in translation or modernised form with
the original word or words in italic within brackets.
Illegible parts of documents are represented by an ellipsis (...). Editorial interpolations are in square brackets, with editorial comments in italic. The omission from an abstract of detail, typically listing titles of honour, offices or
varieties of holding, is represented by '[etc.]'.
Note: Work on the arrangement of the muniments is continuing and from time to time reveals documents that had hitherto been overlooked. For that reason, if for none other, the present catalogue should be seen as susceptible to amendment.
Additional research, chiefly in secondary sources, has been done only where necessary to establish the means by which certain documents reached the archive. The introductions to the several sections, and the references to secondary sources
cited, are consequently uneven in their range.
Note: The following pedigrees can be consulted at Berkeley Castle Muniments:
Note: 1. Descendants of Harding son of Eadnoth
Note: 2. Berkeley: descendants of Maurice (I) de Berkeley
Note: 3. Berkeley: descendants of Thomas (II) de Berkeley
Note: 4. Berkeley: descendants of Elizabeth de Berkeley
Note: 5. Berkeley: descendants of James (I) de Berkeley
Note: 6. Mowbray
Note: 7. Segrave
Note: 8. Drayton
Note: 9. Lovet of Rushton
Note: 10. Prayers
Note: 11. Cranford
Note: 12. Paris and Ivaus
Note: 13. Blount
Note: HIGH BRAY (DEVON) - ref. BCM/A/2/3
FILE [no title] - ref. BCM/A/2/3/3 - date: [c. Michaelmas 1209] [from Scope and Content] Witnesses: Roger de Berkeley, Adam son of Nigel, Bernard de Cromhale, Bernard de Stanes, Henry the chaplain, Swigin the chaplain, Thomas de Tiringham,
Maurice son of Nigel, Thomas de Lovent, William de Rotomag' now sheriff, Robert de Albamara, William de Raleg', Walter Giffard, Ranulf de Albemara, John Cole.
Note: ===============
Note: The contents of this catalogue are the copyright of Gloucestershire Record Office
Note: Rights in the Access to Archives database are the property of the Crown, © 2001-2006
Note: Kingscote Family Papers
Note: Catalogue Ref. D471
Note: Creator(s):
Note: Kingscote family of Kingscote, Gloucestershire
Note: FILE [no title] - ref. D471/T1/4 - date: 1186
[from Scope and Content] Witnesses: Wm. Bishop of Land'[aff], Richard Abbot of St. Augustine's, Bristol, Richard the Canon, Master Maurice, Adam de Sautemar[eis] then Seneshal, Walter Giffard, Maurice son of Nigel, Wm. de Sautemar', Ralph
Fitzroger, Richard de Stintescumbe, Peter de Haia, Robert ?Duket, Laurence de Bocoura, Jocelin Eoco.
Change Date: 1 JAN 2007