Sources |
- [source572994620] George Trotter,
Trotter - Skiles Genealogy, (Publication Date: 15 OCT 2004
Media: Website / URL).
# ID: I13528
# Name: John NEWMAN
# Prefix: *
# Sex: M
# Birth: AFT 1543 in Bristol, England
# Death: BEF 1664 in Bristol, England
# Occupation: 1609 Member London Virginia Company
# Note: Grocer
# Event: Misc
# Note: Relationshiip: 8th great-grandfather
# _UID: 40887EC4C0C4D611BD2C4445535400008E86
# Note:
From Gleanings of Virginia History by William Fletcher Boogher . NEWMAN FAMILY OF VIRGINIA The Newmans were to have gone fro m Germany into England at an extremely e arly date.Thus the fami ly was divided into two separate and distinct li nes, the Germa n and the English. Among the members of the family who came t o Virginia were Robert, Willi am, John Jr., and Thomas Newman. T hey were relatives of John Newman, a g rocer and member of the L ondon Virginia Company in 1609, and in all pro bability came t o Virginia at his suggestion in order to better their fo rtunes . Their descendants are now scattered throughout the South an d W est. Possibly the first of the name in America was Robert N ewman, who came f rom England to Elizabeth City County, Virgini a in the ship "Furthence" i n 1618, aged 19 years. He was livin g in Elizabeth City County in 1624. O n 11 May 1635 he obtaine d a patent for 450 acres of land which he after wards assigned t o Richard Bennett. Robert Newman undoubtedly married an d left , with other children, two, sons, William and John. William mad e h is home in York County and had a son named John. John marrie d Ruth Tabe rer, daughter of Thomas Taberer of the Isle of Wigh t County, and their c hildren were Thomas and Isabella. Secon d was William Newman, 35, who arrived onn the ship "Furtherance " ( N ote: There is 33 years difference of Robert/William and Jo hn Jr. and Th omas. There is a possibility that they could hav e been the uncles to th e two lattter two, or possibly half brot hers through a second marriage o f John Sr.) He settled in Isl e of Wight County, where, on 26 August 164 3 he was granted a pa tent for 550 acres of land situated "northerely to wards the sun ken marsh, easterly upon a swamp, southerly towards the lo wer C hipokes Creek." He married Priscilla and had one daughter, Joan , w ho married Lawrence of Compton-Chamberlain, in Wiltshire, En gland. The w ill of William Newman, Sr. dated 20 Jan 1669 was pr oven in York County. Third was John Newman Jr. 24, who emigrat ed to Virginia in 1635 in the s hip "Globe". John settled in Jam es City County, where on 1 April 1644, H enry Thompson assigne d to him 150 acres of land pm Smith's Fort Creek. H e appears t o have resided there for about seven years, as between 1652 a n d 1677, he had acquired in the Northern Neck by letters patent , grant a nd deeds, about 4,000 acres situated on both sides o f Moratico Creek, i n the present counties of Lancaster and Rich mond. He resided near Tarpl ay's Point, then known as Moratico o r Newman's Neck. He married a Miss W oodbridge (about 1655) daug hter of Paul Woodbridge, in then Rappahannoc k County. They ha d three sons, Alexander, Samuel and John. Fourth was Thomas, br other of John Jr., who came to Virginia in 1635 on t he ship "Pl aine Joan" at the age of 15. Thomas, who was born in Englan d i n 1620, probably settle with his brother John in James Cit y County, Vir ginia, and moved with him to Old Rappahannock Coun ty, Va. by 1666. Thom as married Elizabeth Burdett, daughter o f Henry Burdett Sr. He died ine state, about the beginning of th e year 1700, and his personsl estate wa s appraised at 16,577 po unds of tobacco. It is believed that his childr en were one daug hter (possibly the wife of Avert Naylor), Frances, who m arrie d Johjn McMillan and John Wilson, Elizabeth, Thomas II, John an d G eorge. Others who came to Virginia from England were John w ho settled in Henri co County about 1638; Robert of New Norfol k County about 1636, who prob ably had a son of the same name; T homas of Westmoreland County in 1638; R ichard of Charles City C ounty in 1639; William of Northumberland County i n 1652; and Sa muel, who came in 1654, These were probably sons of John N ewman , a member of the London Virginia Company in 1609.
# Change Date: 9 MAR 2004
Marriage 1 Elizabeth MARTIN b: 1604 in Alconbury, England
* Married: 6 NOV 1621 in Alconbury, Huntingdon, England
1. Has Children William NEWMAN b: 1587 in London, England
2. Has Children Robert NEWMAN b: 1599 in London, England
3. Has Children John NEWMAN b: 1611 in England
4. Has Children Thomas NEWMAN b: 1620 in Willhagen, England c: 28 MAR 1616 in Thorndon, Suffolk, England
- [source00671]