- Name James Homer Houghland
Sex Male
Age 45
Birth Year (Estimated) 1896
Father's Name James H Houghland
Mother's Name Stella M Houghland
Spouse's Name Laura Agnes Childers
Spouse's Sex Female
Spouse's Age 36
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1905
Spouse's Father's Name John Burke
Spouse's Mother's Name Fannie Ella Burke
Marriage Date 20 Feb 1941
Marriage Place Carrollton, Carroll, Kentucky, United States
Marriage Place (Original) Carrollton
Laura Agnes Childers's Parents and Siblings
John Burke
Name John Burke
Sex M
Fannie Ella Burke
Name Fannie Ella Burke
Sex F
Laura Agnes Childers's Spouses and Children
James Homer Houghland
Name James Homer Houghland
Sex Male
Age 45
Birth Year (Estimated) 1896
Father's Name James H Houghland
Mother's Name Stella M Houghland
Spouse's Name Laura Agnes Childers
Spouse's Sex Female
Spouse's Age 36
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1905
Spouse's Father's Name John Burke
Spouse's Mother's Name Fannie Ella Burke
Marriage Date 20 Feb 1941
Marriage Place Carrollton, Carroll, Kentucky, United States
Marriage Place (Original) Carrollton
Other People on This Record
James H Houghland
Name James H Houghland
Sex M
Stella M Houghland
Name Stella M Houghland
Sex F