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- [Don Dickenson.ged]
Joseph Peck was baptized in Beccles, Suffolk, England on April 30, 1587. He was the son of Robert Peck, and a descendant, in the twenty-first generation, from John Peck of Belton, Yorkshire, England. He came to New England in the "Diligent", reaching Boston on August 10, 1638 from Ipswich, Suffolk, England. He settled in Hingham, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts; where he served as a representative in 1639, 1640, 1641 and 1642. He moved to Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts in 1645 and settled in the area now known as Seekonk Plain where he was a very active and influential citizen.
The Last Will ... of Mr Josepth Pecke of Rehoboth Deceased; exhibited to the Court held att Plymouth 3 March, 1663.
Josepth Pecke senr: of Rehoboth made bequests as follows:
To my son Josepth all my lands and meddowes ... neare unto the River called Palmers River" also "my old blacke mare and my great Chist in the Parlour;
To my son John my house and lands which I purchased of Josepth Torrey; and the halfe of the meddow betwixt mr Newman and mee on the other side of the new meddow River also my great Chist in the hall;
To my son Nicholas all my meddow att the hundred acrees; and the meddow called bushey meddow and all my meddowes on the north side of the towne.
To my son Samuell my house where I now Dwell with all the houses standing there; the orchyards and all my house loft and all my land in the 2cond Devision; and my plaine lotts excepting halfe my furthest which I give unto my son Nicholas; and also I give unto him my meddow called Cheesebrookes meddow; and also my salt marsh att broad cove.
To my sonnes Nathaniel and Israell all my lands which I purchased of John Adames and Mr Bradford with the meddow called the longe beach which is betwixt mr Newman and mee; and all my meddow att squamquanmett which is betwixt John Allin and mee; and also my meddow att Papasquash betwixt John AIIin and mee;
I give my pte of meddow att kekemuett unto. John Pecke my son; and alsoe all my lands att Wackemauquate; I give unto my sonnes Josepth and Nicholas to bee equally Devided betwixt them.
To my Daughter hubbert [Hobart] thirty pounds in such pay as can bee Raised out of the goods I shall leave to pay by my executors within one yeare after my Decease and alsoe ... my wifes best cloake; one fine pillowbeer and my Damaske napkin;
To my son Samuell my silver beaker and two silver spoones and one gould Ringe which was his mothers and also one paire of fine holland sheets one Diaper Tablecloth and six Diaper Napkin's 2 fine pillowbeares and the feather bed and bolster and pillow and two blankets wheron I now lye; my second Rugg with some other smale linnine In my trunke in the parlour which I alsoe give unto him; and the other Chist under the window in the parlour and my best Curtaines and Curtaine Rodds;
To son Nathaniel my bigest silver Cupp one gould Ringe two silver spoones my best feather bed one bolster two blanketts the Rugg that now lyeth upon mee my trunke in the Parlourchamber my Round table three Diaper napkins one long table Cloth between Israell and him; Item I give unto Israell my son my silver salt 2 silver spoones my two new bedteekes with the bolsters the old flocke bed two blanketts my best Coverlid one bolster one pillow two pillow beares; alsoe unto Nathaniel one pillow 2 pillow beares.
I give unto Israell ten of my best ewes and my sorrelled mare two of my best Cowes and my bull and my segg and three Diaper napkins;
To my son Joseph five ewes; and to my son Samuell my two oxen Called bucke and Duke and two Cowes my Cart and one of my little plowes one chaine with the Copses for the Cart; and I give unto Nathaniel two steers and two Cowes;
To my son Nicholas the feather bed which hee hath alreddy and my best Rugg;
To my son John I give the featherbed and bolster which hee alreddy hath and 40s to buy him a Rugg; and to Israell I give the two little Chistes in the Chamber and his mothers little trunke;
To my son Samuel I give my bedstead in the parlour Chamber;
To my son Josepth my gould Ringe and unto John and Nicholas my two silver wine Cuppes; my mind is that my three younger sonnes should have each three platters; and all the rest of my pewter should bee equally between my six sonnes and all my apparell I give unto my three elder sonnes and an my wifes apparrell I give unto my three youngest sonnnes to bee equally Devide betwixt them.
all the Rest of my goods Cattles and Chattles; my Debtes and legacies being payed (and my body brought to the grave) I give unto my six sonnes equally to bee Devided amongst them the youngest and weakest to have as good a share as the eldest and strongest; Desireing Mr Newman and my brother Thomas Cooper to bee the supervisors of this my Testament and last Will; and I Doe ordaine my son Nicholas and my son Samuell the exequitors of this my last Will.
The last Will and Testament of mee Josepth Pecke written with my owne hand; The will was not dated.
March the 3th 1663 In Reference to the amplyfication of the Will of mr Josepth Pecke Deceased; before entered this following writing was ordered to bee Recorded; December 24; 1663
A further Amplyfication of our fathers Will upon his Death bed which was not expressed in his written Will; Item hee gave to his son Josepth halfe his meddow that hee purchased of Mr Bradford lying on the further side of the New meddo River; To his son John thirty five pounds of Comon; To his son Samuell two hundred and fifty pounds of Comon; to his son Nathaniel two hundred pounds of Comon these giftes were given to them and theire heires for ever; Morover our father aded to his Daughter hubbert ten pounds more then was sett Downe in his written will; Item that Nathaniel and Israell shall have equall shares of the corne that shalbee Raised upon that ground which hee hath given to his son Samuel! for this yeare ensueing; they bestowing an equall share of labour with them upon the land; It was further expressed by him that seeing those oxen expressed in his will that was given to his three younger sons; was Disposed of before his Death; that those younge oxen and steeres that are coming on in theire Romes should bee made Choise of by them in manor as followeth; his son Samuell first Choosing; his son Israell next and Nathaniel last; It was his will alsoe that those two mares which were given to his sonnes Josepth and Israell; being not extant; That Josepth should have his old mare; and Israell his young mare in stead of the other; further wheras our father gave his sonnes Josepth five sheep and Israell ten; they alsoe being sold before our fathers Death; wee have agreed that they shall have in valluation as they were sould which was nine shillinges apeece This wee owne to bee our fathers will expressed by him unto us; when hee was in his pfect memory which wee owne as his proper will and Desire; In Witnes wberof wee have sett to our hands.
This agreement was signed by Joseph Pecke, John Pecke, Nicholas Pecke, Samuel Pecke, Nathaniel Pecke and Israel Pecke.
The witnesses were Stephen Paine, Thomas Cooper and John Reed.
January the 11th 1663 An Inventory of the goods of mr Josepth Pecke whoe expired December the 22cond (63) and exhibited to the Court held att Plymouth the 3 of rnarch 1663. The appraisers, Stephen Paine, Thomas Cooper and John Reed made oath to the inventory 18 February. 1663, before Thomas Willett. No real estate is mentioned; The inventory covers three and one-half pages of the record.
(The Mayflower Descendant - Vol. 15, pages 236-239 - Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories)
PECK, JOSEPH, Hingham, came in the Diligent, arr. at Boston 10 Aug. 1638, from Ipswich in Suff'k with w. three ch. two men and three maid sev. freem. 13 Mar. 1639, rep. 1639-42, rem. 1645 to Rehoboth, there d. 22 Dec. 1663. Prob. he had liv. at Hingham in Norf. for his suppos. br. Robert was min. in that pleasant town many yrs. [See Lincolns' Hist. of H. and ] Centu. Disc.
[Joan Olsson]
JOSEPH PECK came from Old Hingham in 1638 with 132 other Puritans and his brother Robert Peck, their pastor, in the "Diligent" (John Martin, Master) bringing his second wife, two sons, one dau., two men servants and three maid servants and settled in New Hingham. He was the son of Robert Peck and Helen Babbs of Beccles, Suffolk Co., England., where he was baptized Apl. 30, 1587. He was a descendant in the 21st generation of John Peck of Belton, Yorkshire. His first wife, Rebecca Clark, whom he married May 21, 1617, died Oct. 24, 1637. The name of his second wife is not known. He was made freeman March 13, 1638-9, and was chosen representative to the General Court in 1639, 40, 41 and 42.
In 1641 he was one of the purchasers of Seaconk from Massasoit, and Gov. Bradford granted the same land, eight miles square, which was incorporated as Rehoboth. He removed there in 1645, losing three horses and goods of ?50 value by the burning of an Indian wigwam where he stopped for shelter on the journey. He was Selectman, Assessor and Justice of the Peace. He was rated the same as Stephen Paine, ?535, only one being larger.
"Plymouth, July 3, 1656. The Court have appointed and deputed Mr. Joseph Pecke to administer marriage at Rehoboth: and the said Mr. Pecke, Mr. Stephen Paine and Richard Bowen are appointed and authorized to hear and determine all controversies there between any, so as it amount not to above the value of three pounds."
He died Dec. 23, 1663, aged 77 years. His will divided a large property among his children, Joseph, John, Nicholas, Samuel, Nathaniel and Israel and dau. Hubbert. "I do ordain my son Nicholas and my son Samuel the executors of this my last will, desiring the Lord to guide theire hartes to do all according unto my intent heer sett down." His six sons signed an agreement for distribution of the estate according to the will as amplified by their father upon his death bed, but not expressed in the writing, with Stephen Paine, Thomas Cooper and John Reed as witnesses.
Anna bapt. Mar. 12, 1617-8. buried July 27, 1636.
Rebecca bapt. May 25, 1620. m. Hubbert or Hobart.
Joseph " Aug. 23, 1623.
John " 1626.
Nicholas " Apl. 9, 1630.
By second wife:
Samuel bapt. Feby. 3, 1638-9. d. 1708. m. Sarah Hu
2d Rebecca Paine.
Nathaniel " Oct. 31, 1641.
Isaac " Mar. 4, 1644.
A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Joseph Peck
Author: Ira B. Peck
This book contains the history and genealogy of the Joseph Peck family of Massachusetts.
Bibliographic Information: Peck, Ira B. A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Joseph Peck. Alfred Mudge & Son. Boston. 1868.
JOSEPH PECK, the emigrant ancestor of the Pecks in this country, known as the Massachusetts Pecks, now a numerous and extensive race scattered throughout the United States, its Territories, the British Provinces, and the Canadas, was baptized in Beccles, Suffolk Co., England, April 30, 1587.(*)
He was the son of Robert Peck, as will be seen by a reference to the chart, being a descendant in the twenty-first generation from John Peck, of Belton, Yorkshire. He settled at Hingham, Norfolk Co., England. In 1638, he and other puritans, with his brother Robert Peck, their pastor, fled from the persecutions of the church to this country. They came over in the ship Diligent of Ipswich, John Martin, master.
Daniel Cushing, then town clerk here at Hingham, Norfolk Co., New England, in speaking of his arrival in this country says: "Mr. Joseph Peck and his wife with three sons and daughter and two men servants, and three maid servants, came from Old Hingham, and settled at New Hingham." His children were as follows:
Anna, baptized in Hingham, England, March 12, 1617-18,(+) and buried there, July 27, 1636.
Rebecca, baptized in Hingham, England, May 25, 1620; and, as appears by her father's will, married a
Hubbert [Peter Hobart].
Joseph, baptized in Hingham, England, August 23, 1623. For the history of him and his descendants, see Part I.
John, baptized about 1626. For a history of him and his descendants, see Part II.
Nicholas baptized in Hingham, England, April 9, 1630. For his history, see Part III.
Samuel, baptized here at Hingham, in New England, February 3, 1638-9, see Part IV.
Nathaniel, baptized here at Hingham, New England, October 31, 1641, Part V. Israel, baptized here, March 4, 1644, Part VI.
(*) Upon early records, births and deaths are not often given. They were generally kept by Parish clerks, who only gave the baptisms and burials.
He was twice married. His first wife was Rebecca Clark. They were married at Hingham, England, May 21, 1617. She died and was buried there, October 24, 1637. The name of his second wife, and the baptism of his son John, was not found. It was not upon the records at Hingham, where his first marriage and the baptisms of his other children were recorded. It probably took place in another parish where the records were not preserved.
He seems to have belonged to that class in England known as gentlemen or the gentry entitled to coat-armor, etc., who ranked next to Baronets.(*)
Soon after his arrival here, he settled in Hingham, Mass. The records there in 1638 say:
Mr. Joseph Peck(+) received a grant of seven acres of land, for a house lot, next to Robert Peck his brother; he also received other grants of land.
(*) In relation to his political, public or private life in England, or that of his father, I did not attempt to learn anything. To have done so at this late day, now more than two hundred years since they lived, would have been attended with great expense and much uncertainty as to finding anything reliable
in relation to them. My resources had been heavily drawn upon in tracing him back to England, connecting him with his ancestors there, and learning what I had in relation to them; and as none of my friends, although many of them were abundantly able, offered to contribute towards the expense, I
was obliged to content myself with what I had already learned there, that I might devote my means to tracing out his descendants here.
(+) This prefix or title of Mr., which is found with his name wherever it appears upon record, indicates the position he occupied in society. It was of much more import and significance then than now. There were but a few of those who came over to whose name it was ??ed: they generally occupied a lower position in society. He remained at Hingham about seven years, when he removed to Seekonk.
While he remained at Hingham, he was one of its leading men. He was Representative, or deputy to the General Court in 1639, 1640, 1641 and 1642. He took an active interest in the business of the town. He was one of the selectmen, justice of the peace, assessor, etc.
He was appointed by the court to grant summons and attachments, to see people joined in marriage, to keep the records, etc.
In 1641, he became one of the principal purchasers(*) of the indians of that tract of land called by them Seacunk or Seeckonk, afterwards incorporated into a town since known as Rehoboth, Mass., at first called eight miles square, but afterwards found to be about ten. It comprised what is now Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Pawtucket.(+) He did not however remove there until 1645.
Upon the Rehoboth records is the following notice of an accident which befel him on his removal thither:
"Another strange accident happened by fire about this time. Mr. Joseph Peck, and three others of Hingham, being about to remove to Seaconk, (which was concluded by the Commissioners of the United colonies to belong to Plymouth,) riding thither they sheltered themselves and their horses in an indian wigwam, which by some occasion took fire, and (although there were four in it, and labored to their utmost) burnt three of their horses to death, and all their goods, to the value of fifty pounds."
(*) See confirmation deed from the colony to the town of Rehoboth, in 1685,
(Plymouth Colony Records, B. 5 P. 341,) also quitclaim deed from William Bradford, in 1689.
(+) The proprietors of Rehoboth also purchased other lands of the indians. Their second purchase was a tract known as Wanamoiset, being what was afterwards a part of Swansey and Barrington.
Their third purchase was in 1661, from Wamsitta, brother of King Philip, called the north purchase, including what was afterwards Attleborough, Mass. and Cumberland, R. I. It was incorporated into a town, taking the name of Attleborough, in 1694. It remained Attleborough until the settlement of the
line between the Plymouth and Rhode Island colony, when the part since Cumberland was set off to Rhode Island. It was incorporated into a town in 1746, taking its present name. It has since been divided, a portion of it taking the name of Woonsocket, the Indian name of the locality.
After his removal to Seekonk, his name continually appears upon the records of the town, in the management of its affairs, until his age precluded him from such duties.
His name also appears upon the Plymouth Colonial records, as it did upon those of Massachusetts.
He was appointed to assist in matters of controversy at court. In 1650, the court appointed him to administer marriage. In 1651, he was appointed to determine all controversies, not exceeding a certain amount. He was also appointed to administer oaths, issue warrants, etc.
He seems to have been one of the principal men here, as he had been at Hingham, as well as one of the wealthiest.
In the purchase of the town as in the appraisal of the purchaser's rights for the apportionment of a tax, there was but one who paid more or whose rights were prized more than his.
In addition to his interest in the first purchase of the town, he afterwards bought other rights which made him a large owner.
His rights in the common undivided lands at his decease were given to his sons, as well as those which had then been divided. In some instances, these lands still remain in the name and are owned and occupied by his descendants. The Pecks of Barrington (Ellis, Asa and others) now occupy lands given to his youngest sons, Nathaniel and Israel.
The proprietors of Rehoboth first settled upon what has since been known as Seekonk Plain,(*) a tract of cleared land which had been the planting grounds of the indians. The settlers appropriated it to the same purpose until its fertility became exhausted, when they were obliged to leave the plain and seek the smaller openings which were more productive, thus gradually penetrating the wilderness, and extending the settlements of their town.
The house of Joseph, which seems to have been of the better class, stood upon the plain in the northerly part of the "Ring of the town."(*)
It was here that he lived, and died December 23, 1663, in the seventy-seventh year of his age, far from the tombs of his fathers, the associations of his youth, and the scenes of his early life, but doubtless happy in the thought of having been able to worship God after the dictates of his own conscience, and of being surrounded by his children, in whose care his remains would be left to be buried where they would be surrounded by those of his descendants.
No stones, now more than two hundred years since, mark the spot of their interment, but the subsequent graves of his descendants indicate the place.(+)
(+) The gravestones of his son Israel were still standing in a good state of preservation when I last visited the place, although he had then been deceased over one hundred and forty years. For the inscriptions, see Israel, Part VI.
(*) The proprietors first selected their lots and erected their dwellings in a semicircle, the circle opening towards the Pawtucket or Seekonk River, with their parsonage and meeting-house in the centre. The circle was called the ring of the town. It can still be seen in the present location of the houses there, in an eastern view from the church.
(*) Bliss, in his history of Rehoboth, supposes this word to be composed of the indian words seaki, meaning black, and honk, goose--black goose being the indian name for the wild goose, and thinks the place received its name from the fact of great numbers of wild geese in their s??ui-annual migrations,
alighting here in the river and cove adjacent the Town."
(*) Its location was near the junction of the present Pawtucket with the old Boston and Bristol road, so called, westerly and not far from the present depot of the Boston and Providence Railroad as it crosses the plai
The following is a copy of his will:
Know all men by these presents that I joseph Peck Senr of Rehoboth do ordain and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following Item--I give and bequeath unto my son joseph all my lands and medows lying and being near unto the River called Palmers River to him and his heirs forever Item--I give unto him my old black mare and my great chist in the parlor.
Item--I give unto my son john my house and lands which I purchased of joseph Torry and the half of the meddow betwixt Mr Newman and mee on the other side of the new meddow river to him and his heirs forever Also I give unto him my great chist in the hall.
Item--I give and bequeath unto my son Nicholas all my meddow at the hundred acres and the meddow called bushey meddow and all my medows on the north side of the town to him and his heirs forever Item--I give and bequeath unto my son Samuell my house where I now dwell with all the houses standing there The outyards and all my house lott and all my land in the second Division and my Plaine lotts excepting half my furthest which I give unto my son Nicholas; and also I give unto him my meddow called cheesbrooks meddow and also my salt marsh att broad cove To him and his heirs forever Item--I give unto my sonns Nathaniel and Israel all my lands which I purchased of John Adams and Mr. Bradford with the meddow called the long beach which is betwixt Mr Newman and mee, and all my meddow at Squamquammett which is betwixt John Allin and mee; and olso my meddow at Papasquash betwixt John Allen and mee to them and their heirs forever.
Item--I give my use of the meddow att Kekemuett unto John Pecke my son and also all my lands att Wackemauquate I give unto my sonnes Joseph and Nicholas to be equally devided betwixt them Item--I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Hubbert thirty pounds in such pay as can be raised out of the goods I shall leave to be paid by my Executors within one year after my decease and also I give unto her my wifes best cloak and one fine Pillowbeer and my Damask Napkin
Item--I give unto my son Samuell my silver beaker and two silver spoons and one gould Ringe which was his mothers and also one paire of fine holland Sheets and one Diaper Tablecloth and six Diaper Napkins 2 fine pillow beares and the feather bed and bolster and pillow and two Blanketts whereon I now lye my second Rugg with some other small linnene in my Trunk in the parlor which I also give unto him and the other chist under the window in the parlor and my best curtains and curtain rodds Item--I give unto my son Nathaniel my biggest silver cupp and gould Ringe two silver spoons my best feather bed one bolster two Blanketts the Rugg that now lyeth upon mee my trunk in the parlour chamber my round table three Diapir napkins one long table cloth betwixt Israell and him
Item--I give unto Israell my son my silver salt 2 silver spoons my two bed teckes with the bolesters the old flocke bed two blanketts my best coverlid one bolster one pillow two pillowbears also unto Nathaniel one pillow 2 pillowbears.
Item--I give unto Israell ten of my best ewes and my sorrelled mare two of my best cowes and my bull and my segg and three Diaper napkins Item--I give unto my son Joseph five ewes and to my son Samuel my two oxen called Bucke and Duke and two cowes my cart and one of my little Plowes one chain with the copses for the cart and I give unto Nathaniel two steeres and two cowes Item--I give unto my son Nicholas the feather bed which he hath alreaddy and my best Rugg and unto my son John I give the feather bed and bolster which he alreaddy hath and 40s to buy him a rugg and to Israell I give the two little chists in the chamber and his mothers little trunke and unto my son Samuel I give my Bedstead in the parlour chamber Item--I give unto my son Joseph my gould Ringo and unto John and Nicholas my two silver wine cupps--My mind is that my three younger sonnes should have each three platters and all the rest my pewter should be equally between my six sonnes and all my apparrel I give unto my three elder sonnes and all my wifes Apparrell I give unto my three youngest sonnes to bee equally divided betwixt them Item--I give and bequeath all the rest of my goods cattles & chattles my debts and legacies being payed and my body brought to the grave unto my six sonnes equally to be divided amongst them the youngest and weakest to have as good a share as the eldest and strongest dsireing Mr Newman and my brother Thomas Cooper to be the supervisors of this my Testament and last will and I do ordaine my son Nicholas and my son Samuell the executors of this my last will desiring the Lord to guide theire hartes to do all according unto my intent heer sett down
The last will & Testament of mee Joseph Pecke written with my own hand.
A further Amplyfication of our fathers will upon his death bed, which was not expressed in his written will. Item--hee gave to his son Joseph half his meddow that hee purchased of Mr Bradford lying on the further side of the new Meddow River: to his son John thirty-five pounds of comon: to his son Samuel two hundred and fifty pounds of comon to his son Nathaniel two hundred pounds of comon. These gifts were given to them and their heirs forever moreover our father added to his daughter hubbert ten pounds more than was sett downe in his written will Item--that Nathaniel and Israell shall have equal shares of the corne that shall be raised upon that ground which hee hath given to his son Samuel for this year ensuing they bestowing an equal share of labor with them upon the land. It was further expressed by him that seeing those oxen expressed in his will that was given to his three younger sons was disposed of before his death that those younge oxen and steeres that are coming on in theire romes should bee made choice of by them in manor as followeth his son Samuel first choosing his son Israell next and Nathaniel last It was his will also that those two mares which were given to his sonnes Joseph and Israel being not extant that Joseph should have his old mare and Israell his young mare instead of the other--further whereas our father gave to his sonnes Joseph five sheep and Israell ten they also being sold before our fathers death wee have agreed that they shall have in valuation as they were sould which was nine shillings a pieece.
This we own to be our fathers will expressed by him unto us when he was in his perfect memory which we owne as his proper will and desire.
In witness whereof wee have sett to our hands
Witness hiereof JOSEPH PECKE,
This will is recorded upon the old Plymouth Colony Records, Book of Wills, 2d part, Vol. 2d, Folio 12.
New England Families Genealogical and Memorial: Third Series, Volume IV
Hon. Joseph Peck, son of Robert and Helen (Babbs) Peck, was of Hingham, Norfolk county, England, and was baptized April 30, 1587. In 1638 Joseph Peck, together with his brother Robert and other Puritans, fled from persecution in England and came to New England in the ship "Diligent," of Ipswich. The entry on Hingham records, showing him to be a man of quality, is "Mr. Joseph Peck and his wife, with three sons and daughters and two men-servants, came from Old Hingham, and settled in New Hingham." He remained at Hingham seven years and was deputy to the general court of Massachusetts for Hingham, 1639-40-41-42; selectman, justice of the peace, assessor, etc. He moved to Seekonk Plain near the junction of the present Pawtucket with the old Boston and Providence railroad in the old town of Rehoboth. He died November 23, 1663. In 1641 Mr. Peck and others from Hingham bought Secunke (Seekonk); 1643, drew lots for woodland; 1645, register of lands; 1645, Plain lots drawn; 1646, lots in the New Meadow; 1647 and 1648, Mr. Peck chosen townsman; 1648, chosen assistant to Mr. Brown in suit at court; 1650, Mr. Peck chosen townsman or selectman; 1651, townsman or selectman; 1652, chosen rator or assessor; 1653, grand juryman; 1654, constable; 1655, tax assessor; 1655, townsman or selectman; 1656, to administer marriages; 1656, judge of cases not, above ?3; 1660, examine town records; 1661, to settle damages to Indians' corn on Kickemuit and Consumpsit Necks. Mr. Peck married (first) in England, May 21, 1617, Rebecca Clarke, who was buried October 24, 1637. The name of his second wife is not on record. Children by first marriage: Annie, baptized March 12, 1618, buried July 27, 1636; Rebecca, baptized May 25, 1620, married (???) Hubbort; Joseph baptized August 23, 1623; John, baptized in August, 1626; Nicholas, see forward. Children by second marriage, all baptized in Hingham, Massachusetts: Samuel; bapt