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- 1930 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 7A/7A, District 13, Image 565.0. Census sheet is dated 7 April 1930. Census shows Henry McCleary at age 59, living in a home which he owns and values at $3,000, located on Union Avenue, and working as a 'Contractor' who employs others to work on 'Public Roads'. Henry McCleary is not a veteran, and does not own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Emma McCleary is age 54. There is one child in the household: Daughter Fern McCleary is age 19.
1920 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 14A/106A, District 29, Image 821. Census sheet is dated 30-31 Jan 1920. Census shows Henry McCleary at age 49, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Emma McCleary is age 44. There are 3 children in the household: Daughter 'Jinnie' [Helen] McCleary is age 21, working for wages as a 'Teacher' in the 'Public School'; Son John McCleary is age 16; and Daughter Fern McCleary is age 9 years.
1910 Census, Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 8B/112B, District 10. Census sheet is dated 23 April 1910. Census shows Henry McCleary at age 38, living in a home which he owns free of mortgage, located on Union Street, and working for wages as a 'Laborer' at a 'Gravel Co.'. All members of the family were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Emma McCleary is age 32. The couple has been married 14 years, circa 1895/1896, and Emma has given birth to 3 children all still living. There are 2 children in the household: Daughter Helen McCleary is age 10; and Son John E. McCleary is age 6 years.
1880 Census, White Eyes Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, Roll T9_1003, Family History film 1255003, Page 11C/292C/292.3000, District 62, Image 0598. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1880. Census shows John McCleary at age 50, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ireland. The Census sheet notes that John's wife, Sarah McCleary has died during the past year. The remainder of the household are the 7 children, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Hannah McCleary is age 16 and 'Keeps House'; Son Jacob McCleary is age 13 and 'Works on Farm'; Son Henry McCleary is age 9; Son Joshua McCleary is age 9; Daughter Manda McCleary is age 7; Son John McCleary is age 5; and Daughter Minnie McCleary is age 3 years.