Sources |
- [source572994621] George Trotter,
Trotter - Skiles Genealogy, (Publication Date: 15 OCT 2004
Media: Website / URL).
# ID: I13544
# Name: Robert NEWMAN
# Sex: M
# Birth: 1599 in London, England
# Death: 1670
# Note:
Possibly the first of the name in America was Robert Newman wh o came fr om England to Elizabeth City County, Virginia, in th e ship "Furtherance " in 1618, aged 19 years. He was living in E lizabeth City in 1624. On 1 1 May 1635 he obtained a patent fo r 450 acres of land, which he afterwa rds assigned to Richard Be nnett. Robert Newman undoubterdly married and l eft, with othe r children, two sons, William and Robert. William made hi s hom e in York County and had a son named John. John married Ruth Tab erer, daughter of T homas Taberer of the Isle of Wight County, a nd their children were Thom as and Isabella." SOURCE: Gleaning s of Virginia History by William Fletcher Boogher.
# Change Date: 20 OCT 2003
Father: John NEWMAN b: AFT 1543 in Bristol, England
Mother: Elizabeth MARTIN b: 1604 in Alconbury, England
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
1. Has Children William NEWMAN
2. Has Children John NEWMAN