Lambert Burgundy, I (657-727) |
Clothilde (667- ) |
Chrodobertus (Robert) I (655- ) |
Lambert (Lambertus) von Palatine, II (665-741) |
Robert de Hesbaye (700-750) |
Mayro of the Palace of Neustria and Austrasia Mayro of the Palace of Neustria and Austrasia Charles Austrasia (686-741) |
Rotrude (Chrotude) Treves (690-724) |
Duke Duke Pepin France, III (714-768) |
Carloman I Franks (715-754) |
Hieronymus (740- ) |
Landree of Austrasia (711- ) |
Sigrande de Hesbaye (698- ) |
Gunderland de Hesbaye (725-778) |