Matches 51 to 100 of 56,627
# | Notes | Linked to |
51 | ID: I28060 Name: Oliba I Of Carcassone Given Name: Oliba I Surname: Of Carcassone Prefix: Count Sex: M Birth: Abt 800 Note: Sources for this Information: date: abt 800 [Ref: Settipani Nobles p72], father: [Ref: ES II #68, Moriarty Europe1955 p175, Moriarty Plantagenet p68] dotted line to Bello Count Carcassonne [Ref: Settipani Nobles p72] Death: 837 Note: Sources for this Information: date: [Ref: ES II #68] 835/37 [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p68] Event: Ancestral File Number Es:Ii-68 _UID: 47BFB1A8AB274F4BA049777382570F4FD5C3 Change Date: 14 Sep 2012 at 20:42 Note: BIBLIOGRAPHY: Moriarty, G Andrews, Genealogical Research in Europe, NEHGR v109 (Jul 1955)pp174-182. Moriarty, G Andrews, Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III And QueenPhilippa. Salt Lake: Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society, 1985. LDSFilm#0441438. nypl#ARF-86-2555. Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichteder europaischen Staaten, New Series. II: Die Ausserdeutschen Staaten DieRegierenden Hauser der Ubrigen Staaten Europas. Marburg: Verlag von J. A.Stargardt, 1984. Settipani, Christian, La Noblesse du Midi Carolingien, Etudes sur quelquesgrandes familles d'Aquitaine et du Languedoc du IXe au XIe siecles. Oxford:Unit for Prosopographical Research, 2004. NYPL JFG 04-785. RESEARCH NOTES: Count of Carcassone [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p68, Settipani Nobles p72] 820-827: Count of Carcassone [Ref: Settipani Nobles p72] 820-835: Count of Carcassone [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p68] Sources for this Information: date: abt 800 [Ref: Settipani Nobles p72], father: [Ref: ES II #68, MoriartyEurope1955 p175, Moriarty Plantagenet p68] dotted line to Bello CountCarcassonne [Ref: Settipani Nobles p72] Sources for this Information: date: [Ref: ES II #68] 835/37 [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p68] Father: Belio Of Carcassonne Marriage 1 Richilda b: Abt 810 Married: 0002 Note: Sources for this Information: date: second marriage of Oliba [Ref: Settipani Nobles p72] second marriage ofOliva [Ref: ES II #68], child: [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p68, SettipaniNobles p72] Change Date: 10 Jul 2011 Children Has Children Acfred Of Carcassonne b: Abt 830 Has Children Oliba II Of Carcassone b: Abt 835 Marriage 2 Ermentrude Married: Note: Sources for this Information: date: first marriage of Oliva I [Ref: ES II #68] Sources with Inaccurate Information: child: Acfred Count of Carcassonne (#36050), and Oliba II Count of Carcassonne(#21633) [Ref: ES II #68] Change Date: 9 Nov 2009 | of Carcassone, Oliba I (ind3558256974)
52 | ID: P23849 Name: Abu Nabet Ypsalensis Sex: M Death: Deceased UID: F96102834CD54733B2A7D50CAF45BDFC61A6 1 2 3 4 5 Note: Name Suffix: His name is also rendered Abenhabet, Avenhabet, and Benabet h. Yspalensisis also rendered Ishbiliya (Seville) Data Files For Nov/06/2004/ Weber/Weaver/Sanders/Lay/Cobb/ Harris/Lee/Presidents/Kings/Noel/Adam CHAN23 Aug 2007 Father: Abbad Al-Mutadid Emir Of Spain b: 1004 Marriage 1 I'tamid Of The Balearic Islands b: Abt 1025 Married: Children Has Children Zaida Al Mu'tadid b: 1061 in Denia, Alicante, Spain Sources: Title: GEDCOM File : mwballard.ged Author: Mark Willis Ballard Note: 6928 N. Lakewood Avenue 773-743-6663 Electronic File Text: Title: GEDCOM File : !!June-2004-Sanders-Weaver-Lay.ged Author: David William Weaver Note: 812-689-5624 Electronic File Text: Title: GEDCOM File : 8-08-04-Weaver-Sanders-Lay-Ancstry Tree.ged Note: Electronic File Text: Title: GEDCOM File : ALL-AN~1.ged Note: Electronic File Text: Title: GEDCOM File : !!~!The One To Use-Weaver And Sanders.ged Note: Electronic File Text: | Ypsalensis, Abu Nabet (ind4203473834)
53 | Sir William Venables died 20 of Edward I (1292). His name appears on several deeds, the first of which bears the date of 1267. He married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Dutton. He restored to the monks of Chester the advowson of Astbury, of which his father had despoiled them, and died the year following. He was married in 1253 and had Hugh, Sir William and a daughter, Cecelia. (Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 307) --- Sources: 1. Title: Public Member Trees Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Text: | de Venables, William (ind08852)
54 | | Liming, Robert Luin (ind154231)
55 | This source is subordinate to Source S2795021156 | Source (source4071137902)
56 | This source is subordinate to Source S2795021156 | Source (source4071137903)
57 | | BEZANSON, Eva Janet (I637444238)
58 | Leander B. Bloyd Obituary Walla Walla, Washington Bulletin 8/26/1916 Headline: L. B. Bloyd Killed in Automobile Accident Prominent Columbia County Farmer Crushed When Car Crashed Over Cliff. Was Only Occupant of Auto Accident Yesterday Ten Miles From Prescott. Leander B. Bloyd, wealthy Columbia County farmer and veteran of the Civil War, went to his death yesterday morning when the automobile in which he was driving backed over a cliff on the main road about 10 miles northeast of Prescott, near the Columbia County line. The car turned over four times during the descent, crashing downwards for a distance of 150 feet. Mr. Bloyd, the only occupant of the machine, was killed instantly. The accident occurred at about 6:30 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. Bloyd left his home about nine miles northeast of Prescott at 6 o'clock to visita neighbor. He urged his wife to accompany him, but she decided to remain at home. The car, a new Overland, had been purchased by Mr. Bloyd this summer, and he was inexperienced at driving. Yesterday is said to have been the first time he had it out alone. The hill where the tragedy occurred is about a mile from the Bloyd home,and it is thought the accident happened by Mr. Bloyd throwing the car into reverse when about halfway up the hill, instead of putting it into low as he intended. Responding to the gear, the car jumped backwards over the cliff before the driver had time to get it under control. When examined later, the machine was found in reverse gear with the emergency brake set. At about 7:30 a visitor from the ranch which Mr. Bloyd had gone to visit stopped in at the Bloyd residence and when questioned declared Mr. Bloyd had not arrived when he had left and that he had not seen him on the road. Mrs. Bloyd, becoming anxious, made telephone inquiries at the farm houses along the road. No one living past the hill had seen him. Deciding that her husband had had trouble on the hill, which is about a mile from the house, Mrs. Bloyd set out, accompanied by a neighbor. When she neared the hill she saw the machine at the bottom of the canyon. She was the first to reach the scene of the accident, and found her husband dead beneath the machine, crushed to his death. He had been killed instantly. Coroner J. W. Cookerly was summoned and arrived on the scene within a short time. He found that the accident had happened a mile inside the Collumbia County line, but upon a telephone order from the Columbia County prosecuting attorney, he took charge of the body anyway, bringing it to this city. The deceased was one of the wealthiest and best known farmers in Columbia County. He was born in the Middle West 66 years ago, and crossed the Plains with his parents at eleven years of age settling in California. When the Civil War broke out, he enlisted with the northern forces at Vancouver, Wash., and served throughout the conflict. He has been an active member of the G.A.R. during late years. Eighteen years ago, he came north with his family, locating in the Walla Walla valley. For the past 14 years he had lived continually on his farm ten miles northeast of Prescott. The extent of his farming operations is shown by the fact that on Saturday he disposed of 30,000 bushels of wheat,a portion of his total holdings, at $1.20 per bushel. Besides his wife, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. A.B. Ronderma , Mrs. O.M. Mall, and Mrs. F. C. Fender, all residing near Prescott. The body has been removed to the Cookerly and Cantonwine chapel, and the funeral will be held from there tomorrow afternoon, the exact hour to be announced later. Note from the transcriber: Leander Bloyd was the son of William Riggen Bloyd and Lydia Thurber. He was born March 08, 1851 and died August 25,1916. | Bloyd, Leander B. (ind1279427325)
59 | 1 AUTH During Rising of the North he was on side of Queen 1 AGNC Gave news and advice to the Earl of Sussex 1 DEST 1585 MP for Yorkshire 1 MEDI High Sheriff of county in 1592 Va. His. Genealogies, p. 109. Sir William Mallory of Studley and Hutton succeededhiselderbrotherChristopher, who die d M a rch 23, 1553/54. WilliamMallory,Esq.,wasfound by the Inquest P,M. to be his next of k i n , thenbeing 23yearsofage and more. During the Rising of the North in 1569, hewas on t h esideof the Queen, giving news and advice to the Earl ofSussex. In1570hewas appointe d H i gh Steward of Ripon, which he heldforlife.(C.S.P.)of the county in 1592. He was excee di n glyzealousinsuppression of theCatholics. In 1575 the Commissioners atYorkforEcclesia s t ical Causesrequested him to pull down thegoldentabernacle atRipon, Brest Lowe,and to u s e t he same in repairingtheChancel. SirWilliam is said tohave been very keen in advanci n g thReformation.(Troubles of OurCatholic Forefathers, Sec. 3, pp. 46, 69,83,92) (13V.32 8 ) . He marriedUrsula, daughter of Sir George Gale ofYork,Master ofthe Mint andsometime L o r d Mayor there. George Gale, inhiswill, 1536,gave hisdughter Ursula and her husband twe n t y pounds. In the following year "Dame Mary Gale" bequeathed toherdaughterMalloryher "Tabette of go l d s" and to her goddaughter,JaneMallory, her"flowerof gold." (Wills York Register) (13V.3 2 8 ). Sir William was buried at Ripon March 22, 1602/03. His willwasdatedJune15, 1586 and pro b a ted April 5, 1602/03. His will wasdatedJune 15,1586and probated April 5, 1603. Willi a m M allory ofHuttonConyers,knight."To George Mallory my son, one annuity of 18 poundsou t o f mymanor ofWashington; to Thomas Mallory my son, one annuity of19poundsout of thesam e ; t o Charles my won, one annuity of 17 poundsoutof mylands atHutton Conyers; to Robert Ma l lor y my son, one annuityof17pounds out ofthe same; to Francis Mallory my won, one annui t y of17pounds out of mylands at Great Studley; to Anne my daughter,300pounds;to Dorothy Ma l lory my daughter twelve score pounds; toJulianMallory mydaughter 300pounds where of she h a t h already paid untoher 50pounds toremain withher mother until she be so, if she marrie s w ithoutherconsent she tohave but 200 markes, and the other 100 markes tobepaidto Elizab e t hMallory my youngest daughter for ten years 10 poundsayearand for herfurther advancem e n t I rest in the mercy of Godandhermother'sgoodness. My wife to have all my plate and af t e r herdeathtoJohn if hebe living, if not to William Mallory his son. TheresiduetoDam e U r sulamy wife and John my son exrs." (13 V. 328-29) His heir was Sir John Mallory of Studley and Hutton whoseeldestsonandheir was Sir Will i a m Mallory, Esq., of Studley andHutton.SirWilliamwas five years old at the time of the H e r ald'sVisitationtoYork, 1585.(13V. 442). Therefore the statement in theVirginia Magazi n e(14 V. 101)that Thomas Mallory, ancestor of theVirginia Mallorys, wasasixth sonof Si r J o hn Mallory of Studley (above)was in error.Thisprobably arosefrom the fact that pages 4 42 - 443 of themagazineweretransposed (See 14V. 101). Thomas Mallory was born about1566 . Therefore, he could not bea younger brother of William Mallory,Esq.,whowas born in 1580. Sir | Mallory, Sir William Knight (I200539)
60 | JANE (I200168)
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61 | Norton, John , Sir (I200174)
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62 | Jane (I200517)
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63 | Gale, Ursula (I200540)
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64 | Norton, Jane (I200558)
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65 | WARD, Margaret (I200564)
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66 | Warde, Roger (I200566)
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67 | Constable, Eleanor (I200568)
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68 | Wentworth, Agnes (I200690)
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69 | Constable, Robert Knight (I200691)
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70 | Harkey, Living (ind4288513457)
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71 | Gobble, Living (ind4288513515)
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72 | Coleman, Living (ind4288513593)
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73 | DUHAMELL, Ada Belle (I82618085)
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74 | NEAL, Adaline "Addy" (I670328639)
| |
75 | HICKS, Thelma B (I670557692)
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76 | BUCHANAN, Harry James (I671565887)
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77 | EAGY, Vivian C (I672493929)
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78 | EAGY, Eulabelle (I672493930)
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79 | WELLS, Barbara "Barbary" (I597588267)
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80 | FAIRFAX, Frances (ind154856)
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81 | FAIRFAX, Frances (I18936)
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82 | Robertson, Living (I2479)
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83 | Murphy, William Knox (I020)
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84 | Foster, Living (I11530)
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85 | de Clifford, Baron Clifford Baron Clifford John (ind00440)
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86 | Montfort, Eleanor (I45567)
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87 | (3-446.) DEPOSITION ________ Case of Sarah Shipley , No. 379,798 On this 19 day of Mch , 1890 , at 7 mi. W. of Chester , County of Crawford , State of Ark. , before me, H. N. Patton , a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared W. T. Crabtree , who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am 46 years old : occupation farmer P.O. address Hale Crawford Co. Ark. The claimant is my mother in-law. I married her daughter since the war. I enlisted in Co. F 13th Kans. Inf. sometime in the spring of 1864, and was discharged in Aug. or Sept. 1865. I lived in Madison Co. when the war came up. I came to this part of the state along about Dec. 1864. I don't know any thing about soldiers health at + prior to his enlistment. I had seen him when he was a little fellow. The first I remember seeing him after he enlisted was at Fort Smith Ark. in 1864, along in the summer. My Co. was at Van Buren and I just went over to Ft. Smith to see Park Shipley, a brother of James, whom I was acquainted with, he having married my sister before the war. It was at that time I first met James Shipley in the service. No, there was nothing the matter with him then. The first I ever knew of anything being the matter with him was in the summer of 1865 just before he was mustered out. I dint know how I happened to see him there. I cant remember two minutes. I get bothered. I think I have got this thing backwards. I think it was after we both were mustered out that I noticed this vaccinnation in his arm. I'll get it right after while. I was mustered out at Little Rock Ark. Towards the middle or last of August. I dint know when James Shipley was mustered Page 34 Deposition J Page 35 out. The first I saw him after discharge was at Van Buren Ark. His folks were all there, and Park Shipley and I came up here in the mountain. I don't recollect whether Jim was along with us or not. It was at Van Buren almost immediately after my discharge that I saw Jim Shipley and he had his left arm in a sling. There was a sore between the elbow + wrist, eaten out as big as a silver dollar and must have been a quarter of an inch deep. He said that sore was caused by the "vaccinate" they put in his arm. I did not notice any sores on him any where else at that time. His health appeared to be bad otherwise. He seemed puny all over + weakly. Nothing the matter with his lungs that I recollect of. His health was puny up to his death. Before he was taken down sick he broke out in little specks just like he had the measles - just seemed like little blisters. That was not more than 3 or 4 weeks before he took down bed-fast. Under his arms it got so sore that they couldn't handle him in bed. There were no splotches on his face that I recollect. No sores that I recollect of. He was down bed fast I expect 2 or 3 wks. Dr. James Bashon of Mountainburg Ark treated him. I thought he died with pneumonia fever. I didn't hear the Dr or any body else say so. Well, I just had the idea that it was pneumonia, but I can't tell why I thought so. I reckon I must be mistaken about it being pneumonia. I've had so much trouble and when I get bothered I can't get the right end of it. Well, I can hardly imagine the cause of his death - unless it was that vaccine. That was what I was trying to get at when I said it was pneumonia. I can't tell why I think it was the vaccinnation that killed him. When I get wool-gathered I can't think of any thing. I can't tell what I want to tell. I was present when soldier died. I don't recollect of any his W. T. X Crabtree Attest Milsey Crabtree mark H.N. Patton Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19 day of Mch , 1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing. H.N. Patton Special Examiner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1850 United States Census: District 2, Daviess, Kentucky; Roll M432_198; Page: 443A; Image: 205. William Crabtree 55 Kentucky Susan Crabtree 18 Tennessee Sully Crabtree 14 Kentucky Riley Crabtree 12 Kentucky Ann F Crabtree 8 Kentucky Lydia Crabtree 6 Kentucky William Crabtree 4 Kentucky 1860 United States Census: Valley, Madison, Arkansas; Roll: M653_45; Page: 385; Image: 385; Family History Library Film: 803045. 288 Crabtree Wm 70 1790 Male Tennessee 288 Crabtree Mary 30 1830 Female Tennessee 288 Crabtree Margaret 18 1842 Female Kentucky 288 Crabtree Thos 17 1843 Male Kentucky 288 Crabtree John 7 1853 Arkansas 288 Crabtree Sylvania 4 1856 Female Arkansas 288 Crabtree James 2 1858 Male Arkansas 288 Patrick Jemima 16 1844 Female Arkansas 289 Gulley George 60 1800 Male 289 Gulley Sarah 55 1805 Female Civil War Service Records about Thomas Crabtree Name: Thomas Crabtree Company: C Unit: 17 Kentucky Infantry. Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private Allegiance: Union 1870 Census: Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll M593_51; Page: 180; Image: 132. Thos. Crabtree 28 M W Farm Laborer 500 Arkansas Artull Crabtree 30 F W Keeping House Arkansas S J Crabtree 16 F W Arkansas Thos Crabtree 14 M W Arkansas Dona Crabtree 12 F W Arkansas Doad Crabtree 10 F W Arkansas Mary Crabtree 4 F W Arkansas Sarah Crabtree 4 F W Arkansas S A Crabtree 1 F W Arkansas same page E. H. Brukit 31 M W Farm Laborer Arkansas Angeline Burukit 21 F W Keeping House Illinois next residence: Jackson Brukit 46 M W Farm Laborer 300 Tennesssee John Brukit 16 M W Arkansas N. C. Brukit 14 F W Keeping House Arkansas M. H. Brukit 8 F W Arkansas L. C. Brukit 6 F W Arkansas Wm. Brukit 2 M W Arkansas Abraham Burket 40 M W Farm Laborer Tennessee next two residences: W. P. Shipley & Eliga Shipley 1880 Census: Source Information: Census Place Cedar Creek, Crawford County, Arkansas, USA Family History Library Film 1254041 NA Film Number T9-0041 Page Number 504C Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace W. T. CRABTREE Self M Male W 36 KY Farmer TN TN Sousen CRABTREE Wife M Female W 45 TN Keeping House TN TN Mary CRABTREE Dau S Female W 12 AR --- --- Sarah CRABTREE Dau S Female W 12 AR --- --- Sousen CRABTREE Dau S Female W 10 AR --- --- Milles CRABTREE Son S Male W 8 AR --- --- 1900 United States Census: Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: 56; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0049; FHL microfilm: 1240056. Arnold William D Head White Male 26 Married 8 1892 Oklahoma Arkansas Arkansas Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas Arnold Sarah E Wife White Female 31 Married 8 1892 Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas Arnold Henry T Son White Male 7 Single Arkansas Oklahoma Arkansas Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas Arnold Lettie Daughter White Female 1 Single Arkansas Oklahoma Arkansas Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas Arnold Sarh E Daughter White Female 1 Single Arkansas Oklahoma Arkansas Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas Crabtree William T Head Father in Law White Male 58 Married 33 1867 Kentucky Tennessee Tennessee Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas Crabtree Susan A Mother in Law White Female 66 Married 33 1867 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas 1910 United States Census: Cedar Creek, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: T624_48; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0003; FHL microfilm: 1374061. 73 Crabtree William T Head Male White 67 1843 Married Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky 73 Crabtree Susan A Wife Female White 74 1836 Married Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee United States Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933 Name: William Thomas Crabtree Event Type: Pension Event Date: 1907-1933 Event Place: United States Form Type: Army Invalid Death Date: 22 Apr 1927 Arkansas Death Index, 1914-1950 Name: William Crabtree Event Type: Death Event Date: 03 Apr 1927 Event Place: Crawford, Arkansas Affiliate Film Number: 19241933 | Crabtree, William Thomas (I05801)
88 | Rev. James Skaggs, who joined Liberty Baptist Church in 1802, was the son of Old James Skaggs of Skaggs Station. He moved his membership from Liberty to Lynn Camp Church prior to his death in January 1814. Rev. William Downs said of him: "I have no doubt but James Skaggs, was a man who supported as unspoiled a character as any other man upon earth, and was perhaps, as much esteemed by his neighbors. His independence in religious sentiments, were not exceeded by any preacher." SOURCE: "Pioneer Baptist Church Records of South Central Kentucky and the Upper Cumberland of Tennessee, 1799-1899" FHL US/CAN Book 976 K2c, pg.224. ********************************************************** SOURCE: Kentucky Skaggs Records, by Juanita Skaggs Luttrell Page 336 - 337 - Green County, Kentucky Order Book #6, Page 447 - 25 Oct 1819 Wm. SKAGGS is appointed guardian to the infant heirs of Stephen SKAGGS dec'd and also the infant heirs of James SKAGGS dec'd. it is ordered that Math. OWENS, James SCOTT & Wm. BARNETT be appointed Commissioners to divide the land of James SKAGGS, Senr. dec'd. between the sons and daughters of his three sons Stephen SKAGGS, Henry SKAGGS, & James SKAGGS which three sons have departed having rec'd a joint deed from their father for said land this life. It is ordered that the said Commissioners Convey to the sons and daughters of the said Stephen SKAGGS dec'd their proportion of said lands and in like manner convey to the sons and daughters of Henry SKAGGS dec'd. their proportions and in like manner to the sons daughters of James SKAGGS dec'd. their porportion of said land. ********************************************************** | Skaggs, Rev. Rev. James III (ind4288514173)
89 | (3-446.) DEPOSITION ________ Case of Sarah Shipley , No. 379,798 On this 22 day of Mch , 1890 , at Chester , County of Crawford , State of Ark. , before me, H. N. Patton , a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Nathan Shipley , who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I was 30 years old the 6th day of this month : occupation teacher: P.O. address Chester Crawford Co. Ark. The claimant in this case is my grandmother. I was but 10 years old when my Uncle James Shipley died, but I remember where the bed was and just how he looked. He died at my mother's house and I was present when he died. He died of some kind of fever but I don't know whether it was pneumonia or typhoid. I know he was sick a wk or over, but that is guess work. I saw them dress him and I remember his legs and arms were very small - nothing but skin + bones and his limbs were spotted - black spotted. I don't remember that there were any sores or ulcers on his legs or arms. I can't remember seeing any breaking out on his face. I heard them talking about him being broke out on the breast. He made our house his home nearly. He had been working pulling fodder somewhere and he came to our house that night - the night he was taken sick. I think he was pulling fodder for my Uncle Park Shipley, dec'd. I don't remember how he acted when taken sick. I remember about him taking sick at our house sometime in the night and remaining there until he died and it was always my understanding that he died with some kind of fever either pneumonia or typhoid, and I heard that he overheated himself pulling fodder - all of them were talking about it while he was sick. And that is about all I do know. Page 28 Deposition H Page 29 I have no illwill or prejudice against the claim. I have understood the questions asked and my answers have been correctly recorded herein. Nathan Shipley Deponent Deponent Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22nd day of Mch , 1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing. H.N. Patton Special Examiner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Feb 1930 Daily Fayetteville, Ark Newspaper Funeral services were held this afternoon at three at Mt. Comford for Nathan P. Shipley found dead Sunday. Mr. Shipley is father of Elizabeth Shipley of this place, an uncle of W. G. Shipley of local Shipley Baking Co. and brother of W. L. Shipley of Fort Smith. Mr. Shipley was born 6 Mar. 1860 near Van Buren and lived first at Chester and later near Springdale. Survived by wife Mary T. and five daughters. Mrs. E. A. Bennett, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Elizabeth, Teacher in local schools. Hazel Shipley of Tulsa. Nora Shipley who resides at her parents home and Mrs. J. C. Marshall of Little Rock. Three sons S. W. Shipley Hindsville, Harold at home and Norman at Prairie Grove. He was borther of Rev. T. W. Shipley of Siloam Springs and J. W. Shipley of Van Buren. Mr. Shipley left home at 11:30 o'clock and when he did not return home for dinner a search was started. He was found dead at a nearby vacant house where he had gone. Research of Susan Kimes Burgess: 1860 Census: Upper Township, Crawford County, Arkansas enumerated Aug 1, 1860 ; Post Office: The Narrows Series: M653 Roll: 40 Page: 720 14 801 773 Nathan Shipley 28 M Farmer 1000 1611 Tenn 15 Elisabeth Shipley 28 F Arks 16 Elisa J. Shipley 8 F Arks 17 William Shipley 6 M Arks 18 Thomas Shipley 4 M Arks 19 James Shipley 2 M Arks 20 Nathan Shipley 9/12 M Arks 21 Throb Shipley 65 F Unknown Over 20 can't read or write 22 James Shipley 12 M Arks 23 Elijah Shipley 10 M Arks 1870 Census: Upper Township, Crawford County, Arkansas enumerated July 28, 1870; Post Office: Lees Creek Series: M593 Roll: 51 Page: 245 1 73 73 Shipley, Elisabeth 39 F W Keeping House 800 400 Ark 2 Shipley, William 16 M W Farm Laborer Ark 3 Shipley, James 14 M W Farm Laborer Ark 4 Shipley, Thomas 12 M W Farm Laborer Ark 5 Shipley, Elisa 18 F W Ark 6 Shipley, Nathan 10 M W Ark 7 Shipley, Jefferson 8 M W Ark 8 Shipley, Margaret 66 F W Keeping House 300 300 Ky | Shipley, Nathan Pascal (I01603)
90 | PETITION FOR A NEW STATE (List alphabetized from "The Ten Mile Country and Its Pioneer Families"). Fayette, Washington & Greene Co PA and Ohio & Monongalia C o VA (From an original petition for a new state located in the Library of Congress. No date on document. Papers of the Continental Congress No 48, Folios 251-6, pages 89-96). The names in this petition, which is not dated, seem at times to be taken from the militia rolls, and if circulated after 1780 contains names of persons deceased or moved from the district. There is no attempt to conceal the fact that the signatures were written by the prime agitators of the movement as many of those names which appear here could only make their mark. John Bartley, Abraham Scott, Alexander Scott, Andrew Scott , Ebenezer Scott, James Scott, John Scott, Robert Scott, Wi lliam Scott ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------- The 1787 Russell County, Virginia Personal Property Tax List First Section Name White Males 21+ White Males 16-2 1 Blacks 16+ Blacks under 16 Horses Cattle Scott, Alexand r 1 - - - 9 3Scott, James 1 1 - - 1 -Scott, James 1 - 1 - 1 6 13 ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------------------- Wahington / Russell County Deeds Page 53 - Alexander Scott...272 ac...Commissioners Certificate...on both sides of a small branch the waters of the north fork of Cedar Creek, branch of Clinch River...Beginning by a branch near the foot of the House & Barn Mountain... corner to Richard Prices land...corner to Henry Smiths land ...January 20, 1783 - Alexander Scott...300 ac...on Cedar Creek, branch of Clinch River, includes improvements, actual settlement made in 1774...August 22, 1781 The Washington County Surveyors Record 1781-1797 Page 16 - Phillip Crume...400 ac on the north side of Clynch in new garden adjoining John Lewis and Alexander Scott, includes his improvements, actual settlement made in 1776... September 4, 1782 77 - November 9, 1789 - William Priest - 147 ac - part 2 Tr easury Warrants: 100 ac by 9806 dated December 11, 1781 & 4 7 ac by 12668 dated June 28, 1782 - on both sides of the north fork of Cedar Creek - on the north side of Priests Mountain, line of tract granted to David Priest - crossing the north fork of Cedar Creek - corner of Alexander Scott 195 - September 17, 1794 - James McFarland, assignee of Alexander Scott - 23 ac - part Treasury Warrant 8174 dated Feb ruary 2, 1782 - on both sides the north fork of Cedar Creek - corner to John Horton, Samuel Robertson and Richard Price - corner to William Priest - crossing the north fork of Cedar Creek ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------- --- WILSON, WILLIAM.--Augusta, Sept. 25, 1832. Born in Augusta , Nov. 7, 1745. Volunteered late in August, 1774, under Capt. Alexander McClenahan, Lt. William McCutchen, and Ensign Joseph Long, and marched to Point Pleasant together with the companies of Captains John Morrison, Samuel Wilson, George Mathews, and John Lewis. Captains McClenahan, Morrison, and Wilson were killed, the total loss being about 160 . The army then advanced about eighty miles toward the Indian towns, returning to Point Pleasant, and waited there a week for provisions before resuming the return. In second tour volunteered in July, 1776, under Capt. John Lyle, Lt. William McCutcheon, and Ensign Joseph Long. From the rendezvous at Lexington the troops marched under Col. William Christian to the Holston river to protect the frontier against the Indians. There were only some light skirmishes. Disbanded in December. Drafted in 1781, serving under Capt. Thomas Rankin, Lt. Alexander Scott, and Ensign William Buchanan, his colonels being Sampson Mathews and William Bowyer. Rendezvous at Waynesboro, Jan. 11th, marching to Richmond, then Fredericksburg, then Portsmouth, where they joined Gen. Steuben's army. On 11th January, 1781, he marched from Widow Teas's as Sergeant; marched to Richmond, thence to Fredericksburg, thence to Portsmouth, where they joined the main body of soldiers under Baron Steuben; was in two slight skirmishes with the British at this place; returned home and were disbanded about the 17th April; was under the command of Sampson Mathews; William Bowyer was his Colonel; Alexander Robinson was Major; the Company Officers were Capt. Thomas Rankin, Lieut. Col. Alexander Scott ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ VIRGINIA MILITIA IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR PART III Virginia's Share in the Military Movements of the Revolution page 184 Scott, Alexander, S. L., R. Dec. 16, 1777--under A. Roberts on, res. 1781. ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------- 1795 Tax List Green County, Kentucky Alexander Scott, 7-4-1795, 1 -- 1 -- -- 6 -- 18 ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -- Scott, Alexander KY GREEN CO. 1800 TAX LIST ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------ Possible Family Group Record FamilySearch® Ancestral File ™ v4.19 ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Husband's Name James SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-0J) Born: 1710 Place: , Dipple, Moray, Scotland Died: 1784 Place: Married: Abt 1741 Place: , , VA Father: John SCOTT (AFN:KBXH-07) Mother: Helen GRANT (AFN:KBXC-BD) ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Wife's Name Sarah BROWN (AFN:KBXB-93) Born: 29 Aug 1715 Place: , Rich Hill, Charles, Maryland Died: 1784 Place: Married: Abt 1741 Place: , , VA Father: Gustavus BROWN (AFN:8MSJ-4X) Mother: Frances FAWKE (AFN:KBXD-71) ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Children ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 1. Sex Name M John SCOTT (AFN:RLQJ-2T) Born: Abt 1744 Place: <, Overwharton, Stafford, Virgin ia> ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 2. Sex Name M Charles SCOTT (AFN:RLQJ-1N) Born: Abt 1746 Place: , , VA ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 3. Sex Name F Christian SCOTT (AFN:KBX9-7L) Born: 4 Mar 1745 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virg inia ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----- 4. Sex Name F Helen SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-N0) Born: 7 Jun 1737 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virgi nia Died: 15 Sep 1795 Place: ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 5. Sex Name M Alexander SCOTT (AFN:KBX9-43) Born: 10 Jul 1740 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virginia ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Alexander Sex: U Event(s): Born: 10 Jul 1740 Of Clearmont', Fauquier, 'Virginia Parents: Father: James SCOTT Mother: Sarah BROWN SCOTT ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Source Information: ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ Film Number: 1239623 Page Number: 166 Reference Number: 6023 ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ 6. Sex Name F Catherine SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-QB) Born: 22 Jan 1741 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virginia ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----- 7. Sex Name M John SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-SN) Born: Abt 1747 Place: , Westwood, Prince William, Virginia Died: Apr 1785 Place: ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 8. Sex Name M Robert SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-V1) Born: 1749 Place: Of, Westwood, Prince William, Virginia ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 9. Sex Name M William SCOTT (AFN:KBX9-B4) Born: 1751 Place: , Westwood, Prince William, Virginia Died: Dec 1787 Place: ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 10. Sex Name M Gustavus SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-XC) Born: 1753 Place: , Westwood, Prince William, Virginia Died: 1801 Place: ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 11. Sex Name M James SCOTT (AFN:2PQR-60) Born: 1 Aug 1742 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virginia Died: 1779 Place: ===================================== Possible family Connection Aquia Church in Stafford County, Virginia, was built betwee n 1751 and 1757, however there are no original tombstones that date before 1838. In the early days, most nonclergy were interred in private cemeteries near their rural homes. The Reverend John Moncure was buried under the chancel in 1764, as was his wife, Frances Brown Moncure, in 1770. John Moncure II and Anne Conway Moncure, his son and daughter- in-law, were also buried there about 1784. In consideration of repairs to the church made by Henry Wood Moncure, a half dozen or so members of his immediate family were allowed burial under the chancel in the latter part of the 19th century. The oldest known plat of the cemetery was made in 1904 by E .H. Randall, Surveyor of Stafford County. These were lots 1 through 33, directly behind the church. Lots 35 through 66 were added in 1931 by George L. Gordon, a successor i n the office of Stafford County Surveyor. Lots 67 through 133 were added in 1949, and lots 200 through 211 were added in 1977. The United States Government made a plat of the Dipple and Somerset sections in 1942. In 1943, the ten graves from Dipple (home of the Rev. Alexander Scott, Rector from 1711 until his death in 1738) and the 52 graves from Somerset (home of his successor the Rev. John Moncure) were moved to the south side of the Aquia churchyard, because the U.S. Marine Corps Reservation was enlarged to include their original sites on Chopawamsic Creek . Miss Theresa Scott had erected a wall around the Dipple cemetery in 1913, and given $1,000 to create a perpetual care fund for the Dipple cemetery. The ten graves from Dipple were these: ALEXANDER SCOTT, 1686-1738. He was not only a minister but a shrewd speculator in frontier lands, owning thousands of acres throughout the counties of Stafford, Fairfax, Prince William and Fauquier. After his wife's death, having no children, he invited his younger half-brother (the Rev. James Scott, also of Dipple Parish, Elgin, Scotland) to join him in Virginia and inherit his estate. Their father, the Rev . John Scott, 1651-1726, was also an Anglican clergyman. In his will, Alexander Scott asked that a communion service be made for Aquia. This is the handsome 1739 silver service used today on special occasions. (Manuscript: Scotts of Dipple Parish, Scotland, and Stafford, Prince William, and Fauquier Counties, Virginia, Phyllis T. Scott, Fauquier C ounty, Virginia, 1987). The tombstone of Alexander Scott i s the only remaining tabletop stone. There is, in relief, an hourglass, beneath which is a skull and crossbones, and under that an angel, head and shoulders, winged. Beneath the inscription is the coat of arms of the Rev. Mr. Scott, surrounded by the motto, "Gaudia Nancio Magna." (See Register of Overwharton Parish, 1723-1758, George H.S. King, 1961 , reprinted 1986, Southern Historical Press, Easley, S.C. , page 1186). SARAH GIBBONS BRENT SCOTT, 1692-1733, wife of Alexander Scott. She had been the widow of William Brent, of Richlands , two miles down the Potomac River from Dipple, and had one son, William Brent. Her tombstone has lost its original legs, and is now only a slabtop. It has, in relief, two winged angels, each holding a globe in the one hand and a palm branch in the other . Under these are the words, "Memento Mori", with the usual skull and crossbones. JAMES SCOTT, 17??-1782, brother of the Rev. Alexander Scott , his wife SARAH BROWN SCOTT, 1715-1784, and their son WILLIAM SCOTT, are thought to have been buried in the three original unmarked graves in the Dipple section. We think the slabtop one, long since unreadable, is the son William. Sarah was the daughter of Dr. Gustavus and Frances Fowke Brown , of "Rich Hill", Charles County, Maryland. The first five of the nine children of Rev. James Scott were born at Dipple. James moved in about 1745 to become Rector of Dettingen Parish in Prince William County, where he remained until his death 37 years later. He inherited from his brother William 8,623 acres and 30 slaves. His nine children were Helen, Alexander, Catherine, James, Christian, John, Robert , William, and Gustavus. Many of his descendants still live in that area. RICHARD MARSHALL SCOTT, 1807-1857: The eldest son of Gustavus Hall Scott, who was the youngest son of the Rev. James Scott. FRANCES FOWKE BROWN, 1691-1744: She was the wife of Dr. Gustavus Brown of Charles County, Maryland, and mother of twelve children. She died while visiting her four daughters here: Sarah Brown Scott, Frances Brown Moncure, Christian Brown Graham, and Anne Brown Horner. One son and seven daughters survived her. CHRISTIAN BROWN GRAHAM, 1719-1742: She had been married not quite two months at her death; she was the wife of John Graham, founder of Dumfries, Virginia, and daughter of Dr. Gustavus Brown and Frances Fowke Brown. ROBERT HORNER, 1718-1773: He had married Anne, daughter of Dr. Gustavus Brown. HAWKEN STONE, 1748-1810, had moved from Charles County, Maryland, to Stafford County. He was a great grandson of Governor William Stone of Maryland, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. JOHN CAILE SCOTT, Admiral, U.S. Navy, 1904-1969: He was a direct descendant of Richard Marshall Scott, and so was permitted burial in the Dipple section. --- Children of ALEXANDER SCOTT and SUSAN ??? are: 2. i. JAMES3 SCOTT, b. 1767, Russell County, Va.; d. March 1837, Green County, Ky.. 3. ii. JOHN SCOTT, b. Abt. 1769. iii. ALEXANDER SCOTT, JR., b. Bet. 1770 - 1780; d. 1828, Green Co, KY; m. (1) SARAH 'SALLY' MARTIN; b. Abt. 1786, Green County, KY; d. Abt. 1822, Green County, KY; m. (2) ELIZA BRIDGES; d. Bet. 1833 - 1840, Green County, Ky. Notes for ALEXANDER SCOTT, JR.: Order Book No. 8, Page 444, Green County Clerk's Office, Greensburg, KY dated Monday, March 18, 1833. A list of sales of the estate of Alexander H. Scott, deceased, was returned into Court by Elias Barbee, administrator, approved of and ordered to be recorded. Inventory and Settlement Book 1825 - 1833 Page No. 450 - 451. Property sold by the administrator of the estate of Alexander H. Scott on the 7th day of October, 1828 to whom and credit of 6 months. William cow....................................................$4.75..... .[son-in-law] James Scott.....................hoe.................................... ..........................1.00......[son] Elias ax......................................................... ..25 James Scott.....................hoe.................................... ..........................1.00......[son] Elias Barbee.....................chains, harness, singletrees, & wedges....1.87< Jesse table.................................................... .62< Mary Ringly (?)................5 chairs....................................................... 56¬ Elias plow...................................................... .87< Eliza cupboard................................................ .06¬....[widow?] William big wheel.............................................. .81¬....[s-i-l] Hiram bed and bedstead.................................6.25 Mary Ringly (?) ax.......................................................... .93¬ A. Underwood...................3 hogs..........................................................2.5 0 D. Blevins........................11 geese......................................................1.31¬ Jesse Roberts...................1 saddle......................................................1.93¬ Maigau Jones...................1 colt..........................................................15. 00....[grandchild?] Eliza mare.......................................................8.00.. ....[widow?] Washington Nairce (?) heifer...................................................3.50 Avery heifer.....................................................3.56¬ Peter cow........................................................4.93¬ M. Etherton......................7 sheep, 1st and second choice....................3.25 Mary bedstead................................................. .06¬...[daughter] Littleberry Reaves.............5 hogs..........................................................4.0 0 total..............67.06¬ signed -Elias Barbee, Administrator. ================================================================= ================================ Letter from Debbie Raque. 5-5-2000 > On my last trip to Green Co. I was talking to Barbara Wright about our > dilemma with the Scott's. I was telling her about this while a friend of > mine was looking through an index of the original settlements that Barbara > had made years ago. These are the settlements that are entered into the > settlement books. Barbara told me that these are the little pieces of > papers that people would turn in to the administrators for payment. She > said that some of the information on the papers like this is my share of my > father's estate didn't get transcribed into the list. In other words they > would just put the names and amounts and not the relationships. So of > course my mind started hoping and praying. So I asked Carolyn Scott to make > me a copy of the Alexander H. Scott settlement. I got it in the mail today. > It doesn't really tell us anything. But I think it does narrow down his > death date a little more. There are 3 notes that Alexander H. Scott signs. > One to Rebekah Young dated 13 Dec. 1826, another to Hiram Underwood, dated 3 > April 1827 and the third one is to John Meers dated 28 Jan. 1828. Then the > other papers that Elias Barbee receive were people are wanting money, dated > 7 Oct 1828, 15 Oct 1828 and 8 Nov. 1828. > > Something else that I noticed. In the lists of receipts they keep > mentioning the widow approving the notes. In the list of the pay outs the > first one is "By $8.00 the price of a mare sold to the widow. she being > entitled to a work beast". =============================================== 21/297 - 23 June 1837 - W. Barnett of Green County, Ky. and John Martin of Clark County, Ky. of the first part and the heirs of Alex H. Scott, deceased and Hiram Scott assignee of Alexander Scott Sr. deceased of Green County of the second part on Little Brush Creek containing 200 acres. ================================================================= == 4. iv. LYDDY SCOTT, b. Abt. 1782. 5. v. RHODA SCOTT, b. Bef. 1784. 6. vi. ELIZABETH SCOTT, b. Abt. 1784. 7. vii. WILLIAM SCOTT, b. Abt. 1786; d. Bef. 1810, Green County, KY. 8. viii. MARY 'POLLY' SCOTT, b. 1794, Green County, KY; d. September 01, 1854, Green County, KY. | Scott, Alexander (ind3558253132)
91 | PETITION FOR A NEW STATE (List alphabetized from "The Ten Mile Country and Its Pioneer Families"). Fayette, Washington & Greene Co PA and Ohio & Monongalia C o VA (From an original petition for a new state located in the Library of Congress. No date on document. Papers of the Continental Congress No 48, Folios 251-6, pages 89-96). The names in this petition, which is not dated, seem at times to be taken from the militia rolls, and if circulated after 1780 contains names of persons deceased or moved from the district. There is no attempt to conceal the fact that the signatures were written by the prime agitators of the movement as many of those names which appear here could only make their mark. John Bartley, Abraham Scott, Alexander Scott, Andrew Scott , Ebenezer Scott, James Scott, John Scott, Robert Scott, Wi lliam Scott ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------- The 1787 Russell County, Virginia Personal Property Tax List First Section Name White Males 21+ White Males 16-2 1 Blacks 16+ Blacks under 16 Horses Cattle Scott, Alexand r 1 - - - 9 3Scott, James 1 1 - - 1 -Scott, James 1 - 1 - 1 6 13 ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------------------- Wahington / Russell County Deeds Page 53 - Alexander Scott...272 ac...Commissioners Certificate...on both sides of a small branch the waters of the north fork of Cedar Creek, branch of Clinch River...Beginning by a branch near the foot of the House & Barn Mountain... corner to Richard Prices land...corner to Henry Smiths land ...January 20, 1783 - Alexander Scott...300 ac...on Cedar Creek, branch of Clinch River, includes improvements, actual settlement made in 1774...August 22, 1781 The Washington County Surveyors Record 1781-1797 Page 16 - Phillip Crume...400 ac on the north side of Clynch in new garden adjoining John Lewis and Alexander Scott, includes his improvements, actual settlement made in 1776... September 4, 1782 77 - November 9, 1789 - William Priest - 147 ac - part 2 Tr easury Warrants: 100 ac by 9806 dated December 11, 1781 & 4 7 ac by 12668 dated June 28, 1782 - on both sides of the north fork of Cedar Creek - on the north side of Priests Mountain, line of tract granted to David Priest - crossing the north fork of Cedar Creek - corner of Alexander Scott 195 - September 17, 1794 - James McFarland, assignee of Alexander Scott - 23 ac - part Treasury Warrant 8174 dated Feb ruary 2, 1782 - on both sides the north fork of Cedar Creek - corner to John Horton, Samuel Robertson and Richard Price - corner to William Priest - crossing the north fork of Cedar Creek ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------- --- WILSON, WILLIAM.--Augusta, Sept. 25, 1832. Born in Augusta , Nov. 7, 1745. Volunteered late in August, 1774, under Capt. Alexander McClenahan, Lt. William McCutchen, and Ensign Joseph Long, and marched to Point Pleasant together with the companies of Captains John Morrison, Samuel Wilson, George Mathews, and John Lewis. Captains McClenahan, Morrison, and Wilson were killed, the total loss being about 160 . The army then advanced about eighty miles toward the Indian towns, returning to Point Pleasant, and waited there a week for provisions before resuming the return. In second tour volunteered in July, 1776, under Capt. John Lyle, Lt. William McCutcheon, and Ensign Joseph Long. From the rendezvous at Lexington the troops marched under Col. William Christian to the Holston river to protect the frontier against the Indians. There were only some light skirmishes. Disbanded in December. Drafted in 1781, serving under Capt. Thomas Rankin, Lt. Alexander Scott, and Ensign William Buchanan, his colonels being Sampson Mathews and William Bowyer. Rendezvous at Waynesboro, Jan. 11th, marching to Richmond, then Fredericksburg, then Portsmouth, where they joined Gen. Steuben's army. On 11th January, 1781, he marched from Widow Teas's as Sergeant; marched to Richmond, thence to Fredericksburg, thence to Portsmouth, where they joined the main body of soldiers under Baron Steuben; was in two slight skirmishes with the British at this place; returned home and were disbanded about the 17th April; was under the command of Sampson Mathews; William Bowyer was his Colonel; Alexander Robinson was Major; the Company Officers were Capt. Thomas Rankin, Lieut. Col. Alexander Scott ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ VIRGINIA MILITIA IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR PART III Virginia's Share in the Military Movements of the Revolution page 184 Scott, Alexander, S. L., R. Dec. 16, 1777--under A. Roberts on, res. 1781. ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------- 1795 Tax List Green County, Kentucky Alexander Scott, 7-4-1795, 1 -- 1 -- -- 6 -- 18 ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -- Scott, Alexander KY GREEN CO. 1800 TAX LIST ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------ Possible Family Group Record FamilySearch® Ancestral File ™ v4.19 ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Husband's Name James SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-0J) Born: 1710 Place: , Dipple, Moray, Scotland Died: 1784 Place: Married: Abt 1741 Place: , , VA Father: John SCOTT (AFN:KBXH-07) Mother: Helen GRANT (AFN:KBXC-BD) ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Wife's Name Sarah BROWN (AFN:KBXB-93) Born: 29 Aug 1715 Place: , Rich Hill, Charles, Maryland Died: 1784 Place: Married: Abt 1741 Place: , , VA Father: Gustavus BROWN (AFN:8MSJ-4X) Mother: Frances FAWKE (AFN:KBXD-71) ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Children ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 1. Sex Name M John SCOTT (AFN:RLQJ-2T) Born: Abt 1744 Place: <, Overwharton, Stafford, Virgin ia> ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 2. Sex Name M Charles SCOTT (AFN:RLQJ-1N) Born: Abt 1746 Place: , , VA ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 3. Sex Name F Christian SCOTT (AFN:KBX9-7L) Born: 4 Mar 1745 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virg inia ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----- 4. Sex Name F Helen SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-N0) Born: 7 Jun 1737 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virgi nia Died: 15 Sep 1795 Place: ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 5. Sex Name M Alexander SCOTT (AFN:KBX9-43) Born: 10 Jul 1740 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virginia ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Alexander Sex: U Event(s): Born: 10 Jul 1740 Of Clearmont', Fauquier, 'Virginia Parents: Father: James SCOTT Mother: Sarah BROWN SCOTT ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ Source Information: ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ Film Number: 1239623 Page Number: 166 Reference Number: 6023 ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ 6. Sex Name F Catherine SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-QB) Born: 22 Jan 1741 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virginia ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----- 7. Sex Name M John SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-SN) Born: Abt 1747 Place: , Westwood, Prince William, Virginia Died: Apr 1785 Place: ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 8. Sex Name M Robert SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-V1) Born: 1749 Place: Of, Westwood, Prince William, Virginia ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 9. Sex Name M William SCOTT (AFN:KBX9-B4) Born: 1751 Place: , Westwood, Prince William, Virginia Died: Dec 1787 Place: ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 10. Sex Name M Gustavus SCOTT (AFN:KBXB-XC) Born: 1753 Place: , Westwood, Prince William, Virginia Died: 1801 Place: ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------ 11. Sex Name M James SCOTT (AFN:2PQR-60) Born: 1 Aug 1742 Place: , Overwharton, Stafford, Virginia Died: 1779 Place: ===================================== Possible family Connection Aquia Church in Stafford County, Virginia, was built betwee n 1751 and 1757, however there are no original tombstones that date before 1838. In the early days, most nonclergy were interred in private cemeteries near their rural homes. The Reverend John Moncure was buried under the chancel in 1764, as was his wife, Frances Brown Moncure, in 1770. John Moncure II and Anne Conway Moncure, his son and daughter- in-law, were also buried there about 1784. In consideration of repairs to the church made by Henry Wood Moncure, a half dozen or so members of his immediate family were allowed burial under the chancel in the latter part of the 19th century. The oldest known plat of the cemetery was made in 1904 by E .H. Randall, Surveyor of Stafford County. These were lots 1 through 33, directly behind the church. Lots 35 through 66 were added in 1931 by George L. Gordon, a successor i n the office of Stafford County Surveyor. Lots 67 through 133 were added in 1949, and lots 200 through 211 were added in 1977. The United States Government made a plat of the Dipple and Somerset sections in 1942. In 1943, the ten graves from Dipple (home of the Rev. Alexander Scott, Rector from 1711 until his death in 1738) and the 52 graves from Somerset (home of his successor the Rev. John Moncure) were moved to the south side of the Aquia churchyard, because the U.S. Marine Corps Reservation was enlarged to include their original sites on Chopawamsic Creek . Miss Theresa Scott had erected a wall around the Dipple cemetery in 1913, and given $1,000 to create a perpetual care fund for the Dipple cemetery. The ten graves from Dipple were these: ALEXANDER SCOTT, 1686-1738. He was not only a minister but a shrewd speculator in frontier lands, owning thousands of acres throughout the counties of Stafford, Fairfax, Prince William and Fauquier. After his wife's death, having no children, he invited his younger half-brother (the Rev. James Scott, also of Dipple Parish, Elgin, Scotland) to join him in Virginia and inherit his estate. Their father, the Rev . John Scott, 1651-1726, was also an Anglican clergyman. In his will, Alexander Scott asked that a communion service be made for Aquia. This is the handsome 1739 silver service used today on special occasions. (Manuscript: Scotts of Dipple Parish, Scotland, and Stafford, Prince William, and Fauquier Counties, Virginia, Phyllis T. Scott, Fauquier C ounty, Virginia, 1987). The tombstone of Alexander Scott i s the only remaining tabletop stone. There is, in relief, an hourglass, beneath which is a skull and crossbones, and under that an angel, head and shoulders, winged. Beneath the inscription is the coat of arms of the Rev. Mr. Scott, surrounded by the motto, "Gaudia Nancio Magna." (See Register of Overwharton Parish, 1723-1758, George H.S. King, 1961 , reprinted 1986, Southern Historical Press, Easley, S.C. , page 1186). SARAH GIBBONS BRENT SCOTT, 1692-1733, wife of Alexander Scott. She had been the widow of William Brent, of Richlands , two miles down the Potomac River from Dipple, and had one son, William Brent. Her tombstone has lost its original legs, and is now only a slabtop. It has, in relief, two winged angels, each holding a globe in the one hand and a palm branch in the other . Under these are the words, "Memento Mori", with the usual skull and crossbones. JAMES SCOTT, 17??-1782, brother of the Rev. Alexander Scott , his wife SARAH BROWN SCOTT, 1715-1784, and their son WILLIAM SCOTT, are thought to have been buried in the three original unmarked graves in the Dipple section. We think the slabtop one, long since unreadable, is the son William. Sarah was the daughter of Dr. Gustavus and Frances Fowke Brown , of "Rich Hill", Charles County, Maryland. The first five of the nine children of Rev. James Scott were born at Dipple. James moved in about 1745 to become Rector of Dettingen Parish in Prince William County, where he remained until his death 37 years later. He inherited from his brother William 8,623 acres and 30 slaves. His nine children were Helen, Alexander, Catherine, James, Christian, John, Robert , William, and Gustavus. Many of his descendants still live in that area. RICHARD MARSHALL SCOTT, 1807-1857: The eldest son of Gustavus Hall Scott, who was the youngest son of the Rev. James Scott. FRANCES FOWKE BROWN, 1691-1744: She was the wife of Dr. Gustavus Brown of Charles County, Maryland, and mother of twelve children. She died while visiting her four daughters here: Sarah Brown Scott, Frances Brown Moncure, Christian Brown Graham, and Anne Brown Horner. One son and seven daughters survived her. CHRISTIAN BROWN GRAHAM, 1719-1742: She had been married not quite two months at her death; she was the wife of John Graham, founder of Dumfries, Virginia, and daughter of Dr. Gustavus Brown and Frances Fowke Brown. ROBERT HORNER, 1718-1773: He had married Anne, daughter of Dr. Gustavus Brown. HAWKEN STONE, 1748-1810, had moved from Charles County, Maryland, to Stafford County. He was a great grandson of Governor William Stone of Maryland, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. JOHN CAILE SCOTT, Admiral, U.S. Navy, 1904-1969: He was a direct descendant of Richard Marshall Scott, and so was permitted burial in the Dipple section. --- Children of ALEXANDER SCOTT and SUSAN ??? are: 2. i. JAMES3 SCOTT, b. 1767, Russell County, Va.; d. March 1837, Green County, Ky.. 3. ii. JOHN SCOTT, b. Abt. 1769. iii. ALEXANDER SCOTT, JR., b. Bet. 1770 - 1780; d. 1828, Green Co, KY; m. (1) SARAH 'SALLY' MARTIN; b. Abt. 1786, Green County, KY; d. Abt. 1822, Green County, KY; m. (2) ELIZA BRIDGES; d. Bet. 1833 - 1840, Green County, Ky. Notes for ALEXANDER SCOTT, JR.: Order Book No. 8, Page 444, Green County Clerk's Office, Greensburg, KY dated Monday, March 18, 1833. A list of sales of the estate of Alexander H. Scott, deceased, was returned into Court by Elias Barbee, administrator, approved of and ordered to be recorded. Inventory and Settlement Book 1825 - 1833 Page No. 450 - 451. Property sold by the administrator of the estate of Alexander H. Scott on the 7th day of October, 1828 to whom and credit of 6 months. William cow....................................................$4.75..... .[son-in-law] James Scott.....................hoe.................................... ..........................1.00......[son] Elias ax......................................................... ..25 James Scott.....................hoe.................................... ..........................1.00......[son] Elias Barbee.....................chains, harness, singletrees, & wedges....1.87< Jesse table.................................................... .62< Mary Ringly (?)................5 chairs....................................................... 56¬ Elias plow...................................................... .87< Eliza cupboard................................................ .06¬....[widow?] William big wheel.............................................. .81¬....[s-i-l] Hiram bed and bedstead.................................6.25 Mary Ringly (?) ax.......................................................... .93¬ A. Underwood...................3 hogs..........................................................2.5 0 D. Blevins........................11 geese......................................................1.31¬ Jesse Roberts...................1 saddle......................................................1.93¬ Maigau Jones...................1 colt..........................................................15. 00....[grandchild?] Eliza mare.......................................................8.00.. ....[widow?] Washington Nairce (?) heifer...................................................3.50 Avery heifer.....................................................3.56¬ Peter cow........................................................4.93¬ M. Etherton......................7 sheep, 1st and second choice....................3.25 Mary bedstead................................................. .06¬...[daughter] Littleberry Reaves.............5 hogs..........................................................4.0 0 total..............67.06¬ signed -Elias Barbee, Administrator. ================================================================= ================================ Letter from Debbie Raque. 5-5-2000 > On my last trip to Green Co. I was talking to Barbara Wright about our > dilemma with the Scott's. I was telling her about this while a friend of > mine was looking through an index of the original settlements that Barbara > had made years ago. These are the settlements that are entered into the > settlement books. Barbara told me that these are the little pieces of > papers that people would turn in to the administrators for payment. She > said that some of the information on the papers like this is my share of my > father's estate didn't get transcribed into the list. In other words they > would just put the names and amounts and not the relationships. So of > course my mind started hoping and praying. So I asked Carolyn Scott to make > me a copy of the Alexander H. Scott settlement. I got it in the mail today. > It doesn't really tell us anything. But I think it does narrow down his > death date a little more. There are 3 notes that Alexander H. Scott signs. > One to Rebekah Young dated 13 Dec. 1826, another to Hiram Underwood, dated 3 > April 1827 and the third one is to John Meers dated 28 Jan. 1828. Then the > other papers that Elias Barbee receive were people are wanting money, dated > 7 Oct 1828, 15 Oct 1828 and 8 Nov. 1828. > > Something else that I noticed. In the lists of receipts they keep > mentioning the widow approving the notes. In the list of the pay outs the > first one is "By $8.00 the price of a mare sold to the widow. she being > entitled to a work beast". =============================================== 21/297 - 23 June 1837 - W. Barnett of Green County, Ky. and John Martin of Clark County, Ky. of the first part and the heirs of Alex H. Scott, deceased and Hiram Scott assignee of Alexander Scott Sr. deceased of Green County of the second part on Little Brush Creek containing 200 acres. ================================================================= == 4. iv. LYDDY SCOTT, b. Abt. 1782. 5. v. RHODA SCOTT, b. Bef. 1784. 6. vi. ELIZABETH SCOTT, b. Abt. 1784. 7. vii. WILLIAM SCOTT, b. Abt. 1786; d. Bef. 1810, Green County, KY. 8. viii. MARY 'POLLY' SCOTT, b. 1794, Green County, KY; d. September 01, 1854, Green County, KY. | Scott, Alexander (ind05545)
92 | "Nicholas (Blind Nick) McCubbin 1780-1855" It is a large volume, 768 pages, 8-1/2 x 11 inch. ---------- There are 4 possible versions of the line between John McCubbin and Nicholas McCubbin: (1)(research by Hershel McCubbin of California) John McCubbin, Colonist, & Susan Howard 1630-1686 John McCubbin & Ann Howard 1666-1736 Samuel McCubbin & Mary (Steven?) 1700-1739 John McCubbin & eleanor (Hargrave?) 1726-1752 John McCubbin & Sappho London 1750-1809 Nichlas McCubbin & Betsy Bloyd 1780-1855 (2)(research by Tom McCubbin of Arkansas) John McCubbin, Colonist, & Susan Howard 1630-1686 Col. Wm. McCubbin & Sarah Westal 1674-1752 John McCubbin & Martha Ridgely 1710- Wm. McCubbin & Eleanor Conley 1732- John McCubbin & Sappho London 1750-1809 Nicholas McCubbin & Betsy Bloyd 1780-1855 (3)(research of Nicholas Brown McCubbin of Lexington, KY) John McCubbin, Colonist, & Susan Howard 1630-1686 Zachariah McCubbin & Susannah Nicholson 1679-1753 James McCubbin & --- 1717- John McCubbin & Sappho London 1750-1809 Nicholas McCubbin & Betsy Bloyd 1780-1855 (4)(research of Clyde Jenkins in Miller County, MO) John McCubbin, Colonist, & Susan Howard 1630-1686 John McCubbin & Anne Howard 1666-1736 Wm. McCubbin & Nellie Griffith 1704- Wm. McCubbin & Eleanor Conley 1732- John McCubbin & Sappho London 1750-1809 Nicholas McCubbin & Betsy Bloyd 1780-1855 | MacCubbin, John (ind31636)
93 | (Fauquier Co., VA Deeds 7:387) 15 Dec 1781. James Duncan of Hamilton Parish, Fauquier county, Virginia, for diverse good causes, give, grant, and deliver to son Joseph Duncan 4 negroes named Peter, John, Mary and Beth, two beds and furniture and head of cattle and one mare; to my son Charles Duncan 8 negroes named Old Sam, Britton, Doll, Sarah, Frank, Lucy, Luke and Daniel and also 2 beds and furniture, 4 horses, 7 head of cattle and 18 sheep and also the plantation whereon I now live with all the corn, fodder, hay and tobacco now upon it and also every other thing except what is before mentioned to be given away; to my daughter Elizabeth wife of Francis Hume 3 negroes named Will, Moses and Winney and one colt; to my daughter Ann wife of Stephen Threlkeld 3 negroes named Adam, Young Sam and Sall, young Sam not to be delivered til after my death. /s/ James (X) Duncan Wit. John Blackwell, Cassom Day, Henry Thompson. Reg. 25 March 1782; proved on oaths of John Blackwell and Cossom Day (NOTE: Will found on RootsWeb World Connect GEDCOM of Ellis R. Brockman __________________________ "A List of Tithables in Fauquier County, Virginia, in the Year 1759" Taken by Tho. Marshall James Duncan is listed with notes showing "P't Bott'm?". Two slaves named Will and Hannah are listed as living with him. The only other Duncan listed in this tax list is Joseph Duncan. | Duncan, James (ind00403)
94 | * Note: [Pullen010502.FTW] May have been married in England. --- Sources: 1. Abbrev: Pullen010502.FTW Title: Pullen010502.FTW Note: Call number: Text: Date of Import: Jan 5, 2002 | de Gand, Constable of Ghent Constable of Ghent Henry (ind08271)
95 | * Note: Jesse Pervis and Joseph Despain on bond, 1 January 1829. * Married: 1 JAN 1829 in Green Co, Kentucky, USA | Family: Jesse Purvis / Martha Druin (fam00594)
96 | 1447. 6 Kal. Nov. (27 Oct.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 67d.)To the dean of Moray. Mandate, as below. The recent petition of William Winerstre (rectius Wincestre), priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, contained that formerly William Goldsmyth and the late James Innes resigned to John, bishop of Moray, for purpose of exchange their respective benefices, namely, the treasurership of Moray with a canonry annexed and a canonry and prebend of the same, that the said bishop carried out the exchange, and that in virtue of his collation and provision James obtained possession of the said treasurership and annexed canonry; that Eugenius IV (upon its being set forth to him on behalf of David Stewart, canon of Ross, that the said collation and provision were without force because James was at the time excommunicate and publicly proclaimed excommunicate) ordered the abbot of Kinlos, Andrew de Dvnon (sic) archdeacon of Sodor, dwelling in the diocese of Moray, and the official of Moray to summon James and others concerned, and if they found the said invalidation to be the case, to declare the said collation and provision null, and in that event to collate and assign the treasurership to David; that David consequently caused James to be summoned before John abbot of Kinlos and the said official and Andrew, and that they cited James, who appealed from them to the apostolic see; that the said pope committed the appeal to Master William de Fondera, then as now a papal chaplain and auditor, who has proceeded short of a conclusion; that whilst the cause was pending before the said auditor James died, and that bishop John has made by his ordinary authority collation and provision to the above William Winerstre. Seeing that the latter collation and provision are without force, and that David has surrendered to the pope the cause and all his right in or to the treasurership, the pope, calling up to himself the cause and extinguishing it. orders the above dean to collate and assign the treasurership, a non-major dignity with cure, value with the said annexed canonry not exceeding 30l. sterling, to William; notwithstanding that provision was lately made to him by authority of the ordinary of the precentorship (cantoria) of Caithness, a non-major dignity with cure, and its annexed canonry, their value not exceeding 20l. sterling, of which he is not in possession, and about which he is litigating in the apostolic palace, which, upon obtaining the treasurership he is, as he has offered, to resign, if he meanwhile obtain it, or all right therein or thereto. Dignum etc. (Chri. and Ja. de Vicencia. | Chri. xxx. Decimonono Kal. Januarii Anno Primo. Coronen.) [4½ pp. See Cal. Papal Lett. IX, p. 530.] From: 'Lateran Regesta 441: 1447-1448', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 10: 1447-1455 (1915), pp. 345-349. URL:"james innes" Date accessed: 13 November 2009. ====================================== 1445-[6] 14 Kal. Feb. St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 94d.)To the abbot of Kinlos in the diocese of Moray, Andrew de Dunon, archdeacon of the church of Sodor, dwelling in the said diocese [of Moray], and the official of Moray. Mandate, at the recent petition of David Stewart, a canon of Ross, M.A. (containing that William Goldismyt and James Innes resigned for purpose of exchange their respective benefices, namely the treasurership and a canonry and prebend of Moray to John, bishop of Moray who carried out the exchange; and adding that the bishop's collation and provision of the treasurership to James are without force because he was excommunicated) to declare, after enquiry, the said collation and provision null and invalid, and to collate and assign the said treasurership, a non-major dignity with cure, value not exceeding 40l.sterling, still void by the said resignation of William, to the said David, who is a kinsman of James, king of Scotland (Scocie); removing the said James, who under pretext of the said null collation and provision has detained possession for about three years; notwithstanding that David holds a canonry and prebend of Ross, value not exceeding 10l.sterling, and that the pope lately made provision to him of a canonry of Dunkeld and another of Aberdeen, with reservation of as many prebends and of a dignity etc. of one of them, which, upon his obtaining the said treasurership, shall be without force as far only as regards such dignity etc. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An and Cyprianus. | An. xxiiii. Id. Martii Anno Sextodecimo. de Adria.) [3½ pp.] From: 'Lateran Regesta, 424: 1445-1446', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 9: 1431-1447 (1912), pp. 529-531. URL:"james innes" Date accessed: 13 November 2009. =================================================== 1434. (fn. 2) 4 Id. Nov. Florence. (f. 10d.)To the bishop of Amiens, the treasurer of Aberdeen and James Innes, canon of Moray. Mandate, at the petition of Robert Scrymgeour, canon of Ross-containing that although collation and provision were made to him by authority of the ordinary of the canonry and prebend of Logy in Ross on their voidance by the death of Richard Bullok, nevertheless David de Petyne, clerk, of the diocese of Moray, wrongfully claimed them, prevented, as he still does, the said collation etc. from taking effect, and appealed to the apostolic see; that the pope at Robert's instance committed the cause of the appeal and of the principal matter to Master John Walling, papal chaplain and auditor, who by a definitive sentence declared the said collation and provision canonical, adjudged the canonry and prebend to Robert, imposed perpetual silence on David and condemned him in costs, which he afterwards assessed at 32 gold florins of the camera; and adding that he fears … secular arm etc., as above, Reg. CCCXXIII, f. 132d, mutatis mutandis. (B. and Anselmus. | B. xx. Valven.) From: 'Lateran Regesta 324: 1434-1435', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 8: 1427-1447 (1909), pp. 496-499. URL:"james innes" Date accessed: 13 November 2009. =========================================== 4 Id. Sept. Florence (f. 138d.)To James Innes, canon of Moray, M.A. Dispensation to him (who was formerly dispensed by authority of the ordinary, as the son of a priest, noble, and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to minor orders and hold a benefice without cure, and afterwards by papal authority to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold three other benefices compatible with one another, even if canonries and prebends or offices in cathedral or collegiate churches, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased, after which he obtained a canonry of Moray and the prebend of Spyne therein and the hospital of Eglyn (rectius Elgyn) in the diocese of Moray, value together not exceeding 40l. sterling, which he at present holds) to hold any compatible benefices, of any number and kind, with or without cure, even if canonries and prebends, dignities etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (B. and G. de Elten. | B. xl. Valven.) [See below, pp. 105, 107 and Cal. Lett. VIII, p. 314.] From: 'Lateran Regesta, 372: 1439-1440', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 9: 1431-1447 (1912), pp. 97-108. URL:"james innes" Date accessed: 13 November 2009. ======================================= 1447. Prid. Id. Oct. (14 Oct.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 6d.)To Alan Cant, S.T.B. Collation and provision to him, who is also M.A., of the deanery of Ross [in Scotland], a major elective dignity with cure, to which a canonry and prebend are annexed, and whose value does not exceed 40l. sterling, void and reserved (under the pope's late reservation of all major cathedral dignities, then void and to be void) by the death of James Innes; notwithstanding that he holds the perpetual vicarage of Obyn and the perpetual chaplaincy or chapel of Corigronck, in the dioceses of Aberdeen and St. Andrews, value not exceeding 12l. and 4l. sterling respectively, and that the pope has made him provision of a canonry of Glasgow and another of Dunkeld, with reservation of as many prebends and of an administration or office of one of them, even if they be elective. He is hereby dispensed to hold the deanery and vicarage together for life, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases and hold instead two other incompatible benefices, provided that they be not two parish churches or perpetual vicarages. Litterarum etc. From: 'Lateran Regesta 444: 1447-1448', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 10: 1447-1455 (1915), pp. 363-373. URL:"james innes" Date accessed: 13 November 2009. =============================================== 1442. 6 Kal. Nov. Florence. (f. 150.)To the bishops of Segorbe (Segobricen.) and Moray, and the treasurer of Brechin. Mandate as below. The petition of James Innes, dean of Ross, contained that formerly John, bishop of Moray, carried out the exchange desired by the said James and William Goldsmyith of their respective benefices, namely a canonry and prebend of Moray, and the treasurership of the same, and that in virtue thereof James is in possession of the said treasurership; and adding that at the time of the said exchange he was, by papal authority, under a sentence of excommunication for non-payment of certain moneys in the Roman court, and had been publicly proclaimed excommunicate, and that the said bishop's collation and provision do not hold good. The pope therefore, absolving the said James, who is of noble race, from the said and from any other sentences of excommunication etc., dispensing him on account of irregularity, and rehabilitating him, orders the above three to collate and assign to him the said treasurership, a non-major dignity with cure, value not exceeding 30l. sterling, howsoever void; notwithstanding that he holds the deanery of Ross, a major elective dignity with cure, value [also] not exceeding 30l. sterling, and that the pope lately dispensed him to hold for life any two benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased, provided that they were not two parish churches or perpetual vicarages. Nobilitas generis, litterarum sciencia (sic), (fn. 6) vite etc. (Blondus. | xxviii. Jo. de Collis, Collata P. Parvijohannis. A. Trapezuntius.) [3¼ pp.] From: 'Vatican Regesta 379: 1442-1446', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 8: 1427-1447 (1909), pp. 310-315. URL:"james innes" Date accessed: 13 November 2009. ================================================ 445. 7 Id. Oct. St. Peter's, Rome.(f. 44d.)To the dean of Moray. Mandate to collate and assign to Alexander Lychton, priest, of the diocese of Aberdeen, M.A. and I.U.B., the hospital called God's house near Elgin, in the diocese of Moray, which has long been wont to be assigned to secular clerks as a perpetual benefice, (fn. 6) and which was originally founded for the maintenance of poor brothers and sisters, on whose voidance by the resignation of James Innes its rector to John, bishop of Moray, that bishop committed it, temporarily and under certain conditions, to John Boyl, priest, of the said diocese, who has by his proctor William Lyel, perpetual vicar of Inchin in the diocese of Aberdeen, ceded the said commission to the pope, so that the said hospital, which is without cure and consists of temporal estates, (fn. 7) and whose yearly value does not exceed 10l. of old sterlings, is still void as above. Dignum etc. (An. and G. Gonne. | An. xxvi. Sexto Id. Januarii Anno Quintodecimo. de Adria.) [3 pp.] From: 'Lateran Regesta, 417: 1445-1446', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 9: 1431-1447 (1912), pp. 477-487. URL:"james innes" Date accessed: 13 November 2009. =========================================== 1442Oct. 27”The bishops of Segorve and Moray and the treasurer of Brechin.Collation to James Innes, dean of Ross, of the treasurership of Moray.379150314 From: 'Chronological Arrangement of Vatican Regesta Documents', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 8: 1427-1447 (1909), pp. XV-XXXVIII. URL:"james innes" Date accessed: 13 November 2009. | Innes, James (ind154182)
97 | 15 Apr 1750Baptised Moselem Church, Berks Co. PA Buried Renfro Valley Cemetary, Mount Vernon Moved to Washington KY and lived on Beachfork Creek, then toRockcastel County. Place of birth also given as Bucks Co.PA place of death also given as Rockcastle Co. Ky All family living in Rockcastle Ky 1853 :NOTE: Nov. 12, 1833, Nicholas age 93, of Mt. Vernon Ky had been a private in the command of Captain Neal of the Regiment command in North Carlina lines for 6 months servingin the Revolutionary War. He enlisted in Polk County, North Carolina, he was granted a pension. He enlisted in Polk Co. N.C.{From Rusty Houk to TLHOUK 08-1999}- Church Record that says Nicholas Hauck Berks County, Vol II, MoselemChurch- "Nicholas Hauck, son of Peter Hauck and wife Maria Schwederen, 11-26-1749, baptized 04-15-1750, sponsors Nicholas Kutz and Catherine Grimin. Moselem Church, Berks Co. PA- b. 11-26-1749, baptized 04-15-1750, Sponsor Nicholas Kutz and Catherine Grimin. He was a Revolutioner. {Joey L. Houk} reports that he is a direct descendent and traces Nicholas' movements from Virginia toWashington County, Kentucky where he lived on Beachfork Creek, and then movedto Rock Castle or Rockcastel Co. Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Richmond Township, Berks, County PA; Births and Baptisms: Hauk, Nicholas, born Nov26 1749, parents- Peter H and wf. Ana Maria n. Scwednerin. Godparents- Nicholas Kutz and Catherine Grimin {Ron Carter-papacarter): Rowan Co. Court RecordsAug 8 1778, Nichalas, Michael, George and Barnit in court. "They were in Capt. Davis' district,which means they all lived or owned land in the area. The next thing about Burke County- I say he moved to Burke Co. In 1778, Michael signed a petition for part of Rown Co. to become Burke Co. Nicholas' land could have been part of what later became Burke Co. By 1779, it appears that Nicholas moved to Burke Co. In a compilation of Burke Co. records, which includes court dockets, we find four entries: 1. Nicholas Hook, 150 acreas on Clarks Creek including North Camps branch and his own improvements, down both sides of Creek. Entered Jan 11, 1779, transferred to Francis King. 2. Warrent ordered "1785 Nicholas Houk vs. Joanna Clark, March 7 and her sons Samuel, Johnand a negro harry belonging to Thomas Whitson. 31787- Jacob Bauldwin vs. Nicholas Hock. 4. July 21, 1788-names of those convicted for profain Swearing,1 drunk, Nicholas Hook 10 oaths and drunk...{Ron Carter}: On Aug 8, 1778 Nicholas is listed as a "nonjuror" in reference to the "Register of persons who refused or neglected to appear before the justice of their respective districts and take the oath of Affirmation of Alligience to the state". Listed along with Nicholas were George, Michael and Barnit Houk. | Houck, Nicholas (ind03615)
98 | 1860 Census of Taylor Co., Kentucky Richard W. Skaggs, 27, M, Farmer, personal property - $150, KY Elizabeth Skaggs, 30, F, KY John Skaggs, 6, M, KY William Skaggs, 5, M, KY James Skaggs, 4, M, KY Marshall T. Skaggs, 4 months, M, KY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1867 Tax List of Taylor Co., Kentucky Richard W. Skaggs, 70 acres - Big Brush Creek - $140, 1 horse - $50, 6 cattle - $15, total value - $205, 1 white male over 21, enrolled in militia, 4 children between 6 and 20, 2 hogs over 6 months old, 800 pounds of tobacco, 150 bushels of corn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1870 Taylor Co., Kentucky Census, Precinct 1, Post Office Saloma R. W. Skaggs, 44, M, W, Farmer, $300, $250, LA Nancy Skaggs, 35, F, W, Keep House, KY John C. Skaggs, 17, M, W, Farm Labor, KY William A. Skaggs, 16, M, W, Farm Labor, KY James F. Skaggs, 13, M, W, Farm Labor, KY Marshall T. Skaggs, 8, M, W, KY Jesse J. Skaggs, 6, M, W, KY Richard F. Skaggs, 4, M, W, KY ********************************************************* Richard was born 3/15/1824 in ? Louisina or Louisa, Ky. Died in 12/8/1913 in LaRue Co., Ky. Married 2 Underwood sisters: Elizabeth and Nancy from Green Co., Ky. 1850 Census in Green Co., Ky., list him as a laborer living with Stephen S. and Sarah Skaggs. They had 2 girls: Nancy 11 yrs. and Mary 6 years. Has Richard @ age 21, born in Louisina. Who were his parents and was he really born in Louisina? Bellen Yancey \ Spouse: Mary Simpson Disc #96 Pin #827655 Marriage: Place: Spouse: Mary Pierce Disc #96 Pin #827656 Marriage: Place: Spouse: Bellen Yancey Disc #96 Pin #827657 Marriage: Place: # Census: 1850 Green County, Kentucky # Census: 1860 Taylor County, Kentucky # Census: 1870 Saloma, Taylor County, Kentucky Federal Census # Census: 1880 Otter Creek, Larue County, Kentucky Federal Census # Census: 1900 District 2, Larue County, Kentucky Federal Census # Census: 1910 Buffalo, Larue County, Kentucky Federal Census # Note: Richard W Skaggs Enumeration District: 0080 Color: W Age: 84 Birth Place: Louisiana Visit: 0168 County: Larue Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Nancy 70, Kentucky Grandson Raymand W 13, Kentucky 1860 Taylor County, Kentucky Federal Census - Page 527 Richard listed as Richard W. Skaggs, age 27, Farmer born Kentucky wife listed as Eliz., age 23, born Kentucky children listed as: John Skaggs, age 6, born Kentucky Wm. W. Skaggs, age 5, born Kentucky James Skaggs, age 4, born Kentucky Marshall T. Skaggs, age 4/12, born Kentucky 1870 Taylor County, Kentucky Federal Census - Richard listed as R. W. Skaggs, age 44, Farmer born Louisana wife listed as Nancy, age 35, born Kentucky children listed as: John C. Skaggs, age 17, born Kentucky William A. Skaggs, age 16, born Kentucky James F. Skaggs, age 13, born Kentucky Marshall T. Skaggs, age 8, born Kentucky Jesse J. Skaggs, age 6, born Kentucky Richard F. Skaggs, age 4, born Kentucky 1880 Larue County, Kentucky Federal Census - Richard listed as Richard Skaggs, age 52, Farmer born Kentucky wife listed as Nancy, age 41, born Kentucky children listed as: James F. Skaggs, age 23, born Kentucky Marshall T. Skaggs, age 21, born Kentucky Jesse J. Skaggs, age 16, born Kentucky Richard F. Skaggs, age 14, born Kentucky Alice J. Skaggs, age 9, born Kentucky Delila A. Skaggs, age 7, born Kentucky 1900 Larue County, Kentucky Federal Census - Richard listed as Richard Skaggs, age 74, born March 1826, Farmer born Kentucky wife listed as Nancy, age 60, April 1840, born Kentucky Father: ??? Skaggs b: in Kentucky Mother: Nannie ??? b: in Kentucky From 1850 Green Co., Kentucky census, district 2, page 132: 0166 SKEGGS, Stephen 30 M Farmer Sarah 31 F Nancy 11 F Mary 6 F Richard 21 M Labourer LA From: "Ida Lancaster" Subject: [SKAGGS] Richard Wade Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 15:14:34 -0500 Green co., Ky.: This indenture made this 4th day of Oct. l84l between Richard Wade Skaggs of the one part and John Mears of the other part witnesseth that they County court of Green County by the order of said court made at the Oct. term thereof in the year l84l ordered John Barret Clerk of said court to bind out the said Richard W. Skaggs---l4 years in March l842 to John Mears until the said Richard W. Skaggs shall arrive at the age of 21 years to learn the art trade and mystery of farming whereupn----of the said order and the law in such case made and provided the said Richard Wade Skaggs by John Barret Clerk aforesaid---bind himself and apprentice. The said Richard to learn the said art trade and mystery of a farm and covenant that he will faithfully serve the said Mears in all his lawful business and shall strictly observe all his reasonable commands and shall not at any time absent himself from business or depart without leave and all other things shall well and truly demand himself as an honest apprentice and the said John Mears on his part agrees and doth covenant to teach the said art trade and mystery in all it branches. I believe that Richard Wade Skaggs is listed with Steven and Sarah Skaggs in l850. He was 2l years old. He was listed as being b. in La. So, he was b. about l827. I don't know who he belongs to, if any of you know, please contact me. Mo. was a part of La. purchase and was considered La. until about l806. l850 Green Co., Ky.: Stephen 30 b. Ky. Sarah 31 b. Ky. Nancy ll b. Ky. Mary 6 Richard 2l labor b. La. When he was 4l years old he md. a 2nd. time on Aug. 6, l868. At that time he lived in Taylor Co. He is listed as being b. in La. His father was b. Ky., and so was his mother. He md. Nancy Thompson. She was 24, her 2nd marriage. She lived in Taylor Co., but was b. Green Co., Ky. They were md. at Mary Underwoods. Green co., Ky., Order Books: Sept. 2, l836, John Skaggs vs. Jeremiah Skaggs. This day came the complainants by his counsel and filed his bill herein and on his motion and its appearing to the satisfaction of the courts that Jeremaih Skaggs, Richard Wade & Mary his wife formerly Skaggs, Wm. Graham and Sally his wife formerly Skaggs, Stephen Skaggs, James Skaggs, Nancy Skaggs, Elizabeth Skaggs, Jeremiah Skaggs, James Skaggs, John Pearce & Letta his wife, Henry Skaggs, James Skaggs, John Patterson and Jane his wife, John Jackson and Elizabeth his wife are not inhabitants of this Commonwealth. It is therefore ordered by the court that unless the sd. non resident defendants to appear here on or before the lst day of Dec. term next and file their answer to the complainants bill that said bill will be taken against them as confessed and the prayer thereof decreed accordingly. Then John also sues William Skaggs & the same people are listed. I might suggest that you write to the county clerk in Green Co., Ky. and see if he can send you a copy of this law suit. It might give more info. as to how all these people are kin to Richard W. I have found that these law suits sometimes gives tons of info. Ida at the top of Texas From: "Ginny Keen" Subject: [SKAGGS] richard wade skaggs Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 16:49:03 -0500 This is what I have RICHARD W. SKAGGS b. l833, l860 census says he's 27, l870-44, l880-52 m. ELIZABETH UNDERWOOD m. NANCY A. STILLWELL b. 4/10/1845 d. 3/30/1917 his father was WILLIAM T. SKAGGS b. l806-l807 m. 3/5/1828 SUSANNA REEVES HIS FATHER WILLIAM SKAGGS m. MARGARET HOOVER 4/27/1803 m. 7/17/1841 JANE NICHOLS his father JACOB SKAGGSb. l759-1760 d. Oct. l830 or l803 m. FRANCIS WHITT m. MARY JANE GORE EDWARDS WARNELL his father JAMES SKAGGS m. RACHEL THOMAS SKAGGS BUSEL SKAGGS or RUSSELL?? HOPE THIS HELPS. DON'T KNOW WHY I HAVE RW as WM. T.S son but could look further if I need to also contact for info on Wm. T. ginny | Skaggs, Richard Wade (ind00023)
99 | 24 April 1412 had a court action with Sir Thomas Grosvenor preciding, over his wife's estate going to Joanna's son. Robert Legh of Adlington, Knight. He was Sheriff of Cheshire 17th and 22nd of Richard II, 1394 and 1399. He was still living 13th of Henry IV, 1412. He was older brother of Piers de Legh, who received Lyme and was ancestor of Leghs of Lyme. Robert de Legh was heir to his father of the Manor of Adlington, and also lands juxta Lyme, Northwich, Stokeport and Hyde. He married Isabel, daughter of Sir Thomas Belgrave, of Pulford, and Joan de Pulford. This marriage of Joan de Pulford with her first husband, Thomas de Belgrave, took place in her minority, when she was a ward of the Earl, in consequence of her lands in Dunham Massy being held from the earldom by military service. The marriage took place without the license of the Earl, and for this breach of feudal privileges Thomas de Belgrave was fined 400 marks. The fine appears to have been paid by installments of 50 marks each, one of which was paid 35th of Edward III, 1361, and the third payment occurs in the ministers accounts, 37th and 38th of Edward III, œ166-13s-4d being then due. The inquisition taken 35th of Edward III states Joan to be 14 years of age. It has been stated in the accounts of Pulford that the estates of this family name were settled 40th of Edward III, on the issue of this marriage, namely, Maud, Elizabeth or Isabel and Joan. Joan, wife of Thomas, de Belgrade, died before 1397. She married 2nd, before 1289, Sir Robert Grosvenor. It is proved that one of the heirs of Thomas Belgrave did marry and have issue, in the following record: Robert Legh of Adlington was asked, as the principal agent in a singular and impressive ceremony, to relinquish his claims to Joan's estate in favor of his half-brother, Sir Thomas Grosvenor, Joan's son by her 2nd husband. This relinquishment was made with very unusual circumstances, devised probably from a wish to add to its impressiveness and notoriety, it was then agreed that Sir Thomas Grosvenor should take a solemn oath on the body of Christ, in the presence of 24 gentlemen or as many as he wished. Accordingly, the Chaplain celebrated a mass of the Holy Trinity, and Thomas Grosvenor swore on the Lord's body that he believed in the truth of these charters. (This was in 1412, when England was all Catholic; in fact, this was before the Reformation. E. E. W.) On April 24, 1412, Grosvenor, Robert Legh and Henry de Birtheles, counsel for Grosvenor, read in the Macclesfield Chapel a series of deeds relating to successive settlements by the Pulford family of their several manors. Then Robert Legh acknowledged the right of all said lands to be vested in Grosvenor and his heirs and an instrument to that effect was drawn by the notary, in the presence of the clergy, and attested by the seals and signatures of 58 knights and gentlemen. Seldom will the reader find a more goodly group collected together, nor will he devise a ceremony which would assory better with the romantic spirit of the times, and which turned a dry legal conveyance into an exhibition of chivalrous pageantry. (Among the names of those 58 signers were many of your ancestors, William Stanley, Hugh Venables, Hugh Dutton, Randle Maynwaringe, Lawrence Warren, Robert Winnington, John Legh and Robert Davenport. E. E. W.) Belgrave's paternal estates remained in the Legh of Adlington family until the reign of Elizabeth, when they were sold in parcels, the Manor of Belgrave being sold and conveyed to the Grosvenors. Pulford at the time of the Domesday survey was divided into unequal shares, between the secular canons of St. Werburg, the former possessors, and Hugh FitzOsborne, who had ejected the Saxon proprietor. There is strong reason for believing the Pulfords to be descended from Hugh FitzOsborne, the Norman grantee. (Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 661-662) | Legh, Sir Sir Robert II (ind30895)
100 | Adeliz (or Alice), m. (1) Richard Fitz Gilbert (also styled de Clare), lord of Clare, Suffolk, d. 1136; m. (2) Robert de Condet (or Cundy), d. c 1141, lord of Thorngate Castle in the city of Lincoln, and of Wickhambreux, Kent, Grimston, co. Notthingham, and South Carlton, Thurlby, Eagle and Skellingthorpe, co. Lincoln, son of Osbert de Condet (or Cundy), d. by 1130, lord of Wickhambreux, Kent, Grimston, co. Nottingham, and South Carlton, Eagle and Skellingthorpe, co. Lincoln, by Adelaide, daughter and heir of William de Chesney, lord of Caenby and Glentham, co. Lincoln. [Magna Charta Sureties] # Note: # Note: ------------------------ # Note: # Note: Adeliz (or Alice), daughter of Ranulph le Meschin, Earl of Chester, by Lucy, widow (1) of Ivo Taillebois and (2) Roger Fitz Gerold. She m. (2) Robert de Condet (or Cundy), d. c 1141, lord of Thorngate Castle, Lincoln, etc., son of Osbert de Condet. [Ancestral Roots, Line 246b-25] Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999 Page: 132d-27, 246b-25 Title: Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999 Page: 132d-27,Text: no date, 1st husband ,Text: date implied by death of 1st husband ,153-2 | de Meschines, Adeliza (ind06836)