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101 Allen's Family Tree & Ancient Genealogical Allegations
Tour Egypt Website
10th & final pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty

Osorkon IV
735-712 B.C.
22nd Dynasty

Osorkon IV was the tenth and final ruler of the Twenty-second Dynasty. During his reign, Hoshea, the king of Israel, sent messengers to Osorkon in Egypt. He was requesting help against Shalmaneser V. No help was sent. Samaria was captured and the Israelites were taken away to Assyria. There was also threats from Sargon II, who was the Assyrian king. To try to avoid an attack, Osorkon IV tried a rich gift and it apparently worked. The Assyrian king came no further.

Ma, Osorkon IV (ind01443)
102 Amyntas II Argaead was the son of King of Macedonia Alexander I Philhellene Argaead.2,3 He was a Persian sovereign.1 Sources: 1. Hammond, N.G.L. and Griffith, G.T. 'A History of Macedonia' Vol.II, chart between pp.176-177.
Children of Amyntas II Argaead:
Arrhidaeus Argaead+
Balakros Argaead +
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 413-83. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 413-84.
[S669] M. B. Sakellariou, Macedonia, 4000 Years of Greek History and Civilization, Greek Lands in History (8, Philadelphias Street, Athens, Greece: Ekdotike Athenon S.A., 1983/1988), pg. 115. Hereinafter cited as Sakellariou.

Macedonia, Amyntas Of II (ind01261)
103 Apama II of Bactria married King of Syria Seleucus I Nicator of Macedonia, son of Antiochus of Macedonia and Laodice (?) , 0324 BC in Susa.1,2 She was born 0340 B.C.. She was the daughter of Satrap Spitamenes of Bactria and N. N. of Bithynia. Sources: 2. Bryan, K. 'Davidic Descents to the House of Plantagenet' Augustan, Vol. XXV, 16-23. ; 3. Yarshater, E. 'The Cambridge History of Iran' Vol.3#1, pp.4. ; 4. Green, P. 'Alexander to Actium' pp.734.
Children of Apama II of Bactria and King of Syria Seleucus I Nicator of Macedonia:
Prince of Syria Achaeus Seleucid + b. 0320 B.C.
King of Syria Antiochos I Soter Seleucid + b. 0324 B.C., d. 0261 B.C.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 414-80. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 415-80.

Baktria, Apama II (ind01353)
104 Apama Seleucid married Magas of Cyrene, son of Philip of Macedonia and Queen of Egypt Berenice I of Macedonia, 0275 B.C., circa.2 She was born 0293 B.C.. She was the daughter of King of Syria Antiochos I Soter Seleucid and Queen of Upper Asia Stratonike I Antigonid.1,2 Apama may, or may not, be the same person os Arsinoe, the mother of Berenice II.2 Sources: 1. Stuart, R.W. 'Royalty for Commoners', line 413. ; 2. Bryan, K. 'Davidic Descents to the House of Plantagenet' Augustan, Vol. XXV, 16-23.
Child of Apama Seleucid and Magas of Cyrene:
Queen of Egypt Berenice II of Cyrene+ b. 0267 B.C.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 413-77. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S1052] Chris Bennett's Egyptian Royal Genealogy Website, online . Hereinafter cited as Egyptian Royal Genealogy.

Syria, Apama (ind01348)
105 Bartlett/Eidson Deed, 1788 - Richmond Co. Va
This Indenture made the Eighth day of November in the thirteenth year of the Common Wealth of Virginia and in the year of our lord God One thousand seven hundred and Eighty Eight Between John Bartlett of the Parish of St. Mark and County of Culpeper (Planter) of the one part, and Edward Eidson of the Parish of Lunenburg and County of Richmond (Ship Carpenter) of the other Part Witnesseth that the said John Bartlett for and in Consideration of the Sum of Forty five Pounds Specie to him in hand paid by the said Edward Eidson at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said John Bartlett doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof do fully Clearly and Abolutely acquit Exonerate and discharge the said Edward Eidson his heirs and assigns for ever by these Presents Have and Hath granted Bargained [Sob]aliened Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents Do and Doth grant Bargain sell alien Enfoef and Confirm unto the said Edward Eidson his Heirs and assigns all that Piece Parcel or Dividend of Land whereon Thomas Bartlett Sen’r Dec’d formerly lived Situate lying [ ] being in the paris of Lunenburg and county of Richmond [ ] by Estimation ninety acres be the same p 78. more of less and bounded as followeth Begining at a large red Oak in the line of Griffin Fauntleroys land being a Corner Tree to the land of the late Dec’d John Eidson Sen’r thence along the late Dece’d land by a Straight line to a Corner ash adjoining the land of John Eidson thence by a Straight line along the said John Eidsons land to a Corner red Oak being a dead Tree Just over the main Road that leads from the Beaver Dams to Rappahannock Bridge thence along the said main road to a Corner in the line of Griffin Fauntleroys land aforesaid thence along the Said Griffin Fauntleroys land by a Straight line to the Begining Relation thereunto being had with more fully and at large appear Together with all houses out houses Edifices Yards Gardens Orchards woods Underwoods, ways waters Watercourses Profits Previledges Commodities and appurtenances whatsoever to the said piece Parcel or Dividend of land belonging or in any wise appurtaining and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof and also all the Grant Right Title and Interest of in and unto the said Ninety acres of land hereby granted To have and to hold the said Ninety acres of land and other the Premises unto the said Edward Eidson his Heirs and Assigns to the Proper use and behalf of the said Edward Eidson hi Heirs and assigns forever and the said John Bartlett for himself and his respective heirs Exor’s Adm’ors and Assigns Do Covenant Promise and Grant to and with the said Edward Eidson his Heirs & Assigns by these presents in manner following (that is to say) that the said John Bartlett now and at the Sealing and delivery of these Presents is lawfully and absolutely Siezed of and in the said Piece Parcel or Dividend of land hereby Granted of [ ] Sure and [ ] p79. indeifetable Estate of inheritance in fee Simple and hath Good Right full power and lawfull and absolutely authority to grant & Convey the Same unto the said Edward Eidson in manner and form aforesaid and further that the said John Bartlett and his respective Heirs and all persons claiming any Estate of interest of in and to the Premises hereby Granted by of from him shall and will at any time when required make do Execute and Acknowledge or cause to be made done Executed and Ackowledged [sic] all such further lawfull and Reasonable Act and Acts thing and things Deeds Conveyances and Assurances in the law whatsoever for the further better sure making assuring and Confirming the Premises hereby granted unto the said Edward Eidson his Heirs and Assigns as by the said Edward Eidson his Heirs and Assigns of his or their Council larned [sic] in the law shall be reasonably requested Advised and required: And Lastly that the said John Bartlett and his Several and respective Heirs the said piece parcel or Dividend of and Premises hereby granted and Sold unto the said Edward Eidson his Heirs and Assigns against them the said John Bartlett and his respective Heirs and all other Persons whatsoever shall and will Warrant [ ] harmless keep Endemnified and forever defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said Parties to these presents have Set his hand and seal the day and Year first above written John Bartlet

in presence of ---
Mathew Eidson
John Eidson
[ ] elton Willson

Extract: John Bartlett (Planter) of St Mark Par., Culpeper Co, VA deed 8 Nov 1788 to Edward Eidson (Ship Carpenter) of Lunenburg Par., Richmond Co, VA for 45 pounds: 90 acres land whereon Thomas Bartlett Sen’r dec’d formerly lived in Lunenburg Par., Richmond Co, VA: line of Griffin Fauntleroys; corner to John Eidson Sen’r, dec’d; adjoining John Eidson; just over the main Road that leads from the Beaver Dams to Rappahannock Bridge; thence along the said main road Griffin Fauntleroys land aforesaid. Derieved information: John Bartlett inherited this land in his father [Thomas’, 1767 will, recorded in 1783]. It appears John moved to Culpeper Co, VA [adjacent to Fauquier Co, VA] by 1788.


A land grant was made to Edward Eidson Jr. for 200 acres in Colleton district of South Carolina 12 Apr 1770. ( South Carolina Colonial Plats, Vol. 21, p. 294 ) This grant was not taken up and 3 Apr 1775 it was ordered for William Walton. It seems likely that Edward may have died before he could move to South Carolina, because another grant was made in 1772 in the same area to another Edward Eidson who was, in all probability, the son of Edward Jr. because research reveals that this Edward's children were born a generation after those of Edward Jr. who was married by 1737. A study done by Mary McCampbell Bell, CGRS, in 1988, revealed that the majority of the families in Edgefield County, which became the location of these land grants, came from Hanover County, Virginia. In fact, there were Waltons living in Hanover County in 1763. This, and the process of elimination of all the Edward Eidsons recorded, helps one reach the conclusion that the families in South Carolina were the descendants of Edward Jr., but no single bit of "proof" has been found. All other known Edward Eidsons have been accounted for.

Edward married Mary Penelope Wilson “Milly” daughter of Henry Wilson Sr. and Susannah Winifred Foushee about 1736.

They had the following children:

9 M i Joseph Eidson-7E2 was born in 1737 in Richmond County, Virginia. Joseph served in the military Enlisted as Colonial Soldier - bugler on 25 May 1756 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was employed as Shoe maker.
+ 10 M ii Edward Eidson Itson III-7E1/402
+ 11 M iii Henry Eidson Sr.-7E3/401
+ 12 M iv Thomas Eidson 
Eidson, Edward Jr. (ind05623)
106 c.545–597, Frankish queen. The mistress of King Chilperic I of Neustria, she became his wife after inducing him to murder his wife Galswintha (567). Fredegunde and Brunhilda, Galswintha’s sister and wife of King Sigebert I of Austrasia, were
among the leading figures in the long war (561–613) between the Frankish kingdoms of Neustria and Austrasia. Fredegunde procured the deaths of Sigebert I and of her own stepchildren. After Chilperic’s murder (584) she acted as regent for her
son Clotaire II.

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. 
Franks, Fredegunde (ind02642)
107 Canute IV of Denmark
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Canute IV, (c. 1043 – July 17, 1086), also known as Canute the Saint and Canute the Holy, was King of Denmark from 1080 until 1086. He is also the patron saint of Denmark.

Canute was the illegitimate son of Sweyn II Estridsson. Canute succeeded his brother, Harald III. Canute wanted to establish a strong royal authority on the basis of a strong church. He also considered the title of King of England to be his, as he was the grandnephew of Canute the Great, who had reigned as king of England, Denmark and Norway from 1016 until 1035. When Canute tried to force peasants from Jutland to participate in a raid against England (and its current ruler, William the Conqueror), the peasants led an uprising that culminated with his death inside the wooden Church of St. Alban's in Odense, along with his brother Benedict and 17 of their followers. In 1101 he was canonized as a saint, and in 1300 he and his brother were interred in the new Saint Canute's Cathedral.

In later Danish tradition Canute in spite of his official canonisation came to stand is the tyrant par excellence that exploited the peasantry and was killed by his freedom-loving people, an interpretation often seen in liberal history writing and left-wing poetry. Though this picture is only partly true (the farmers of early Medieval Denmark were “free men” of political influence and not a quite cowed underclass) there is hardly any doubt that his course was regarded an intolerable attack on time-honoured rights.

He married Adelaide (Adela) of Flanders, daughter of Robert I, the count of Flanders, and had a son, Charles the Good, who became count of Flanders 
Svendsson, King of Denmark King of Denmark Knute de Hellige IV (ind31977)
REFERENCE: Enumerated on the 24th day of October, 1850 by Jas. S. Ward
3 94 94 Hughes William 45 M Blacksmith Tennessee
4 94 94 Hughes Matilda 45 F Tennessee
5 94 94 Hughes Jennet 18 F Tennessee
6 94 94 Hughes General M. 16 M Farmer Tennessee X
7 94 94 Hughes George W. 14 M Tennessee X
8 94 94 Hughes Andrew J. 14 M Tennessee X
9 94 94 Hughes Cynthia a. 12 F Tennessee
10 94 94 Hughes Caroline 9 F Tennessee
11 94 94 Hughes Thomas 5 M Tennessee

William Hughes

Date and place of birth: 1805, TN
Date and place of death: 1861, Hot Springs County, AR
Date and place of marriage: 1830, Hamilton County, TN
Names of children: James H Hughes b 1825 ; Alexander Hardy Hughes b 1828; Edward Clingman Hughes b 15 May1826 TN d 16 Oct1870, sp Tabitha Caroline Bray md 30 Oct 1856, AR ; William A Hughes b 1833 d 10 Apr 1895, sp-Mary C Brooks md 22 Feb 1875/78, AR; Jennet Hughes b 1832; (Richard) General Marion Hughes b 19 Jun 1834 Hamilton Co. TN, sp-Mary Elizabeth Magby md 17 Sep 1851 b abt 1834 AL ; George Washington Hughes b 1836, sp-Martha Spencer/Spenser md 30 Jan 1856 ; Andrew J Hughes b abt 1836; Cynthia Ann Hughes b May 1837, sp-William Daniel Bray md 22 Oct 1857 ; Caroline Matilda Hughes b abt 1842 TN sp(1) George Green md 17 Dec 1857 sp (2)-Caswell C Bray ; Thomas Jefferson Hughes b abt 1845
Parents: Hardeman (Hardy) Hughes b 1770/1780 NC d 1830/1840 Hamilton Co, TN, Sinthia Cook md 27 Feb Grainger Co, TN
Name of spouse: Mathilda Clingman b. 1805, TN d. aft. 1880, DeRoche, Hot Spring Co AR
Comments: He was a Blacksmith
1840 United States Census:
Wm. Hughes Hamilton County Tennessee 
Hughes, William (I40721)
109 Cosmartidene , a concubine of Artaxerxes I associated with King of Persia and Egypt Artaxerxes I Longimanus Achaemenid, son of King of Persia and Egypt Xerxes I Achaemenid and Amestris of Persia, 0476 B.C; His 3rd.2 She was born 0491 B.C. In circa, Babylon.3 She was Babylonian.4
Child of Cosmartidene , a concubine of Artaxerxes I and King of Persia and Egypt Artaxerxes I Longimanus Achaemenid:
King of Persia and Egypt Darius II Nothus Achaemenid+ b. 0475 B.C., d. 0404 B.C.
[S197] Toby Dills, "A Descendant of Antiquity," gedcom file from e-mail address (e-mail address ) to Robert Stewart, 5 Feb 1999. Hereinafter cited as "Descendant of Antiquity".
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 414-86. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S583] Ancient Persia, online , for place. Hereinafter cited as Ancient Persia.
[S1078] Plato and his dialogues, online . Hereinafter cited as Plato and his dialogues.

Kosmartydene (ind01393)
110 D.A.R. application cites letter from US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 2-25-57. At 3, his father died and he and his mother went to live with his grandfather, Sen. J.T. Morehead. At 5, his grandfather died and his mother remarried. At 8, his stepfather died and he went to live with his Uncle Charles (personal letter). In the 1870 census, he is 19 and attending Annapolis. He was a lighthousekeeper at Alcatraz and The Farallones in later years, while son, James Jr., was Assistant Lighthousekeeper. GORE, James Morehead (I21804)
111 David of Strathbogie, 10th Earl of Atholl, as which restored by Edward II of England between 21 Aug 1307 and 20 May 1308; though stripped of such title 1314 by Robert I (The Bruce) King of Scots after rebelling against him, even though made Constable of Scotland earlier by Robert; despite the absence of any writ of summons from him to the English Parliament of 20 Oct 1318 or genuine evidence of his sitting in it he is deemed by a House of Lords resolution of 7 May 1914 to have been created 1st Lord (Baron) Strabolgi (England) in virtue of a supposed writ of summons to that body, even later writs of summons, however, were worded to "David (de) Strabolgi, comiti (ie. "Earl of") Atholl", rather than "domini (ie. "Lord") Strabolgi"; granted by Edward II Feb 1312 Manors of Elton and Cave, Yorks (forfeited 3 May 1313), and 8 Oct 1314 Manors of Aylsham, Causton and Fakenham, Norfolk, but sided 1317 on with Edward II's rebellious cousin Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, for which pardoned 22 Oct 1318 and regranted Chilham 28 Nov 1321; Chief Warden of Northumberland 1322; held a command in the English army in Gascony 1325; married Joan (died between 8 June and 24 July 1326), daughter of John Comyn of Badenoch, and died 28 Dec 1326. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 2716  
de Strathbogie, David I (ind154571)
112 David of Strathbogie, 8th Earl of Atholl; knighted 1264; married 1st Helen; married 2nd by 1265 Isabel (born after 1245; married 2nd just after 7 Nov 1270 Alexander de Balliol of Cavers and died Feb 1292), daughter of Richard of Dover/of Chilham (Kent) (son of Richard FitzRoy (died in or after 1232) by Rose, daughter and heiress of Robert of Dover, illegitimate son of King John) by Maud, Countess of Angus in her own right, thus acquiring the Manor of Chilham, and died of plague at Carthage 6 Aug 1270, having joined the 7th Crusade under Louis IX of France. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 2716
Text: no date given  
Strathbogie, Earl of Atholl Earl of Atholl David (ind23879)
113 Dubacan of Angus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dubacan of Angus is usually regarded as one of the earliest attested Mormaers. He is mentioned as Dubucan filius Indrechtaig mormair Oengusa (i.e. "Dubucan son of Indrechtach, Mormaer of Angus") in the Chronicle of the Kings of Alba, and it is told that he died along with his lord, Amlaib, son of Caustantín II at the Battle of Brunanburh (c. 937).

If Mormair is genitive of Mormaer, then language actually suggests it was Indrechtach being called Mormaer. However it is clear from the context that the text is corrupt, and that Dubacan was indeed meant as Mormaer. There is another Dubacan, called Dufagan comes in a spurious foundation charter for Scone Abbey. The latter has no province name, but he is often called Mormaer or Earl of Angus because he shares the same name as Dubacan son of Indrechtach.

Dubacan is considered a probable ancestor of Gilla Brigte of Angus. It is possible that Dubacan was succeeded by a man called Cuncar, although we have no information about their exact relationship.
of Angus, Mormaer Mormaer Dubacan (ind32023)
114 Elizabeth (died Aug 1354), widow of 2nd Lord (Baron) Montagu ofthe 1299 creation and daughter of Sir Piers de Mo(u)ntfort, ofBeaudesert, Warwicks. [Burke's Peerage]


He [William de Montagu] married, circa 1292, Elizabeth, daughterof Sir Piers DE MONTFORT, of Beaudesert, co. Warwick, by Maud,his wife, daughter and heir of Matthew de la Mare. He died 18October 1319, in Gascony. In May 1320 his widow renounced herdower in certain lands. She married, 8 June 1322, Sir Thomas DEFURNIVALLE, of Sheffield, Worksop, &c. (LORD FURNIVALLE], whodied shortly before 18 April 1332. She died in August 1354, andwas buried in the Prior of St. Frideswide (now Christ Church),Oxford, where her tomb is still to be seen in the Latin Chapel.See FURNIVALLE. [Complete Peerage IX:80-2, XIV:482, (transcribedby Dave Utzinger)]


He [Thomas de Furnivalle] married, 2ndly (pardon for marryingwithout royal licence, 8 June 1322, for a fine of œ200),Elizabeth, widow of Sir William DE MOUNTAGU, Of Shepton Montagu,Somerset, Aston Clinton,, Bucks, &c. [LORD MOUNTAGU] (who died18 October 1319), and daughter of Sir Piers DE MOUNTFORT ofBeaudesert, co. Warwick, by Maud, daughter and heir of MatthewDE LA MARE. On 13 April 1325 he had licence to convey the manorsof Sheffield, Worksop, Grassthorpe, Eyam, and Brassington, tohimself for life, with remainders to Thomas and William hissons, in successive tail general, remainder to his own rightheirs. He died shortly before 18 April 1332. On 6 June 1332 hiswidow had livery of her dower, and of the knights' fees andadvowsons of her dower, all of which had been assigned to her bythe King. She died in August 1354, and was buried in the Prioryof St. Frideswide (now Christ Church), Oxford. [Complete PeerageV:581-2, XIV:332 (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]

Longespic, Maud (ind07281)
115 Emperor of Rome in the East 378-394
Emperor of Rome 394-395
Theodosius was the son of the famous general Flavius Theodosius and was born in Spain. As a young man, he often accompanied his father in the British campaigns, but when he later died Theodosius retired to Spain. When the Roman Emperor Valens in the East died in 378, his co-Emperor Gratian in the West appointed Theodosius to rule the East as Emperor. In 382, Theodosius finally compromised with the invading Visigoths that they could remain in the Empire as long as they served in the army.
When the Roman Emperor Gratian died in 383, Theodosius recognized the usurper Maximus as Emperor in the West with the exception of Italy, where Valentinian II ruled as Emperor. In 388, Maximus attacked Theodosius, however Theodosius defeated and killed him, returning sole rule fo the West to his co-Emperor Valentinian. In 392, Valentinian's general Arbogast killed the Western Emperor and gave the crown to Eugenius as a puppet ruler in his place. Theodosius marched to Italy and defeated the two pretenders in 394, becoming the first sole Roman Emperor since the Emperor Jovian died in 364. He formally divided the Roman Empire on his death permanently into two separate, independent empires of the West and the East. He was succeeded by his sons Arcadius and Honorius to the East and West respectively.

Theodosius I (ind01140)
116 Farmed the family holdings in the the Green Ridge section west of Russellville, KY. He married twice, possibly three times, and his wives had at least four children (NY Times web page - books - "Heritage of a Heavyweight" by John Egerton): Adeline Perkins and Henrietta Elizabeth Frances Poor. By one of his slaves, Dinah, he fathered another of his slaves, Tom.

In 1850, Armstead was living with his wife, Adeline, and four children: Martha, James W., Richard, and Samuel. 
MOREHEAD, Armistead S. (I21671)
117 Francis Basham was son of Obediah and Celia Dowell Basham. Hemarried second, Nancy Barr, dau of Adam and Mary Claycomb Barr and third, Catherine Cart. Thursia (Hardin) and Francis Basham had ten children.
Baker, Nellie Fern, NELSON JOLLY, SR. AND HIS FAMILY OFBRECKINRIDGE COUNTY, KY, Gateway Press, Baltimore, 1983

1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 census, Breckinridge County, Union Star

Last Will and Testament of Francis Basham: I, Francis Basham, a farmer, being of sound mind and disposing memory do make and declare this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking any and all other wills by me at any time heretofore mad . To my sons, Daniel H. Basham, Henry W. Basham, Joel H. Basham, Richard B. Basham, I will and bequeath each of them one dollar. All the remainder of my property which I now have or may hereafter acquire or may die possessed of, my notes, accounts , cash, personal property, real estate or any other property not above mentioned, I will and bequeath to my son Francis M. Basham. I desire that my son Francis M. Basham shall provide for my wife Catherine Basham and shall keep and retain he r in his own household as one of his family, and when he shall fail to perform the duties above mentioned then I desire that this will shall be lawfully be cancelled and my property revert to the demands of my wife Catherine Basham. I desire tha t my son Francis M. Basham shall pay all my debts, and the funeral expenses of my self and wife, Catherine Basham. I hereby appoint Francis M. Basham to be executor of my estate and I request that he not be compelled to either give any bond nor fu rnish an inventory of my estate. In testimony of which I have this 24th day of February 1892 signed this will in the presence of witnesses. Den A. Cart, Francis Basham, J.W. Miller Witnesses R.C. Richardson Kentucky Breckenridge County Court Regul ar Term May 15, 1893 The foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Francis Basham deceased was this day produced to Court and duly proven by the oath of J.W. Miller one of the attesting witnesses thereto, an d established for the last will and testament of said Francis Basham deceased, and as such was ordered to record whereupon the same and this certificate have been duly recorded Att John M. Monarch Clerk BCC.

Basham, Francis Marion (ind04084)
118 From Gleanings of Virginia History by William Fletcher Boogher.

The Newmans were to have gone from Germany into England at an extremely early date.Thus the family was divided into two separate and distinct lines, the German and the English.

Among the members of the family who came to Virginia were Robert, William, John Jr., and Thomas Newman. They were relatives of John Newman, a grocer and member of the London Virginia Company in 1609, and in all probability came to Virginia at his suggestion in order to better their fortunes. Their descendants are now scattered throughout the South and W est.

Possibly the first of the name in America was Robert Newman, who came from England to Elizabeth City County, Virginia in the ship "Furthence" i n 1618, aged 19 years. He was living in Elizabeth City County in 1624. On 11 May 1635 he obtained a patent for 450 acres of land which he after wards assigned to Richard Bennett. Robert Newman undoubtedly married and left, with other children, two, sons, William and John. William made his home in York County and had a son named John. John married Ruth Taberer, daughter of Thomas Taberer of the Isle of Wight County, and their children were Thomas and Isabella.

Second was William Newman, 35, who arrived onn the ship "Furtherance" ( Note: There is 33 years difference of Robert/William and John Jr. and Thomas. There is a possibility that they could have been the uncles to the two lattter two, or possibly half brothers through a second marriage of John Sr.) He settled in Isle of Wight County, where, on 26 August 1643 he was granted a patent for 550 acres of land situated "northerely towards the sunken marsh, easterly upon a swamp, southerly towards the lower Chipokes Creek." He married Priscilla and had one daughter, Joan, who married Lawrence of Compton-Chamberlain, in Wiltshire, England. The will of William Newman, Sr. dated 20 Jan 1669 was proven in York County.

Third was John Newman Jr. 24, who emigrated to Virginia in 1635 in the ship "Globe". John settled in James City County, where on 1 April 1644, Henry Thompson assigned to him 150 acres of land pm Smith's Fort Creek. He appears to have resided there for about seven years, as between 1652 and 1677, he had acquired in the Northern Neck by letters patent, grant and deeds, about 4,000 acres situated on both sides of Moratico Creek, in the present counties of Lancaster and Richmond. He resided near Tarplay's Point, then known as Moratico or Newman's Neck. He married a Miss Woodbridge (about 1655) daughter of Paul Woodbridge, in then Rappahannock County. They had three sons, Alexander, Samuel and John.

Fourth was Thomas, brother of John Jr., who came to Virginia in 1635 on the ship "Plaine Joan" at the age of 15. Thomas, who was born in England in 1620, probably settle with his brother John in James City County, Virginia, and moved with him to Old Rappahannock County, Va. by 1666. Thom as married Elizabeth Burdett, daughter of Henry Burdett Sr. He died ine state, about the beginning of the year 1700, and his personsl estate was appraised at 16,577 pounds of tobacco. It is believed that his children were one daughter (possibly the wife of Avert Naylor), Frances, who married John McMillan and John Wilson, Elizabeth, Thomas II, John and George.

Others who came to Virginia from England were John who settled in Henrico County about 1638; Robert of New Norfolk County about 1636, who probably had a son of the same name; Thomas of Westmoreland County in 1638; Richard of Charles City County in 1639; William of Northumberland County i n 1652; and Samuel, who came in 1654, These were probably sons of John Newman, a member of the London Virginia Company in 1609.

Newman, John (ind05653)
119 From The SW Virginian, Vol. 1, #3, Wise, VA, page 29, transcribed by Rhonda S. Roberson. This is a petition asking the House of Delegates of VA to place a line "fixed along Clinch Mt. and Montgomery line to the Carolina line" to separate them from Washington Co. These inhabitants include those of Clinch River, Mocason Creek, Powels Valley, north branch of Holstein River, and "others." Dated Dec. 9, 1785. Washington Co., VA, is in the far southern section of VA, just before the border into TN and not far from NC.


Thompson, Mary (ind03004)
120 From:

Douglas, Archibald, Earl of Angus VI

Born: ABT 1490
Acceded: 1514
Died: BEF 22 JAN 1557, Tantallon Castle
Interred: Abernethy
Notes: died of erysipelas****.

Father: Douglas, George, Master of Angus, b. ABT 1469
Mother: Drummond, Elizabeth

Married 26 JUN 1509 to Hepburn, Margaret

Married 4 AUG 1514, Kinnoul Church Divorce 1528 to Tudor, Margaret
Child 1: Douglas, Margaret, Lady, b. 6 OCT 1515

Married 9 APR 1543 to Maxwell, Margaret
Child 2: Douglas, James, Master of Angus

****Erysipelas is a superficial bacterial skin infection that characteristically extends into the cutaneous lymphatics. This disease has been traced back to the Middle Ages where it was referred to as "St Anthony’s Fire," named after an Egyptian healer who was known for successfully treating the infection. Classically, this infection is caused by Streptococcus pyogenes and occurs on the face.


Sir Archibald Douglas, Guardian of the Realm

The Scottish army that fought and lost the Battle of Halidon Hill in 1333 was led by James’ youngest brother who had been elected Regent of Scotland in late March of 1333. Sir Archibald Douglas has been badly treated by some historians; frequently misidentifying this Douglas warrior as the Tyneman or loser when the moniker was intended for a later less fortunate but equally warlike Archibald. He was mentioned in Barbour’s The Brus for his great victory during the Weardale Campaign; leading the Scottish army further south into County Durham he devastated the lands and took much booty from Darlington and other nearby towns and villages. He was elected by the Estates to the position of Regent when his cousin Andrew de Moray, then Regent of Scotland, was captured and taken to Durham to surrender to King Edward III of England. The earls and barons of the kingdom recognized his prowess as a warrior; leading the successful rout at Annan earlier in the year; bringing fire and sword to Cumbria to chase Edward and his vassals further south and out of Scotland. He had brought the Scottish army to Tweedsmouth; relieving the garrison at Berwick Castle with Sir William Keith and others; all in response to a treat of peace initiated by the constantly wavering Earl of March; then proceeded south burning his way through Northumbria as his brother James would have done; finally arriving at the mighty fortress of Bamburgh Castle where Edward’s queen Phillipa was secretly hiding from the Scots. He was found there laying siege to that castle when the representations of Sir William Keith and the Earl of March appeared to the Regent; they announced the sad tidings that the Governor of Berwick and the Garrison Commander had both entered into a second treaty; with express covenants to surrender the castle and the town of Berwick on Tweed should the Regent not return by St. Margaret’s Day and either relieve the garrison in full view of the English and only during the daylight hours or risk battle with Edward’s army. The Regent reluctantly raised the siege at Bamburgh and returned to Duns Law where he called a muster; likely at the demand of the estates as it was well known Sir Archibald was of the party of Brus and would not break his solemn word to never again engage the English in battle when he could burn the countryside instead. On the Eve of St. Margaret, Sir Archibald of Douglas was mortally wounded at the foot of Halidon Hill; taken prisoner and held until he died; reportedly one hour after his nephew William, Lord Douglas passed from his wounds; the son and heir to James, Lord Douglas, Chief of the Douglas Clan. At nearby Bondington stood Halyston, St. Leonard’s; a Cistercian nunnery and hospital where the Regent likely spent his last hours. Archeologists found lead shot at Bondington and records indicate that the English brought with them a large artillery train. During earlier encounters with Edward III in 1326-1327 the English had used gunpowder as a weapon against the Scots. It appears that they may have perfected the weaponry with the amount of devastation that was caused to both the Scottish army on the field and to nunnery which was destroyed and burned. Later Edward awarded the nuns some payments for the damages sustained to their buildings during the fight and dedicated an altar to St. Margaret there after the battle.


Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus was born circa 1453.1 He was the son of George Douglas, 4th Earl of Angus and Isabel Sibbald.1 He and Catherine Seton were engaged on 30 September 1461.1 He married, firstly, Elizabeth Boyd, daughter of Robert Boyd, 1st Lord Boyd of Kilmarnock and Mariot Maxwell, on 4 March 1467/68.1 He married, secondly, Janet Kennedy, daughter of John Kennedy, 2nd Lord Kennedy and Lady Elizabeth Gordon, circa 1498.1 He married, thirdly, Katherine Stirling, daughter of Sir William Stirling, 2nd of Keir and Margaret Crichton, on 1 June 1500.2 He and Katherine Stirling were separated before 1513.1 He died between 29 November 1513 and 31 January 1514 at Priory of St. Ninian, Galloway, Scotland.1

Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus also went by the nick-name of 'The Great Earl'.1 Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus also went by the nick-name of 'Bell the Cat' for his courage in initiating opposition to King James III's favourites at court.1 He succeeded to the title of 5th Earl of Angus [S., 1389] on 14 November 1462.1 He was created 1st Lord Douglas [Scotland] in 1475/76.3 He held the office of Warden of the East Marches on 11 April 1481.1 He was invested as a Privy Counsellor (P.C.).1 He held the office of High Chancellor [Scotland] between 1493 and 1498.1 His marriage to Janet Kennedy was annulled circa 1499.1 Cokayne writes that "his advice to the King against the fatal engagement at Flodden being insultingly received, he quitted the field shortly before the fight, bidding his two sons remain, both of whom were there slain, with their King."1

Children of Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus and Elizabeth Boyd:

George Douglas, Master of Angus+ b. c 1469, d. 9 Sep 1513

Sir William Douglas+ b. bt 1470 - 1475, d. 9 Sep 1513

Lady Marion Douglas+ b. bt 1470 - 1477

Elizabeth Douglas b. bt 1471 - 1478

Janet Douglas b. bt 1472 - 1480

Gavin Douglas b. c 1475, d. Sep 1522

Sir Archibald Douglas b. a 1475, d. c 1536


[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume I, page 156. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.

[S8] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition, 2 volumes (Crans, Switzerland: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 1999), volume 1, page 1283. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition.

[S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 2, page 1742. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.

[S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume I, page 157.

[S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume I, page 159.
Douglas, Earl of Angus Earl of Angus Archibald VI (ind31646)
121 Governor of Persepolis Pharnaces Arshâmid died 0497 B.C..1 Governor of Persepolis, Persian Empire, 0499-0497 B.C..2 He was governor of Persepolis under his nephew Darius I 0499-0497 B.C..2 He was the son of King of Persia Arsames Achaemenid .3,2 He was born 0560 B.C..1 He was the uncle of Darius I.2 He was a junior branch of the royal line.2
Child of Governor of Persepolis Pharnaces Arshâmid:
Satrap of Daskyleon Artabazos I Arshâmid+ b. 0525 B.C., d. 0449 B.C.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 411-87. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S1052] Chris Bennett's Egyptian Royal Genealogy Website, online . Hereinafter cited as Egyptian Royal Genealogy.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 411-88.

Arshamid, Pharnakes (ind01372)
122 GUY DE BRYAN, son and heir of Sir Guy de Bryan, of Walwyns Castle, co. Pembroke, and of Tor Brian, Devon, served in the wars with Scotland, Flanders, and France; was made Gov. of St. Briavel's Castle and Warden of the Forest of Dean 1341 till his death; succeeded his father in 1349, being then 40 years old and more, and had the temporary custody of the Great Seal in that year. On 15 January 1349/50 he had a grant of 200 marks per annum for bearing the King's Standard against his enemies of France at Calais. He was summoned to Parliament from 25 November 1350 to 6 December 1389, by writs directed Guidoni de Bryan, whereby he is held to have become LORD BRYAN. He was constantly entrusted with martial and diplomatic affairs of the highest importance. In 1361 he was ambassador to the Pope; in 1369 was Admiral of the Fleet, &c. On the death (31 December 1369) of the renowned Chandos he was nominated K.G. in his room.

He married, 1stly, Joan [living 12 April 1348], said to be daughter of Sir John de Carreu, of Carew, co. Pembroke. He married, 2ndly in 1349 or 1350 and before 10 July 1350, Elizabeth, widow of Hugh [LORD] LE DESPENSER (who died 8 February 1348/9), and before that of Giles [LORD] BADLESMERE (who died 1338), and daughter of William (MONTAGU), 1st EARL OF SALISBURY, by Catherine, daughter of William [LORD] GRANDSON. She died 31 May 1359, at Ashley, Hants, and was buried in Tewkesbury Abbey. Inq..P. M. June (1359) 33 Edw. III. He died 17 August 1390, and was also buried there. M.I. Inq. p. m. (1390-1) 14 Ric. II. On his death any Barony that may be held to have been created by the writ of 1350, fell (according to modern doctrine) into abeyance between his two granddaughters and coheirs (h), children of his 1st son and heir apparent, Sir Guy de Bryan, junior, by his wife, Elizabeth aforesaid. He, who died v.p., 1386, married Alice, who was living 20 May 1409, and was executrix to her father-in-law 27 January 1393/4. [Complete Peerage II:361-2, XIV:118, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]

(h) These were, in 1390, Philippe, aged 12, and Elizabeth, aged 10. The said Phillipe m. 1stly, John Devereux, and 2ndly Sir Henry le Scrope, but dsp.; Elizabeth became the wife of Sir Robert Lovell, by whom she had a daughter and sole heir, Maud, who m. 1stly, John, Earl of Arudel, and by him had Humphrey, Earl of Arundel, who died under age, sp.; the said Maud m. 2ndly, Sir Richard Stafford, and had issue, Avice, who became the wife of James Butler, Earl of Ormund, but dsp. 1456, at which date the Barony of Bryan has been presumed to have become extinct. We know that Guy de Bryan had other children (1) Sir William de Bryan, his 2nd son, dsp. 22 Sep 1395, and was buried at Seal, Kent. He left a widow Joan. (2) Philip, his 3rd son, dsp. before 14 Feb 1388, the abovementioned Philippe and Elizabeth being found heirs to both their uncles. (3) Margaret was in 1361 wife of Hugh de Courtenay, grandson of the Earl of Devon, which Hugh dsp. 20 Feb 1373/4. There was at least one other child.

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1030
Text: no date, 3rd husband ;Guy Lord (Baron) Briene

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: II:361  
Bryan, Guy de Briene VIII (ind1279426099)
123 have 4 pedigrees for the Radclyffe families taken from various books here in the north of England. These show that Robert Radclyffe of Radclyffe Tower married first Mary de Bury whose son was 'Ralph de Radclyffe of Radclyffe Tower heir to his father who died without issue bef 5 Edw III (1331-2) leaving his manor of Radclyffe to his uncle William, second son of Richard de Radclyffe'. (This William was known as the Great William).

Provided by Pat  
de Radclyffe, William (ind31273)
124 He married Ankaret, daughter of Rhys ap GRUFFYDD, prince of South Wales, but in 1191 Rhys, contrary to his oath, expelled William from the castle of Nevern, giving it to his own son Griffin; later another son, Maelgwn, held it under Llewelyn. He died in 1208 or 1209, when William his son and heir owed 300 marks as relief. His widow died in or shortly before August 1226.


Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: VIII:532  
Gruffydd, Angharad (ind12580)
125 Henry Bourchier, Viscount of Exeter. In 1456, Queen Margaret deprived him of his office. Had son Thomas, who m. Isabel, wife of Humphrey Stafford, Earl of Devon.
(Dunham Genealogy English and American Branches of the Dunham Family)

Henry Bourchier, 5th Baron Bourchier, 1st Viscount Bourchier, 1st Earl of Essex (c.1404/c.1406 - April 4, 1483), was the eldest son of William Bourchier and Anne Plantagenet. His mother was a grand-daughter of Edward III and, through her mother, great-great-granddaughter of Edward I. He was thus a great-grandson of Edward III.

He inherited the title of Lord (or Baron) Bourchier from his cousin Elizabeth on her death in 1433, became 1st Viscount Bourchier in 1446, a Knight of the Garter in 1452, and was finally created Earl of Essex in 1461.

He was Lord High Treasurer from 29 May 1455 - 5 October 1456, 28 July 1460 - 14 April 1462, and 22 April 1471 - 4 April 1483. He also became Justice in Eyre south of the Trent in 1461, holding that title till his death.

Prior to 1426, he married Isabel Plantagenet, another great-grandchild of Edward III (through her father - she was also Edward's great-great-great granddaughter, through her mother). She was elder sister to Richard Plantagenet, and aunt to Richard's two sons, the future Edward IV and Richard III.

Henry and Isabel were parents to at least ten children. On his death she did not remarry and died more than a year later.
Bourchier, Henry (ind1279425916)
126 Henry's mother often spent her winters at her father's home in Columbus, Ohio, while Henry's father was serving his term as Senator and thus Henry was born at the house of his grandfather, Josiah M. Espy. At age 8, his father died and his mother removed with her four orphan boys to Urbana, Ohio, where in educating them for a useful life she could have the assistance of her brother, Henry P. Espy, and of her uncle, Dr. William M. Murdock.

Henry was a broker and banker, and formed the firms of H. B. Morehead & Co. and Morehead, Irwin & Co. In October, 1891, Henry Morehead withdrew to assume the control and management of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. He was president of the Cincinnati Mercantile Library, and a member of its board of real estate. He was for many years a director of the Procter & Gamble Company, the Ohio Valley National Bank, and at various times of several of the western railroads. 
MOREHEAD, Henry Buford (Blackburn) (I21658)
Montgomery and Others, Mostly Louisiana, Genealogy of George M. Akins; Main lines are Akins, Foiles, Blalock, May, McGarrh, Hudson, Johnson, Gores & Stewarts and many more, Vallance/Medford "Happy Trails"
AND Children

1. Nimrod FERGUSON b: ABT 1733 in Edgecombe, Pittland, NC
2. William FERGUSON b: ABT 1729 in Edgecombe, Pittland, NC
3. Thomas FERGUSON b: ABT 1727 in Edgecombe, Pittland, NC
4. Absalom FERGUSON b: ABT 1731 in Edgecombe, Pittland, NC
5. John FERGUSON b: 1743 in Edgecombe Co., NC

Ferguson, Isaac (ind31812)

george dowell b abt 1730,prince william
co. virgina,george fought in the
revolutionary war from 1777 to 1778 inthe
infantry of cumberland co. virginia.
abt 1760 married margaret ferguson,daughter
micajah cain &elizabeth wilkerson
1.celia dowell
2.micajah dowell sr. b21 sept 1764 my line
3.nehemiah dowell b1776 m mary [polly] board
daughter james board&mary ferguson oct 1789
4francis dowell b1767 m catherine thomason
daughter john thomason 20 dec 1808
5.alice dowell 1768 m thomas meador son of
ambrose meador & francis hix hicks 9 jan 1783
6.elijah dowell
7.john dowell died 1846 m mary cain28sep1808
daughter of micajah cain & elizabeth
wilkerson in virginia.
Father: John FERGUSON b: ABT. 1650 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Mother: Anne STUBBLESON b: ABT. 1650 in Rappahannock Co., Virginia

Father: John FERGUSON , Sr. b: ABT 1652 in Scotland
Mother: Ann STUBBLESON b: in possibly Rappahannock Co., VA

Ferguson, Margaret (ind00136)
129 HUGH DE SAINT PHILIBERT in 1206 was on the King's service overseas, and bringing prisoners back to England. He joined the Barons against John, but returned to his faith and service in 1217. In 1223 he was a commissioner for sale of windfalls in Windsor Forest, and, in 1224, to guard a section of the coast. Sometime keeper of Jersey Castle. In 1230 he was in charge of shipping and transport for Henry's abortive expedition into France. He died in or before 1240.

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: XI:364-5  
de Saint Philbert, Hugh (ind29265)
130 HUGH DE SAINT PHILIBERT, son and heir, whose age was stated as 24 in 1249, did homage in 1249-50. In 1258 he fined for not having crossed with the King to Gascony, and in June 1259 was bailed out of Northampton prison, where he lay charged with the death of one Richard Aumfrey. He sided with the Barons in 1264, his lands being granted to John de Haversham. It is not certain whether they had been restored in 1272, when he was still living.

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: XI:365  
de Saint Philbert, Hugh (ind29261)
131 In 1850 Elizabeth and Augustine were living in Christian County, KY., and raising their grandchildren: Mary Webber (18), Caroline F. Webber (16), William H. Webber (14), Lucy C. Phelps (14), all born in Kentucky and attending school. Also living with them was Joanna Fauntleroy (15), b. Tennessee. In 1860, Elizabeth and Augustine were living in Hopkinsville, KY., along with grandchildren Mary Webber (29), Caroline T. Webber (27), Rachel Webber (27), and Lucy C. Phelps (23).,, Elizabeth survived Augustine by about eighteen months, dying in 1875 at the residence of her stepson (whom she raised), John Shipp, in Hopkinsville. MOREHEAD, Elizabeth (ind3558258212)
132 In 1860 two-year-old Maggie was living with her parents in Jackson, Mississippi, where her father was an attorney at the state capital (they were enumerated with the Secretary of State). Her mother and father died in 1862 and 1863, respectively, and in 1870, she was attending school and living in Harrisville, KY., with her maternal grandparents, Doctor and Margaret Thomas (Doctor was a blacksmith) and her cousins: Mary (24), Emily (23) and Samuel (15) Thomas. In 1880, 22-year-old Maggie was living with her grandmother and cousin Sam.,, MOREHEAD, Margaret L. "Maggie" (I21823)
133 James and Stella met when Stella's brother Al brought James home. James had just returned from the Spanish American War (he went to war when he was 23 years old) and met Al in "downtown" San Francisco. James' mother died when he was 8 years old. His father remarried (twice). When his first stepmother (nee Crawford) died, his half siblings went to live with the Crawford family and took their name. They offered to take care of James and his brother Newton but James' father would not allow it because they were Catholic. (NAG) GORE, James Morehead Jr. (I21810)
134 Jamie Allen's Family Tree & Ancient Genealogical Allegations

aka Nechepso, 3rd King of 26th Dynasty

Irib.Re, Nekau Ba (ind01437)
135 Joan de Ingham, Baroness Ingham in her own right (married 2nd 1350-51, as his 2nd wife, Sir Miles de Stapleton and died 1360-65), daughter and eventual heiress of Oliver, 1st Lord Ingham of the 1328 creation. [Burke's Peerage]Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999

Page: 2506
Text: c1350-51, 2nd husband & 2nd wife  
de Ingham, Joan (ind08508)
136 Joan of Acre, b. 1272, d. 23 Apr 1307, daughter of Edward I, King of England, by Eleanor of Castile; widow of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford; m. (2) 1297 Sir Ralph de Monthermer, styled Earl of Gloucester and Hertford during the life of his wife, created Lord Monthermer 1308, d. 5 Apr 1325. [Magna Charta Sureties]


Joan (of Acre), Countess of Gloucester and Hertford, b. at Acre in Palestine probably in 1272, was 2nd daughter of Edward I, by Eleanor of Castile. She was first betrothed to Herman, son of the King of Germany, who died in 1282, before the marriage could take place. She m. 1stly, at the beginning of May 1290, in Westminster Abbey, by dispensation granted 16 Nov 1289, Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, abovenamed, who d. 7 Dec 1295. She m. 2ndly, clandestinely, to her father's great displeasure, presumably early in 1297, Ralph de Mothermer, a member of the late Earl's household. On 29 Jan 1296/7 the escheator was ordered to take into this hand all the lands, goods, and chattels of Joan, Countess of Gloucester, from which it might be inferred that the King, suspecting her intentions with regard to Monthermer, sought to coerce her to abandon the marriage by degradation and loss of estates. On 16 Mar, the King gave his assent to her marriage with Amadeus of Savoy, and therefore must have been ignorant of her marriage, if it had already taken place, and on 12 May it was ordered that Joan should have reasonable allowance for herself and children. It would seem that by 3 July the King had discovered Joan's marriage with Monthermer, for he took her lands into his own had, but by 31 July, when he certainly knew of her marriage, he appears to have been partly mollified, for her lands were restored (except Tonbridge); in ordering her to provide 100 men to serve in France, however, the special proviso was made that they might be commanded by anyone except Ralph de Monthermer, her husband. She was pardoned two days later, 2 Aug 1297. She d. 23, and was buried 26 Apr 1307, int he Austin Friar's church at Clare in Suffolk, aged 35. [Complete Peerage V:708-10]


Gilbert de Clare was not young when he married the fiery-spirited, sloe-eyed Joanna and took her to live at his country retreat in Clerkenwell not far from the Tower, where the king and queen were again in residence. She left for her new home with great fanfare, laden with royal gifts. After being a widow a year, she secretly married a completely unknown squire in her husbands retinue, Ralph de Monthermer. Through this marriage he became possessed in his own right of the earldoms of Gloucester & Hertford. The fact that a royal princess had dared to marry this obscure fellow became a cause celebré which for a time separated her from the affection of her father. It proved to be a marriage, however, leading ultimately to a firm friendship between the new son-in-law and Edward.

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 3101

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: V:708-10

Title: Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
Page: 17B-15, 28-4 ,34-4, 40-4, 13-6

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 11-30 Text: 1290,32-29 
England, Joan (of Acre) (ind01861)
137 John de Botetourte, said to be son of King Edward I, 1st Lord Botetourte, admiral, governor of Famlingham Castle 1304, MP 1305-1324, d. 25 Nov 1324; m. 1285/92 Maud Fitz Thomas (or Fitz Otho, Otes, Otto), living 28 May 1329, daughter of Thomas Fitz Otes of Mendlesham, Suffolk, and Beatrice de Beauchamp, daughter of William de Beauchamp of Bedford. For evidence that John de Botetourte was an illegitimate son of King Edward I, see Hailes Abbey Chronicle. The family tree of Botetourte there given was considered in this case to be completely reliable by Mr. H.C. Richardson, the authority on this line, and agreed to by Sir Anthony Wagner, College of Arms. Though questioned by some, due to an apparent erasure in the parchment, the Librarian, whose care it resides, stated (and still does) that there are several other erasures and corrections, all apparently contemporary with the preparation of the original document and apparent corrections made at that time by the author which do not affect this identification. [Ancestral Roots]

# Note:
CP gives John's ancestry as "unknown".

# Note:

Kay Allen AG, in a posting to soc.genealogy.medieval, cites a TAG article "The Parentage of John Botetourte (died 1324)", by F. N. Craig, July 1998: 145-153, which disproves the royal ancestry and gives a different one.

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 122a-31, 216-29

Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -
Page: G. Edward Allen, 9 Sep 1998

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 122a-31


John de Botetourt, 1st Lord Botetourt held the office of Governor of St. Briavel Castle in 1291. He held the office of Admiral of the Northern Seas between 1294 and 1297. He was created First Lord Botetourt on 13 July 1305. He held the office of Governor of Framlingham Castle in 1314. He held the office of Admiral of the Northern Seas in 1315. He fought in the Battle of Boroughbridge on 16 March 1322 on the side of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster's rebels. On 8 October 1322 he was fined 1000 pounds and pardoned. 
Botetourt, John (ind29267)
138 John de Clinton, 1st Baron Clinton, so created according to later doctrine by writ of summons to Parliament 6 Feb 1298/9 (though never again thereafter); the peerage is heritable by heirs general, which can include females); Lord of the Manor of Maxstoke, Warwicks, through his wife; served Scottish and French Wars of Edward I, MP Warwicks 1300-01, Constable of Wallingford Castle 1308. [Burke's Peerage]


John de Clinton (son and heir of Thomas de Clinton by Maud, daughter of Sir Ralph Bracebridge of Kinsbury, co. Worcester), b. c 1258, d. 1310, 1st Lord Clinton; m. c 1290 Ida, daughter of Sir William de Odingsells of Maxstoke by Ela, daughter of Walter Fitz Robert. She was 1st daughter, b. c 1270, living 1321. [Ancestral Roots]



JOHN DE CLINTON (b), of Amington and Maxstoke, co. Warwick, 2nd but 1st surviving son and heir of Thomas de CLINTON, of Amington (died v.p., before 1264), by Maud, daughter of Sir Ralph BRACEBRIDGE, of Kinsbury, co. Warwick, was born probably in 1258. He served, or was called upon to serve, in the Scottish and French wars. He was summoned to Parliament 6 February 1298/9 by writ directed Johanni de Clinton, whereby he is held to have become LORD CLINTON. He was never again so summoned. He was 2 years later (12 March 13OO/1), summoned with more than a thousand others cum equis et armis, being then denominated as of Maxstoke. He appears to have been Knight of the Shire for co. Warwick 1300-01. Constable of Wallingford Castle, 1308.

He married, probably about 1290, Ida, sister and coheir of Edmund d'ODINGSELLS, 1st daughter of William d'ODINGSELLS, of Maxstoke, by Ela, daughter of Walter FITZ ROBERT, of Woodham Walter, with whom he acquired the Lordship and Castle of Maxstoke and other considerable possessions. He died late in 1310. His widow accompanied the Queen Consort to France in 1312-13. She, who was born about 1270, was living 1 March 1321/2. Complete Peerage III:312-13

(b) The name is said to be from the manor of Glinton, afterwards Clinton, Northants near Market Deeping, but the Clintons were Oxfordshire people as early as 1230. In N. & Q., 7th Series, vol. viii, p. 486, it is stated that the 1st Earl of Lincoln "obtained a grant of this very district of Glinton," no doubt because of the similarity of name. Lower, in his Family Names, states it to be "from Glimpton, anciently written Clinton, co. Oxford. The founder of the family, Geoffrey de Clinton, Treasurer and Chamberlain to King Henry I, is said, by Ordericus (who, as a contemporary, probably can be trusted), to have been of mean parentage, though, according to some accounts he was of the noblest Norman extraction.

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 86-32

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 602

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: III:312-3

Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -
Page: Douglas Richardson, 27 Sep 2001

# Change Date: 27 SEP 2006 
Clinton, John (ind13633)
139 JOHN DE LACI, heir to his half-uncle Robert de Laci, on which account he assumed the surname of de Laci; married Alice, sister of William de Mandeville.
(Fenwick Allied Ancestry, page 120)

JOHN DE LACY who succeeded to the baronies of Halton and Pontefract, the Constableship of Chester and Lordship of Flamborough; married Alice, sister of William de Mandeville; slain at Tyre, in the Holy Land, on the 5th of the Ides of October, 1 Richard I.
(Fenwick Allied Ancestry, page 38)

John de Lacy (1150, Lincoln, – 1190, Palestine) was the father of Baron Roger de Lacy. He was Lord of Flamborough and Constable of Chester.
de Lacy, John FitzRichard Clavering (ind08223)
140 John FitzAlan, 2nd Baron Arundel, also called John de Arundel (November 30, 1364 – August 14, 1390), of Buckland, Surrey, was the son of John FitzAlan, 1st Baron Arundel and Eleanor Maltravers. John was with the army in Scotland in 1383 and with the English Fleet in the western coast of France.
He married Elizabeth le Despenser, daughter of Edward le Despencer, 1st Baron le Despencer, by Elizabeth Burghersh, daughter and heiress of Bartholomew de Burghersh, 2nd Baron Burghersh. They had three sons.
Sir John de Arundel, 2nd Lord Arundel, died testate 14 August 1390, and was buried at Missenden Abbey, Buckinghamshire.

FitzAlan, 2nd Baron of Arundel 2nd Baron of Arundel John (ind25183)
141 JOHN LESTRANGE V, son and heir, aged 22 and more at the date of his father's death; on 16 May 1276 he had done homage, and was to have his lands. In 1277 he was going to Wales on the King's service. On 10 January 1277/8, as "the king's yeoman", he had pardon for a debt due from his father. In 1292 he established his claim to free warren in Ness, Milton and Middle. On 12 December 1276, and frequently thereafter until 1287, he was summoned to serve against the Welsh; in 1294 he was summoned to Portsmouth to cross to France; and from 1298 to 1308 he was summoned to serve against the Scots. From 26 September 1299 to 10 March 1307/8 he was summoned to Parliament by writs directed Johanni Extraneo, whereby he is held to have become LORD STRANGE, and from 4 March 1308/9 to 12 December 1309 by writs directed Johanni Lestraunge de Knokyn. His seal was appended to the Barons' Letter to the Pope, where he is described as Johannes Lestraunge dominus de Knokyn or Johannes le Straungge. On 18 January 1307/8 he was summoned to attend the Coronation of Edward II. In 1308 he obtained a licence to crenellate his house of Middle.

John V Lestrange, 1st Lord (Baron) Strange (of Knockyn), so created by writ 26 Sep 1299 onwards (first as Extraneus (Strange) then 4 March 1308/9 onwards as Strange of Knockyn); served in Edward I's Welsh campaigns 1276-87 and Scottish campaigns 1298-1308; married 1st Alienore, daughter of Joan (widow of Stephen de Somery; died c1240) and a subsequent husband of Joan's perhaps Godfrey de Crawcumbe; married 2nd Maud, daughter and heiress either of Roger de Deyville, of Walton Deyville, Warwicks, or of Ebles de Montibus, of Ketton, Rutland, leaving (presumably by his 2nd wife, since her putative paternity would account for the unusual forename Ebles being given to the 2nd son). [Burke's Peerage]

He married, 1stly, between 13 October 1275 and 1 June 1276, Alianore daughter and heir of Eble DE MONTZ, Constable of Windsor Castle, by Joan, widow of Godfrey DE CRAUCOMBE and before this of Stephen DE SOMERY, perhaps daughter of [---] DE BECHE. She died before 14 August 1282. He married 2ndly Maud, widow of John DE STRADLING, or STRUTTELINGAS [died shortly before February 1282/3], daughter and heir of John DE WALTON, of Little Wellesborne and Walton Deyville, co. Warwick [died before 28 December 1277], by his wife Isabel. He died on or before 8 August 1309. His widow married between 30 October 1309 and 28 November 1310, as his 1st wife, Thomas DE HASTANG, of Chebsey, co. Stafford, who died in or before 1348. She died before July 1325. [Complete Peerage XII/1:352-3, XIV:596] 
le Strange, Lord, Baron Lord, Baron John V (ind09468)
142 John of Gaunt, Earl of Richmond, 4th son of King Edward III, was b. 1340, styled of Gaunt from the place of his birth, who had been created Earl of Richmond in 1342, was advanced to the Dukedom of Lancaster by his father, Edward III, in the 36th year of his reign. After the decease of his 1st wife, Blanch, the great heiress of the Duke of Lancaster, he m. Constance, elder dau. and co-heiress of Peter, King of Castile, and in her right assumed the title of King of Castile and Leon, in which regal dignity, as well as in those of Duke of Lancaster, Earl of Richmond, Derby, Lincoln, and Leicester, he had summons to parliament; he was likewise Duke of Aquitaine and a knight of the Garter. On the decease of Edward III, this prince was joined in the administration of affairs during the minority of his nephew, Richard II. He subsequently attempted the conquest of Spain at the head of a fine army, and landing at the Groyne, advanced to Compostella, where he was met by John, King of Portugal, between whom and his eldest dau., the Lady Philippa, a marriage was concluded. Thence he marched into Castile and there ratified a treaty of peace, by which he abandoned his claim to the throne of Castile and Leon in consideration of a large sum of money and the marriage of Henry, Prince of Asturias, with his only dau. by his 2nd wife, the Lady Katherine Plantagenet. In the latter part of his life he dwelt in retirement, having incurred the displeasure of King Richard by a motion which he had made in parliament that his son, Henry of Bolingbroke, should be declared heir to the crown. He d. at Ely House, Holborn, in 1399.

# Note:

John of Gaunt m. 1st, in 1359, Lady Blanche Plantagenet, the eventual heiress of the Duke of Lancaster, and had by her, Henry, Philippa, and Elizabeth. He m. 2ndly, Constance, elder dau. and co-heir of Peter, King of Castile, and by her had an only dau., Katherine. The duke m. 3rdly, in 1396, Catherine, dau. of Sir Payn Roet, Guyenne King of Arms, and widow of Sir Otho de Swynford, Knt., by whom, before marriage, he had issue, John, Henry, Thomas, and Joan. These [last] children were legitimated by act of parliament for all purposes, save succession to the throne, in the 20th Richard II and derived their surname from the castle of Beaufort, the place of their birth. John of Gaunt, was s. by his eldest son, Henry Plantagenet, b. 1366, surnamed of Bolingbroke, Earl of Hereford, who, upon the deposition of Richard II, was called to the throne as King Henry IV, when his great inheritance, with the Dukedom of Lancaster, and the Earldoms of Hereford, Derby, Lincoln, and Leicester, merged in the crown. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 432, Plantagenet, Earls of Chester, &c.]


John OF GAUNT, DUKE OF LANCASTER, also called (1342-62) EARL OF RICHMOND, or (from 1390) DUC (duke) D'AQUITAINE (b. March 1340, Ghent--d. Feb. 3, 1399, London), English prince, fourth but third surviving son of the English king Edward III and Philippa of Hainaut; he exercised a moderating influence in the political and constitutional struggles of the reign of his nephew Richard II. He was the immediate ancestor of the three 15th-century Lancastrian monarchs, Henry IV, V, and VI. The term Gaunt, a corruption of the name of his birthplace, Ghent, was never employed after he was three years old; it became the popularly accepted form of his name through its use in Shakespeare's play Richard II.

# Note:

Through his first wife, Blanche (d. 1369), John, in 1362, acquired the duchy of Lancaster and the vast Lancastrian estates in England and Wales. From 1367 to 1374 he served as a commander in the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) against France. On his return he obtained the chief influence with his father, but he had serious opponents among a group of powerful prelates who aspired to hold state offices. He countered their hostility by forming a curious alliance with the religious reformer John Wycliffe. Despite John's extreme unpopularity, he maintained his position after the accession of his ten-year-old nephew, Richard II, in 1377, and from 1381 to 1386 he mediated between the King's party and the opposition group led by John's younger brother, Thomas of Woodstock, earl of Gloucester.

# Note:

In 1386 John departed for Spain to pursue his claim to the kingship of Castile and Leon based upon his marriage to Constance of Castile in 1371. The expedition was a military failure. John renounced his claim in 1388, but he married his daughter, Catherine, to the young nobleman who eventually became King Henry III of Castile and Leon.

# Note:
Meanwhile, in England, war had nearly broken out between the followers of King Richard II and the followers of Gloucester. John returned in 1389 and resumed his role as peacemaker.

# Note:

His wife Constance died in 1394, and two years later he married his mistress, Catherine Swynford. In 1397 he obtained legitimization of the four children born to her before their marriage. This family, the Beauforts, played an important part in 15th-century politics. When John died in 1399, Richard II confiscated the Lancastrian estates, thereby preventing them from passing to John's son, Henry Bolingbroke. Henry then deposed Richard and in September 1399 ascended the throne as King Henry IV. [Encyclopædia Britannica CD '97] 
England, John (of Gaunt) (ind01827)
143 John of Strathbogie, 9th Earl of Atholl; one of the Scottish magnates who recognised Margaret, The Maid of Norway, as heir to the Scottish Crown 5 Feb 1283/4; swore fealty to Edward I of England 1292; nevertheless fought in the Scottish army against the English at defeat by latter of Scots at Dunbar 28 April 1296 and was held prisoner in the Tower of London 1296-31 July 1297; married as her 1st husband Margaret, daughter of 6th Earl of Mar, and having been captured again by the English after the Battle of Methven 19 June 1306 was beheaded in London 7 Nov 1306 and stripped of his title and lands (including Chilham). [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 2716, 2770

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: III:57  
Strathbogie, John (ind23875)
144 King of Aegae Caranus Argead was the son of Phidon Heraclid .4 He married Lanice (?) .2 "This tradition, doubtless closely knit with the legends (later subjected to much literary elaboration), concerning a movement of Greek tribes from the Peloponnese does not differ substantially from the local Macedonian tradition preserved by Herodotus. The essentials which interest us here are to be found in both, namely that it was believed both in Macedonia and by the Greeks in general that the royal house of Aegae was Greek and traced its descent from the Heracleid Temenids of Argos. In the main, independent of the poetic adornments about an expedition from the south, distribution or conquest of Macedonian territory, assault on Edessa and so on, in which as we shall show later some historical significance can be found, the difference lies in the fact that Caranus instead of Perdiccas, whom Herodotus records, emigrated from Argos and founded the Macedonian dynasty."3
Child of King of Aegae Caranus Argead and Lanice (?) :
Coenus Argead+
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 413-93. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S921] Michael Marcotte's Genealogy: Argead Chart, online . Hereinafter cited as Marcotte's Argead Chart.
[S1250] Professor, University of Athens Apostolos Dascalakis, "The Argaeo-Temenids and the Origin of the Macedonian Royal House," in The Hellenism of the Ancient Macedonians, M.D.Stratis, editor. (Thessalonike: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1965). Hereinafter cited as "The Argaeo-Temenids".
[S922] Michael Marcotte's Genealogy: Hercules Chart, online . Hereinafter cited as Marcotte's Hercules Chart.

Argead, Karanos (ind01281)
145 King of Macedonia Aeropus I Argaead was the son of King of Macedonia Philip I Argaead and Nikonoe (?) .3,4,2 King of Macedonia, the Balkan Peninsula, 0602-0576 B.C..
Child of King of Macedonia Aeropus I Argaead:
King of Macedonia Alcetas I Argaead+
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 413-87. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S921] Michael Marcotte's Genealogy: Argead Chart, online . Hereinafter cited as Marcotte's Argead Chart.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 413-88.
[S723] Herodotus of Halicarnassus, The History of Herodotus (London and New York: MacMillan and Co., 1890). Hereinafter cited as Herodotus' History.

Argaead, Aeropos I (ind01269)
146 King of Macedonia Alcetas I Argaead was the son of King of Macedonia Aeropus I Argaead.3,4 King of Macedonia, the Balkan Peninsula, 0576-0547 B.C..
Child of King of Macedonia Alcetas I Argaead:
King of Macedonia Amyntas I Argaead+ d. 0498 B.C.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 413-86. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S921] Michael Marcotte's Genealogy: Argead Chart, online . Hereinafter cited as Marcotte's Argead Chart.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 413-87.
[S723] Herodotus of Halicarnassus, The History of Herodotus (London and New York: MacMillan and Co., 1890). Hereinafter cited as Herodotus' History.

Argaead, Alketas (ind01267)
147 King of Macedonia Amyntas I Argaead was the son of King of Macedonia Alcetas I Argaead.2,3 He died 0498 B.C..1 King of Macedonia, circa, Persian Empire, 0540-0495 B.C..4 He was a tributory vassal to the Persian sovereign, Darius, 0547-0498 B.C.. He established good relations with the Athens of Pisistratus, albeit under his reign Macedon was subjected to Persia.5
Children of King of Macedonia Amyntas I Argaead:
King of Macedonia Alexander I Philhellene Argaead +
N. N. Argaead +
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 413-85. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 413-86.
[S723] Herodotus of Halicarnassus, The History of Herodotus (London and New York: MacMillan and Co., 1890). Hereinafter cited as Herodotus' History.
[S669] M. B. Sakellariou, Macedonia, 4000 Years of Greek History and Civilization, Greek Lands in History (8, Philadelphias Street, Athens, Greece: Ekdotike Athenon S.A., 1983/1988). Hereinafter cited as Sakellariou.
[S1078] Plato and his dialogues, online . Hereinafter cited as Plato and his dialogues.

Argaead, Amyntas I (ind01265)
148 King of Macedonia Argaeus I Argaead was the son of King of Macedonia Perdiccas I Argead and Cleopatra (?) .3,4,5,2 King of Macedonia, the Balkan Peninsula, 0678-0640 B.C.. He married Prothoe (?) .2,5
Child of King of Macedonia Argaeus I Argaead and Prothoe (?) :
King of Macedonia Philip I Argaead+
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 413-89. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S921] Michael Marcotte's Genealogy: Argead Chart, online . Hereinafter cited as Marcotte's Argead Chart.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 413-90.
[S723] Herodotus of Halicarnassus, The History of Herodotus (London and New York: MacMillan and Co., 1890). Hereinafter cited as Herodotus' History.
[S1052] Chris Bennett's Egyptian Royal Genealogy Website, online . Hereinafter cited as Egyptian Royal Genealogy.

Argaead, Argaios I (ind01273)
149 King of Macedonia Philip I Argaead was the son of King of Macedonia Argaeus I Argaead and Prothoe (?) .2,3,4 King of Macedonia, the Balkan Peninsula, 0640-0602 B.C.. He married Nikonoe (?) .4,5
Child of King of Macedonia Philip I Argaead and Nikonoe (?) :
King of Macedonia Aeropus I Argaead+
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 413-88. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 413-89.
[S723] Herodotus of Halicarnassus, The History of Herodotus (London and New York: MacMillan and Co., 1890). Hereinafter cited as Herodotus' History.
[S921] Michael Marcotte's Genealogy: Argead Chart, online . Hereinafter cited as Marcotte's Argead Chart.
[S1052] Chris Bennett's Egyptian Royal Genealogy Website, online . Hereinafter cited as Egyptian Royal Genealogy.

Argaead, Philip I (ind01271)
150 King of Persia Achaemenes of Anshan was living 0700-0625 B.C.1 Shahanshah of Persia, 1st of the Dynasty, 0700-0675 B.C.. Great King of Anshan, 0700-0675 B.C.. Also called Hakhâmaniš old-Persian.2,3 Also called Achaemenes Greek. Sources: 2. Bury, J.B., Cook, S.A. and Adcock, F.E. 'The Cambridge Ancient History' Vol.IV, pp.5.
Child of King of Persia Achaemenes of Anshan:
King of Persia Teïspes Achaemenid+
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.: ., 3rd Ed., 1998), 414-93. Hereinafter cited as RfC.
[S172] Various Encyclopaedea Britannica (U.S.A.: Encyclopaedea Britannica, Inc., 1976). Hereinafter cited as Encyclopaedea Britannica.
[S583] Ancient Persia, online . Hereinafter cited as Ancient Persia.

Elam, Achaemenes (ind01380)

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