This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of TRAMMELL. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
TRAMMELL, ???? DB41A0D3B18640E6B344E604DA683C347FD2
TRAMMELL, John Jr. about 1734
TRAMMELL, Margaret about 1744
TRAMMELL, Sampson Jr. 55CC4C5B4A6C4073BE1BBC0FEE6D74690D62
TRAMMELL, Sampson Sr. EF250B71B7754DF0BC144D80D1895E1765EB
TRAMMELL, Sarah about 1760
TRAMMELL, Susannah 933369861A684843B5E49CAEAD0EAF2837EA