
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Borthwick. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Borthwick 1351
Borthwick, Adam 1461
Borthwick, Agnes 1450
Borthwick, Alexander 1439
Borthwick, Alexander 1473
Borthwick, Catherine 1467
Borthwick, Christine 1469
Borthwick, Filia 1344
Borthwick, James 1435
Borthwick, Janet  
Borthwick, Janet 1388
Borthwick, Janet 1407
Borthwick, Margaret 1385
Borthwick, Margaret about 1388
Borthwick, Margaret 1409
Borthwick, Margaret 1473
Borthwick, Mary 1471
Borthwick, Thomas 1292
Borthwick, Thomas 1316
Borthwick, Thomas 1437
Borthwick, William 1320
Borthwick, William 1355
Borthwick, William 1407