Flory Coopers
Author | |
Publication information | Publication Date: 27 MAR 2010 Media: Website / URL |
- Fitts, Walter
- Death, Fitts, Walter
- Travers, Samuel
- Death, Travers, Samuel
- Fitts, Bridget
- Death, Fitts, Bridget
- Marriage, Family of Wallingford, Nicholas and Travers, Sarah
- Travers, Sarah
- Wallingford, Nicholas
- Marriage, Family of Travers, Henry and Fitts, Bridget
- Fitts, Bridget
- Travers, Henry
- Gore, Sarah
- Birth, Gore, Sarah
- , Elizabeth
- Death, , Elizabeth
- Death, Wallingford, Nicholas
- Wallingford, Nicholas
- Travers, Sarah
- Death, Travers, Sarah
- Death, Wallingford, John
- Wallingford, John
- Birth, Fitts, Bridget
- Fitts, Bridget
- Birth, Travers, Samuel
- Travers, Samuel
- Death, Wallingford, Andrew
- Wallingford, Andrew
- Birth, Travers, Sarah
- Travers, Sarah
- Wallingford, Nicholas
- Birth, Wallingford, Nicholas
- Wallingford, Andrew
- Birth, Wallingford, Andrew
- Poore, John
- Birth, Poore, John
- Birth, Travers, Henry
- Travers, Henry
- Travers, Henry
- Death, Travers, Henry
- Poore, Sara G.
- Birth, Poore, Sara G.