Witt Family of Bedford County, Virginia

Author Marcia Witt
Publication information Publication Date: 11 JUL 2013 Media: Website / URL


Contact: Marcia Witt 7991 West Lake Drive West Palm Beach, Fla 33406


    1. Birth, Royall, Joseph III
      1. Royall, Joseph III (Primary)
    2. Royall, Joseph III
    1. Marriage, Family of Royall, Joseph III and Eppes, Mary
      1. Royall, Joseph III (Primary)
      2. Eppes, Mary (Primary)
    2. Royall, Joseph III
    3. Eppes, Mary
    1. Littleberry, Robert
    2. Death, Littleberry, Robert
      1. Littleberry, Robert (Primary)
    1. Birth, Royall, Joseph I
      1. Royall, Joseph I (Primary)
    2. Royall, Joseph I
    1. Death, Eppes, Mary
      1. Eppes, Mary (Primary)
    2. Eppes, Mary
    1. Banks, Katherine
    2. Death, Banks, Katherine
      1. Banks, Katherine (Primary)
    1. Birth, , Angeline
      1. , Angeline (Primary)
    2. , Angeline
    1. Royall, Joseph II
    2. Birth, Royall, Joseph II
      1. Royall, Joseph II (Primary)
    1. , Angeline
    2. Death, , Angeline
      1. , Angeline (Primary)
    1. Death, Littleberry, Elizabeth
      1. Littleberry, Elizabeth (Primary)
    2. Littleberry, Elizabeth
    1. Birth, Littleberry, Elizabeth
      1. Littleberry, Elizabeth (Primary)
    2. Littleberry, Elizabeth
    1. Marriage, Family of Banks, Christopher II and
      1. Banks, Christopher II (Primary)
      2. (Primary)
    2. Banks, Christopher II
    1. Death, Eppes, Francis II
      1. Eppes, Francis II (Primary)
    2. Eppes, Francis II
    1. , Angeline
    2. Marriage, Family of Royall, Joseph I and , Angeline
      1. Royall, Joseph I (Primary)
      2. , Angeline (Primary)
    3. Royall, Joseph I
    1. Birth, Eppes, Mary
      1. Eppes, Mary (Primary)
    2. Eppes, Mary
    1. Boughton, Jane Marie
    2. Birth, Boughton, Jane Marie
      1. Boughton, Jane Marie (Primary)
    1. Eppes, Francis II
    2. Birth, Eppes, Francis II
      1. Eppes, Francis II (Primary)
    1. Birth, Banks, Christopher II
      1. Banks, Christopher II (Primary)
    2. Banks, Christopher II
    1. Eppes, Francis II
    1. Boughton, Jane Marie
    2. Death, Boughton, Jane Marie
      1. Boughton, Jane Marie (Primary)
    1. Marriage, Family of Eppes, Francis II and Littleberry, Elizabeth
      1. Eppes, Francis II (Primary)
      2. Littleberry, Elizabeth (Primary)
    2. Eppes, Francis II
    3. Littleberry, Elizabeth
    1. Royall, Joseph II
    2. Death, Royall, Joseph II
      1. Royall, Joseph II (Primary)
    1. Birth, Littleberry, Robert
      1. Littleberry, Robert (Primary)
    2. Littleberry, Robert
    1. Royall, Joseph II
    2. Banks, Katherine
    3. Marriage, Family of Royall, Joseph II and Banks, Katherine
      1. Banks, Katherine (Primary)
      2. Royall, Joseph II (Primary)
    1. Banks, Katherine
    2. Birth, Banks, Katherine
      1. Banks, Katherine (Primary)
    1. Death, Royall, Joseph I
      1. Royall, Joseph I (Primary)
    2. Royall, Joseph I
    1. Boughton, Jane Marie
    2. Marriage, Family of Littleberry, Robert and Boughton, Jane Marie
      1. Littleberry, Robert (Primary)
      2. Boughton, Jane Marie (Primary)
    3. Littleberry, Robert
    1. Death, Banks, Christopher II
      1. Banks, Christopher II (Primary)
    2. Banks, Christopher II
    1. Death, Royall, Joseph III
      1. Royall, Joseph III (Primary)
    2. Royall, Joseph III