Ron Wortham, WorthamResearchProject (Files of the Wortham Research Project) ABBR WorthamResearchProject Gedcom File Imported to main file on 11 Nov 1998 NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE Files of the Wortham Research Project WorthamResearchProject
Roberts, Richard
Durham, Thomas Howard
Wilson, Mary A.
Hampton, James Harris
Durham, Archie Nolan
Symons, Sarah Kersey 'Sadie'
Reece, Fred Corbett
Roberts, David Elisha
Roberts, Rebecca Ann
Klyce, Dora Altisey
Klyce, Henry Adam
Klyce, Sarah Francis
Klyce, Harvey Asbury
Corbett, Estill Robertson
Warren, Amy Bell
Klyce, David Jackson
Klyce, John Wesley
Forrest, C. W.
Harber, Emmett Lister
Roberts, Elisha
Redmond, William Thompson
, Harry
Klyce, William Richard
, Jack
Corbett, Willie Mozell
Powell, Joseph B.
Corbett, Franklin Hamlet
Klyce, James Marshall
Corbett, Alymer Glen
Roberts, Harvey A.
Roberts, Wesley H.
Klyce, Mary Eve
Corbett, William Stephen
Roberts, William Bachelor
Klyce, Mozella Deaudrey
Durham, Frances Ophelia
Roberts, Isabella A.
Corbett, Mary Elizabeth
Klyce, Henry Marshall
Corbett, Tommie Lou
Talbert, Mary Jane
Reece, Sollie Bryan
Klyce, Lena Julia
Durham, Thomas Glenn
Durham, Della Estelle
Walker, Caroline Regina
Klyce, Rebecca Catherine
Klyce, Thomas Ithamar
Roberts, Judith
Nichols, William A.