@ RootsWeb Ancestry of John D Newport

Author John D. Newport
Publication information Publication Date: 15 APR 2009 Media: Website / URL



This source is subordinate to Source source04696


    1. Birth, Yeo, John
      1. Yeo, John (Primary)
    2. Yeo, John
    1. de Lee, Thomas Esquire
    2. Death, de Lee, Thomas Esquire
      1. de Lee, Thomas Esquire (Primary)
    1. Marriage, Family of de Lee, Thomas Esquire and Morton, Johanna
      1. de Lee, Thomas Esquire (Primary)
      2. Morton, Johanna (Primary)
    2. Morton, Johanna
    3. de Lee, Thomas Esquire
    1. Birth
      1. (Primary)
    1. Birth, Corbin, Elizabeth
      1. Corbin, Elizabeth (Primary)
    2. Corbin, Elizabeth
    1. Birth, Morton, Robert
      1. Morton, Robert (Primary)
    2. Morton, Robert
    1. Lee, Humphrey
    1. Morton, Johanna
    2. Death, Morton, Johanna
      1. Morton, Johanna (Primary)
    1. de Lee, John
    1. de Lee, John
    2. Corbin, Elizabeth
    3. Marriage, Family of de Lee, John and Corbin, Elizabeth
      1. de Lee, John (Primary)
      2. Corbin, Elizabeth (Primary)
    1. Blount, John
    2. Birth, Blount, John
      1. Blount, John (Primary)
    1. Birth, Wynnington, Elizabeth
      1. Wynnington, Elizabeth (Primary)
    2. Wynnington, Elizabeth
    1. Death, Corbin, Elizabeth
      1. Corbin, Elizabeth (Primary)
    2. Corbin, Elizabeth
    1. de Lee, Thomas Esquire
    1. Death, Morton, Robert
      1. Morton, Robert (Primary)
    2. Morton, Robert
    1. Death, Blount, Katherine
      1. Blount, Katherine (Primary)
    2. Blount, Katherine
    1. Blount, Humphrey
    2. Birth, Blount, Humphrey
      1. Blount, Humphrey (Primary)
    1. Death, Blount, Humphrey
      1. Blount, Humphrey (Primary)
    2. Blount, Humphrey
    1. Birth, de Lee, Thomas Esquire
      1. de Lee, Thomas Esquire (Primary)
    2. de Lee, Thomas Esquire
    1. Death, Blount, John
      1. Blount, John (Primary)
    2. Blount, John
    1. Marriage, Family of Blount, Humphrey and Wynnington, Elizabeth
      1. Blount, Humphrey (Primary)
      2. Wynnington, Elizabeth (Primary)
    2. Wynnington, Elizabeth
    3. Blount, Humphrey
    1. Yeo, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Yeo, Elizabeth
      1. Yeo, Elizabeth (Primary)
    1. Death, Lee, Humphrey
      1. Lee, Humphrey (Primary)
    2. Lee, Humphrey
    1. Birth, Morton, Johanna
      1. Morton, Johanna (Primary)
    2. Morton, Johanna
    1. Death, de Lee, John
      1. de Lee, John (Primary)
    2. de Lee, John
    1. Wynnington, Elizabeth
    2. Death, Wynnington, Elizabeth
      1. Wynnington, Elizabeth (Primary)
    1. Blount, Katherine
    2. Marriage, Family of Lee, Humphrey and Blount, Katherine
      1. Lee, Humphrey (Primary)
      2. Blount, Katherine (Primary)
    3. Lee, Humphrey
    1. Birth, Blount, Katherine
      1. Blount, Katherine (Primary)
    2. Blount, Katherine
    1. Yeo, Elizabeth
    2. Death, Yeo, Elizabeth
      1. Yeo, Elizabeth (Primary)
    1. Birth, de Lee, John
      1. de Lee, John (Primary)
    2. de Lee, John
    1. Lee, Humphrey
    2. Birth, Lee, Humphrey
      1. Lee, Humphrey (Primary)