Anchetil de Harcourt - emsuggs.ged


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This source is subordinate to Source S25789


    1. Family of Barton, Richard and Southworth, Ann
    1. Farrington, Robert
    1. Culchethe, John
    1. Burgh, Richard De Earl Of Galway
    1. Southworth, Jane
    1. Clifton, Thomas
    1. Rushton, John
    1. Burgh, Richard De
    1. Burgh, Richard Mór De Lord Of Connacht
    1. Southworth, Richard
    1. Southworth, Cicely
    1. Family of Rushton, John and Southworth, Dorothy
    1. Southworth, Anne
    1. Southworth, Margaret (Ludworth)
    1. Southworth, Katherine
    1. Family of Clifton, Thomas and Southworth, Katherine
    1. Boteler, Margaret
    1. Family of Southworth, Thomas and Boteler, Margery
    1. Family of Farrington, Robert and Southworth, Elizabeth
    1. Burgh, Uilleag De
    1. Family of Culchethe, John and Southworth, Cicely
    1. Preston, Ann
    1. Family of Burgh, Richard De Earl Of Galway and Boteler, Margaret
    1. Family of Clifton, Thomas and Southworth, Cicely
    1. Burgh, Richard De Earl Of Galway
    1. Family of Westby, John and Southworth, Katherine
    1. Barton, Richard
    1. Southworth, Ann
    1. Westby, John
    1. Preston, John
    1. Southworth, John
    1. Southworth, Dorothy
    1. Southworth, Margaret
    1. O' Carroll, Grania
    1. Barton, William
    1. Southworth, Leonard
    1. Clifton, Thomas
    1. Southworth, Thomas
    1. Southworth, Thomas
    1. Southworth, Elizabeth
    1. Preston, Christopher
    1. Southworth, Gilbert
    1. Family of Burgh, Richard Mór De Lord Of Connacht and Boteler, Margaret
    1. Southworth, Mary
    1. Southworth, Christopher
    1. Burgh, John De Baron Leitrim
    1. Family of Southworth, John and Ashton, Mary
    1. Southworth, John
    1. Family of Preston, Christopher and Southworth, Margaret (Ludworth)
    1. Preston, Thomas
    1. Family of Burgh, Uilleag De Earl Of Galway and O' Carroll, Grania
    1. Burgh, Redmund De
    1. Burgh, John De
    1. Burgh, Thomas Fearanta De
    1. Burgh, Uilleag De Earl Of Galway
    1. Ashton, Mary