Winston of Virginia and allied families, compiled by Clayton Torrency

Publication information Publication Date: 1927


Document reads:
Thomas Bernard (son of Robert and Elizabeth [Lillyng] Bernard, of Abington, Clare and Little Bringhton. He is said to have served at Agincourt; escheater of the Counties of Northampton and Rutland. Died 1464 and was buried at Clare. He married Margaret, sister of Sir Walter Mauntell, of Hereford. She married, second, William Newenham, of Thenford, Northamptonshire, Esqr. Thomas and Margaret (Mauntell) Bernard has issue: (1) Sir John Bernard of whom hereafter; (2) Thomas Bernard, vicar of Pattershall, Northamptonshire 1449.
Sir John Bernard, of Abington (son of Thomas and Margaret [Mauntell] Bernard), was aged 28 in 1465. He married Margaret, daughter of Henry, 4th Lord Scrope of Bolton, by his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of John, 4th Lord Scrope of Masham. Margaret (Scrope) Bernard's paternal grandmother (wife of the 3rd Lord Scrope, of Bolton) was Lady Margaret Neville, daughter of Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, and half-sister to Lady Cicily Neville, who married Richard, Duke of York, and became the mother of Edward IV. These ladies were aunts to the "Kingmaker": Earl of Warwick. By this marriage the subsequent Bernards derive descent from royalty through Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, younger son of Henry III and through the Houses of Percy and Neville. Sir John and Margaret (Scrope) Bernard had issue: (1) John Bernard, of whom hereafter; (2) Thomas Bernard, of Gloucestershire, died 1475-6; (3) Francis Bernard, of Gloucestershire; (4) Eustace Bernard, entered Holy Orders; (5) Robert Bernard, rector of Cottingham and Cotterstock, Northamptonshire.