@ RootsWeb Caldwell and related families

Author Michael Neuman
Publication information Publication Date: 29 APR 2009 Media: Website / URL



This source is subordinate to Source source04696


    1. Wilsforde, Elizabeth
    1. Bingham, Joan
    1. De Ferrers, Mary
    1. De Ferrers, Charles
    1. Bagot, Sioned
    1. Clarke, John
    1. Staverton, Elizabeth
    1. Saunders, Lawrence
    1. le Scrope, Stephen
    1. Stanley, Maud
    1. Trafford, Margery
    1. Strelley, Sir John
    1. Bingham, Catherine
    1. De Freville, Thomasine
    1. Willoughby, Thomas
    1. Clarke, Margery
    1. Bingham, George
    1. Bingham, Jane
    1. Saunders, Thomas
    1. Willoughby, Hugh
    1. Kirkham, Richard
    1. Clarke, Walter
    1. Babington, Bernard
    1. Longford, Henry
    1. Clarke, Agnes
    1. Washbourne, John
    1. Lord, Thomas
    1. Strelley, Anne
    1. Washborne, John
    1. Longford, Elizabeth
    1. Lytton, Rowland
    1. Willoughby, Margery
    1. Bingham, Richard
    1. Willoughby, Christopher
    1. Draycott, Sir Roger
    1. Chetwynd, Thomas
    1. de Botetourt, Maud
    1. Saunders, Dorothy
    1. Shirley, John
    1. Ferrers, Grace
    1. Bingham, William
    1. De Gresley, Thomas
    1. Wrottesley, Margaret
    1. Longford, Thomas
    1. Chetwynd, Anthony
    1. de Peshall, Adam
    1. Knight, Robert
    1. De Ferrers, Jane
    1. Shirley, Ralph
    1. Shirley, Elizabeth
    1. De Freville, Robert
    1. Booth, Audrey
    1. De Ferrers, George
    1. Willoughby, Ralph
    1. Mytton, Richard
    1. De Freville, Sir Baldwin
    1. Stanford, Thomas
    1. Knight, Henry
    1. Le Scrope, Maud
    1. Hungerford, John
    1. Le Scrope, Richard
    1. Mytton, Joan
    1. Clarke, Edward
    1. Saunders, Alice
    1. De Ferrers, Sir John
    1. De Freville, Sir Baldwin
    1. Curson, John
    1. Shirley, Thomas
    1. Clarke, Agnes
    1. Le Scrope, Anne
    1. Mornington, Elizabeth
    1. Aston, Joan Agnes
    1. De Freville, Robert
    1. Peyton, Rose
    1. Strelley, Jane
    1. De Ferrers, Sir John
    1. Strelley, Isabel
    1. Strelley, Margaret
    1. Bingham, Alice
    1. Willoughby, Alice
    1. Jerningham, Edward
    1. Knight, Jane
    1. Mytton, Eleanora
    1. Babington, Sir Anthony
    1. Horsfall, Agnes
    1. Le Scrope, Dorothy
    1. Draycott, Richard
    1. Aston, Isobel
    1. De Ferrers, Nicholas
    1. Ferrers, Richard
    1. De Ferrers, Henry
    1. Knight, Roger
    1. Clarke, George
    1. Shirley, Arthur
    1. Clarke, James
    1. De Ferrers, Edward
    1. Burgoyne, Thomasine
    1. Clarke, George
    1. Le Scrope, Mary
    1. Wyndham, Thomas
    1. De Freville, Elizabeth
    1. Shirley, Ralph
    1. Brokesby, Robert
    1. Shirley, Anne
    1. Clarke, John
    1. Curson, Henry
    1. De Ferrers, Maude
    1. De Ferrers, Henry
    1. Shirley, Mary
    1. Eyre, Elizabeth
    1. Ferrers, Henry
    1. De Ferrers, Margaret
    1. de Ferrers, Elizabeth
    1. Washbourne, Walter
    1. Curson, Eleanor
    1. Ferrers, Alice
    1. Jerningham, Sir Henry
    1. Washbourne, Eleanor
    1. De Mytton, William
    1. Knightley, John
    1. De Gresley, Elizabeth
    1. De Freville, Baldwin
    1. Sheffield, Jane
    1. Shirley, Cassandra
    1. Clarke, Richard
    1. Macye, Anne
    1. Jerningham, Ferdinand
    1. Sutton, Katherine
    1. Pigot, Margaret
    1. Stanford, Catherine
    1. Shirley, Francis
    1. Bingham, Robert
    1. Griffith, Margaret
    1. Shirley, Alice
    1. le Scrope, John
    1. Curson, Richard
    1. Aston, Roger
    1. De Ferrers, Anne
    1. Ferrers, Robert
    1. Kingston, William
    1. Ferrers, Margaret
    1. Wyndham, Mary
    1. Curson, William
    1. Bingham, George
    1. Montgomery, Dorothy
    1. Clarke, James
    1. Chetwynd, Godfrey
    1. De Mytton, Richard
    1. Willoughby, Robert
    1. Hungerford, Margaret
    1. Knight, Catherine
    1. Clarke, John
    1. De Freville, Robert
    1. Clarke, Thomas
    1. Shirley, Anne
    1. Beaumont, Constance
    1. Strelley, Sir John
    1. Acton, Griffith
    1. Babington, Edward
    1. Burgoyne, Thomasine
    1. De Ferrers, Ursula
    1. De Ferrers, William
    1. Curson, Elizabeth
    1. Brokesby, Alice
    1. Clarke, Thomas
    1. Kingston, Anthony
    1. De Brugge, Henry
    1. Willoughby, Robert
    1. De Gresley, George
    1. De Ferrers, Sir John
    1. Curson, Isobel
    1. Jerningham, Mary
    1. La Pole, Eleanor De
    1. De Ferrers, Sir Edward
    1. Bingham, Anne
    1. De Freville, Joyce
    1. Curson, Richard
    1. Greene, Joane
    1. De Gresley, Elizabeth
    1. De Gresley, Katherine
    1. Knight, Henry
    1. Mytton, Jane
    1. Clarke, Henry
    1. De Ferrers, Anne
    1. Clarke, Thomas
    1. Clarke, Anne
    1. Mytton, Joan
    1. Ferrers, Mary
    1. Clarke, Elizabeth
    1. Jerningham, Edmund
    1. Shirley, Baldwin
    1. De Gresley, James
    1. De Ferrers, Alice
    1. Knightley, Thomas
    1. Bourchier, Sir John
    1. Shirley, Joyce
    1. de Ferrers, Thomas II
    1. Draycott, Sir John
    1. Saunders, Audrey
    1. Strelley, Anne
    1. De Sutton, Robert
    1. Birth, de Botetourt, Agnes
      1. de Botetourt, Agnes (Primary)
    2. de Botetourt, Agnes
    1. Bingham, Robert
    1. de Ferrers, Thomas
    1. Knightley, Constance
    1. Knight, Bennet
    1. Curson, Anne
    1. De Ferrers, Sir Edward
    1. Knight, John
    1. De Ferrers, Edmund
    1. Booth, Philip
    1. Willoughby, Henry
    1. Knightley, Sir Richard
    1. Savage, Katherine
    1. Shirley, Thomas
    1. Margaret
    1. De Ferrers, Richard
    1. Saunders, William
    1. Clarke, James
    1. Clarke, Thomas
    1. Harper, Dorothy
    1. Knightley, Edward
    1. Strelley, Elizabeth
    1. Bingham, Thomas
    1. Willoughby, Alice
    1. Washborne, Norman
    1. Booth, Philip
    1. Washbourne, Joan
    1. Haselden, Beatrice
    1. De Gresley, Thomas
    1. Willoughby, Sanchia
    1. Hungerford, Joanne
    1. Knightley, Sir Valentine
    1. De Ferrers, Isabelle
    1. Corbet, Margaret
    1. Kirkham, George
    1. Shirley, Alice
    1. Bingham, Cecily
    1. Curson, Elizabeth
    1. Staples, Eleanor
    1. De Pershale, Margaret
    1. Jerningham, Elizabeth
    1. Montgomery, John
    1. Chetwynd, William
    1. le Scrope, Stephen
    1. Wyndham, Edmund
    1. Clarke, Brydget
    1. De Gresley, Robert
    1. Shirley, Edward
    1. Lytton, Robert
    1. Clarke, Robert
    1. de Botetourt, Alice
    2. Birth, de Botetourt, Alice
      1. de Botetourt, Alice (Primary)
    1. Le Scrope, Eleanor
    1. Eyre, Elizabeth
    1. Mytton, John
    1. De Ferrers, Mabel
    1. Mytton, Margaret
    1. Longford, William
    1. De Grey, Reginald
    1. Burgoyne, Thomas
    1. Shirley, Jane
    1. Hastings, Anne
    1. Shirley, Margaret
    1. Shirley, Eleanor
    1. Shirley, Henry
    1. De Ferrers, Margaret
    1. Shirley, Robert
    1. Clarke, William
    1. De Gresley, William
    1. Mytton, Anne
    1. Burgoyne, Christopher
    1. De Ferrers, Sir Humphrey
    1. De Ferrers, Agnes
    1. Mytton, Joyce
    1. De Ferrers, Edward
    1. Clarke, Alexander
    1. Brome, Constance
    1. Acton, Thomas
    1. Mytton, John
    1. De Freville, Thomas
    1. Longford, Ralph
    1. Swynnerton, Anne
    1. Dryland, Elizabeth
    1. Curson, Christopher
    1. De Gresley, William
    1. Malehearbe, Jane
    1. Washbourne, John
    1. Le Scrope, Anthony
    1. de Botetourt, John II
    1. De Gresley, John
    1. Washbourne, Francis
    1. De Gresley, Eleanor
    1. De Brugge, Joanne
    1. Le Scrope, Sir Richard
    1. Strelley, John
    1. De Ferrers, Isabel
    1. Kirkham, Thomas
    1. Curson, Francis
    1. De Ferrers, Catherine
    1. Babington, Elizabeth
    1. De Ferrers, Elizabeth
    1. Wyndham, Elizabeth
    1. De Ferrers, Brian
    1. De Ferrers, Elizabeth
    1. De Ferrers, Henry
    1. De Grey, Henry
    1. De Ferrers, Nicholas
    1. Chetwynd, Elizabeth
    1. De Freville, Margaret
    1. Peyton, Margaret
    1. Clarke, Edward
    1. Clarke, Margaret
    1. De Gresley, Ellen
    1. De Freville, Sir Baldwin
    1. Wyndham, Margaret
    1. Curson, Catherine
    1. Longford, Nicholas
    1. Clarke, Reginald
    1. Lytton, William
    1. De Gresley, Anne
    1. Curson, Richard
    1. Shirley, John
    1. Ferrers, Susan
    1. Montgomery, Ellen
    1. Haxstall, Margaret
    1. De Ferrers, Richard
    1. Longford, Sir Ralph
    1. Shirley, Nicholas
    1. Knight, John
    1. Clarke, George
    1. Lord, Harry
    1. De Ferrers, Catherine
    1. De Ferrers, John
    1. Bingham, Mary
    1. de Freville, William
    1. de Botetourt, Matilda
    2. Birth, de Botetourt, Matilda
      1. de Botetourt, Matilda (Primary)
    1. Washbourne, John
    1. De Gresley, Edward
    1. Bingham, Sir Richard
    1. Jane
    1. de Grey, Maud
    1. Curson, John
    1. Draycott, Sir Philip
    1. De Ferrers, Henry
    1. Willoughby, Baldwin
    1. Knight, John
    1. Hopton, Margaret
    1. Kirkham, Andrew
    1. Bingham, Robert
    1. Bingham, Christopher
    1. Longford, John
    1. Washbourne, Robert
    1. Kirkham, Mary
    1. Clarke, Alice
    1. La Lynde, Joan De
    1. De Freville, Margaret
    1. Bagot, Richard
    1. Clarke, John
    1. Harber, Frances
    1. Hungerford, Elizabeth
    1. Saunders, Anne
    1. Longford, Margaret
    1. De Lacy, Margaret
    1. Clarke, James
    1. Babington, Thomas
    1. Coker, Alice
    1. Bagot, John
    1. De Ferrers, Mabel
    1. Acton, William
    1. Acton, John
    1. Shirley, Richard
    1. Giffard, Dorothy
    1. De Freville, Joyce
    1. de Botetourt, John III
    2. Birth, de Botetourt, John III
      1. de Botetourt, John III (Primary)
    1. Draycott, John
    1. Beckwith, Anne
    1. Birth, de Botetourt, Joyce
      1. de Botetourt, Joyce (Primary)
    2. de Botetourt, Joyce
    1. Draycott, Sir Roger
    1. Wyndham, John
    1. Babington, Catherine
    1. Meringe, Elizabeth
    1. De Ferrers, Dorothy
    1. Willoughby, Eleanor
    1. Kirkham, James
    1. Shirley, Hugh
    1. Babington, John
    1. Clarke, Joan
    1. Longford, Elizabeth