Beatty, Joseph

Birth Name Beatty, Joseph
Gender male
Age at Death 74 years, 8 months, 7 days


Beatty, Joseph, Sgt., PA Line; 13 Dec 1823; 22 Sept 1823; $96; age 81; died 8 Sept 1827.


# United States Census 1810 , Grayson, Kentucky, USA
# Note:

254 BEATY Joseph 0 0 0 0 1/ 0 2 1 2 0/ 0/ 0
REFERENCE: Free White Males| 0/9, 10/15, 16/25, 26/44, 45+ FREE WHITE FEMALES| 0/9, 10/15, 16/25, 26/44, 45+ | Other Free Persons| SLAVES|


Pension Application of Joseph Beatty
Author: Curt Beatty Date: 10 Sep 1999 12:00 PM GMT

Court Minute Book 3 (1818 - 1823)

Page 217, Original Claim, District of Kentucky:

On this 18th day of June 1821 personally appeared in open court being a court of record established by the Legislature of Kentucky having powers to fine and imprison for the county of Breckinridge, Joseph Beaty, Sergeant, aged about sixty eight years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the act of Congress of the 18th March 1818 and the 1st May 1820, that he the said Joseph Beaty Sergeant enlisted for the term of three years in the month of August in the year 1776 in the state of Pennsylvania in the company commanded by Captain Moses Carsey in the regiment commanded by Colonel Eunis McCoy in the line of the State of Pennsylvania on the Pennsylvania Continental establishment, that he continued to serve in the said corps until the end of three years when he was discharged from the said service in Westmoreland County in the State of Pennsylvania, that he was in the scrimmages of Woodbridge, the Scotch Picket, and Bonbrook, Broadhead and McIntushes, and that he has no other evidence now in his power of said service except the affidavits of Edward Dehaven and Jonathan Bozarth here annexed and in pursuance of the Act of the first May 1820, I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighteen and that I have not since that time by gift, sale or any manner disposed of my property o~- any part thereof with intent thereby so as to diminish it so as to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress entitled An Act to Provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War passed on the 18th day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighteen and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities, contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the Schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed. One horse creature, t~ cows, twenty one hogs, one plough, one axe, one mattock, one hilling hoe, two set of gears, set doubletrees, one large pot and kettle, pot hooks and bales, table and dresser ware, one iron tea kettle, all of which are worth sixty seven dollars. Joseph Beaty also states that his family consists of himself, two unmarried women aged 35 a 40, and an orphan child about five years old. And my occupation a farmer and very ill able to labor for his living. Sworn and declared on the 18th day of June 1821. (signed) Joseph Beaty.

The court do also give it as their opinion that the total amount in value of the property exhibited in the above Schedule is $67, which is ordered to be certified. signed) William Moorman, Thomas Owen, Jr., N. D. Anderson, J. H. L. Moorman,
members of the Court.

We, Edward Dehaven and Jonathon Bozarth do upon our oaths state that the declaration made by Joseph Beaty as respects the time of his enlistment. and discharge and the battles he was engaged in is true to best of our knowledge. June 18, 1821.
Sworn to in court before William Moorman, Thomas Owen, Jr., N. D. Anderson, J. H. L. Moorman. (signed) Edward Dehaven, Jonathan Bozarth.

Descendants of William or Joseph Beatty and ? or Mary ? or Mary McConnell


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1753 Pennsylvania   1
Event Note

Death 1827-09-08 Grayson Co., Kentucky   1
Event Note

Age: 74y


Family of Beatty, Joseph and McConnell, Mary

Married Wife McConnell, Mary ( * 1760 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1792-03-28 Woodford Co., Kentucky/Virginia Religious Marriage 2
Event Note

M: Bef. 1771


1. Title: Beatty
Publication: Descendants of William or Joseph Beatty and ? or Mary ? or Mary McConnell

Name Birth Date Death Date
Beatty, Adam1771
Beatty, Elizabeth1773
Beatty, Jane1774-12-23
Beatty, William1776-08-091854-02-22
Beatty, Mary1778
Beatty, Ann1784-03-02