di Buonalbergo, Girard 1a

Birth Name di Buonalbergo, Girard
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Girard of Buonalbergo
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Girard, lord of Buonalbergo, was a Norman chieftain in the middle of the eleventh century in the Mezzogiorno. He was in the service of the prince of Benevento.

Despite being chiefly known for giving his daughter Alberada in marriage to the upstart Robert Guiscard, to assure the latter's alliance, he was an important enough baron to send 200 knights in fee as Alberada's dowry and still commit many to Humphrey, Count of Apulia and brother of the Guiscard, in the Battle of Civitate of 1053. He himself took part in the battle.



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1000 Buonalbergo, Benevento, Campania, Italy   2


Family of di Buonalbergo, Girard and

Unknown Partner ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
di Buonalbergo, Alberada10301122-07-00


    1. di Buonalbergo, Girard
        1. di Buonalbergo, Alberada

Source References

  1. Michael Neuman: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=michaelrneuman&id=I074922 Neuman-Smith-Goodale Family and Ancestors
      • Source text:

        ID: I074922
        Name: Seignor di Buonalbergo Girard
        Sex: M
        Birth: ABT 1000 in Buonalbergo, Benevento, Campania, Italy
        Girard of Buonalbergo
        From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Girard, lord of Buonalbergo, was a Norman chieftain in the middle of the eleventh century in the Mezzogiorno. He was in the service of the prince of Benevento.

        Despite being chiefly known for giving his daughter Alberada in marriage to the upstart Robert Guiscard, to assure the latter's alliance, he was an important enough baron to send 200 knights in fee as Alberada's dowry and still commit many to Humphrey, Count of Apulia and brother of the Guiscard, in the Battle of Civitate of 1053. He himself took part in the battle.






        Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
        Alberada di Buonalbergo b: ABT 1030 in Buonalbergo, Benevento, Campania, Italy


      • Citation:

        Descendants and ancestors of George Smith and Eva Goodale


  2. Michael Neuman: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=michaelrneuman&id=I031738&style=TABLE Neuman-Smith-Goodale Family and Ancestors