Poyntz, Hugh 1 2 3 4

Birth Name Poyntz, Hugh
Gender male
Age at Death 28 years, 3 months, 3 days


Sir Hugh Poyntz, d. 4 Apr 1220, son of Nicholas Poyntz, d. bef.2 Nov 1223, and Julian, daughter of Hugh Bardolf; with hisfather Hugh Poyntz joined the Barons in their struggle againstKing John, and was captured at Worcester, 17 July 1216, andimprisoned. [Magna Charta Sureties]


HUGH [Poyntz], son and heir apparent by 1st wife, served for hisfather in Ireland in 1210, and in 1214 with the King in Poitou.With his father he joined the Barons against King John, and hislands were confiscated. He was captured, 17 July 1216, atWorcester, and imprisoned in Bristol Castle until August; inFebruary 1216/7 he pledged himself to serve the new King, andhad an order for return of his lands.

He married, before 23 March 1216/7, Hawise, elder daughter andcoheir of William MALET (died 1215), of Curry Malet, Somerset,by Alice, daughter and coheir of Thomas BASSET, of Headington,Oxon (died 1220). Hugh died v.p., shortly before 4 April 1220.His widow married, before 11 February 1220/1, Robert DEMUCEGROS, and was living 4 May 1287. Robert died shortly before26 February 1253/4. [Complete Peerage X:672, (transcribed byDave Utzinger)]



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1192 Tockington, Gloucestershire, England    
Death 1220-04-04      

Age: 28y

Occupation     Lord of Curry Malet  
Christening 2006-07-31      


Family of Poyntz, Hugh and Poyntz, Helewisia

Married Wife Poyntz, Helewisia ( * 1202 + 1287-05-04 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1216-03-23   Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Poyntz, Nicholas III12201273-10-07


    1. Poyntz, Hugh
      1. Poyntz, Helewisia
        1. Poyntz, Nicholas III