McClellan, George B. 1a
Birth Name | McClellan, George B. |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | unknown |
Some of you write me very angry that I don't have the correct information. I apologize, every thing in this file has not been verified, I've been sick and dont have the time to verify every thing so be sure you verify it and not take it for the gospel, but rather as a starting point. Also alot of my dates are about not exact I do not edit files that are sent to me but add them as they are I have to assume that the person who sent them has done his homework. I only try to verify my direct line. This file is a large one with extended family and comes from many sources including the internet I do my best to correct wrong infomation. If you want me to make changes send me proof and I will but please dont write and say its wrong if you have nothing you can prove your version with. My hope is that this file will help you and that some day all the information will be correct. Thank all who have added to this file. Everything I have is here in this file. Dee
Family of McClellan, George B. and Burton, Thelma Weddel |
Unknown | Partner | Burton, Thelma Weddel ( * 1921-12-17 + 1989-12-19 ) |
- McClellan, George B.
Source References
Dee: All My Relations
Source text:
# ID: I32115
# Name: Lydia Memes Purvis
# Sex: F
# Birth: 26 MAY 1798 in NC
# Death: 25 DEC 1874 in Pulaski Co KY
# Burial: Souls Chapple Cem
# Event: Alt. Birth 26 MAY 1798 North Carolina
# Event: Alt. Death 25 DEC 1874 Pulaski County, Kentucky
# Reference Number: 4764
# Note:Lydia Colyer had a slave, Clara, age 16 who died 11 December, 1853. No cause of death was given. Pulaski County death records, 1853, page 2
Census: 1850 Pulaski Co., KY
Census: 1870 in the Samuel Black household
Burial: Soul's Chapel Cemetery, Pulaski Co., KY, E Hwy 80. Near Sugar Hill
Will of Lydia Purvis Colyer reads:As life is uncertain and death is certain, I deem it prudent wilst in the enjoyment of sound mind and discretion to dispose of my worldly effects and wish to do so in the following manner to wit: I sold to Manerva Richardson several years ago a (pop?) that I never bequeath to her my (sadale?) and a white counterpaine. I give to Harriet Black for services rendered one bed quilt, to Martin Colyer my beds and their clothing and my furniture I will sold to the highest bidder. I wish after my debts are collected, my burial expenses and other debts paid, the remainder be equally divided between my children, Manerva Richardson, excepted as I have given her all I wish her to have. I wish my son, C. W. Colyer to act as executor to this my last will and testament and to afixed my name and seal this 8 day of April, 1874. Done at C. G. Colyer's in Pulaski, State of Ky.
Signed: Lydia Colyer
Father: James Purvis b: ABT 1762 in Martin Co NC
Mother: Rhoda Roberts b: ABT 1765 in Near Neuse River, Johnston Co, NCMarriage 1 John Wesley Colyer b: 20 AUG 1781 in Washington Co Tennessee
* Married: 6 JAN 1818 in Pulaski Co KY
* Event: Alt. Marriage 6 JAN 1818 in Pulaski County, Kentucky 1Children
1. Has Children Elizabeth Colyer b: 15 NOV 1812 in Pulaski County, Kentucky
2. Has Children Harriet Colyer b: 27 SEP 1818 in Pulaski County, Kentucky
3. Has Children St. Clair Colyer b: 15 DEC 1819 in Somerset, Pulaski County, Kentucky
4. Has Children Lindsey Robert Colyer b: 27 APR 1821 in Pulaski County, Kentucky
5. Has Children Cyrenus Wait Colyer b: 23 JUN 1824 in Pulaski County, Kentucky
6. Has No Children Manerva (Menerva) Colyer b: 31 AUG 1825
7. Has No Children Jehu Colyer b: 24 FEB 1827 in Pulaski County, Kentucky
8. Has Children James Perry Colyer b: 6 DEC 1828 in Pulaski County, Kentucky
9. Has No Children Martin Colyer b: 19 AUG 1830 in Pulaski County, Kentucky
10. Has Children Charles Grenade Colyer b: 8 AUG 1832 in Pulaski County, Kentucky
11. Has No Children Stephen Colyer b: ABT 1837 in Pulaski County, KentuckySources:
1. Title: Pulaski County Kentucky Marriage Books
Author: County Government Records, transcribed from microfilm
Publication: Pulaski County Historical Society
Somerset, Kentucky
Note: ABBR Pulaski County Kentucky Marriage Books
Note: ABBR Pulaski County Kentucky Marriage Books
Note: NAME Not Given (See Notes)
Not Given (See Notes)
NOTE NAME Gilmer Callison
Page: Book 1, page 30 Surety, James Purvis Presiding, Wesley White
Text: QUAY 3 QUAY 3 -
Source text: