Harris, Albert 1 2a

Birth Name Harris, Albert
Gender male
Age at Death 70 years, 11 months, 18 days


World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=6482&enc=1> about Albert Harris
Name: Albert Harris
City: Not Stated
County: Hinds
State: Mississippi
Birth Date: 23 Nov 1873
Race: White
Roll: 1682924
DraftBoard: 0

Source Citation: Registration Location: Hinds County, Mississippi; Roll: 1682924; Draft Board: 0.

1920 United States Federal Census <http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=6061&enc=1> about Albert Harris
Name: Albert Harris
Home in 1920: Bolton, Hinds, Mississippi
Age: 47 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1873
Birthplace: Mississippi
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Lala
Father's Birth Place: Kentucky
Mother's Birth Place: Mississippi
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Sex: Male
Home owned: Own
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Image: 804

Household Members: Name Age
Albert Harris <http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1920usfedcen&indiv=try&h=102948402> 47 Head M W M MS KY MS
Lala Harris <http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1920usfedcen&indiv=try&h=102948403> 28 Wife F W M MS MS MS
Charles Albert Harris <http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1920usfedcen&indiv=try&h=102948404> 1 6/12 Son M W S MS MS MS
William H Harris <http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1920usfedcen&indiv=try&h=102948405> 0/12 Son M W S MS MS MS

Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Bolton, Hinds, Mississippi; Roll: T625_878; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 804. February 11, 1920

1930 United States Federal Census <http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=6224&enc=1> about Albert Harris
Name: Albert Harris
Home in 1930: Beat 2, Hinds, Mississippi
Age: 56
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1874
Birthplace: Mississippi
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Lula
Race: White

Household Members: Name Age
Albert Harris <http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1930usfedcen&indiv=try&h=36744600> 56 Head M W M@43 MS MS MS
Lula Harris <http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1930usfedcen&indiv=try&h=36744585> 35 Wife F W M@22 MS MS MS
Elwood Harris <http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1930usfedcen&indiv=try&h=36744583> 12 Son M W S MS MS MS
Bell Harris <http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1930usfedcen&indiv=try&h=36744567> 10 Son M W S MS MS MS

Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Beat 2, Hinds, Mississippi; Roll: 1148; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 183.0.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1873-11-23 Bolton, Hinds, Mississippi    
Death 1944-11-11 Bolton, Hinds, Mississippi    

Age: 70y 11m 19d

Burial   Bolton City Cemetery, Hinds, Mississippi    
Christening 2008-03-19 SEATT    


Family of Harris, Albert and Coon, Lula

Married Wife Coon, Lula ( * 1891-11-07 + 1989-07-16 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1917-11-14 , Wilkinson, Mississippi Religious Marriage  

Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935 <http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=7842&enc=1> about Lula Coon
Name: Lula Coon
Spouse: Albert Harris
Marriage Date: 14 Nov 1917
County: Wilkinson

Source Information:
Hunting For Bears, comp.. Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004. Original data: Mississippi marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.

Name Birth Date Death Date
Harris, Charles Albert1918-09-021994-08-02
Harris, William Hansen1919-12-031995-04-17

Source References

  1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Ancestral File (R)
  2. Richard: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=rp98007&id=I17967 My Family History Project
      • Source text:

        # ID: I17967
        # Name: Sarah Despain
        # Surname: Despain
        # Given Name: Sarah
        # Sex: F
        # Birth: 1737 in , Brunswick, Virginia
        # LDS Baptism: 18 Jun 1997 Temple: MANTI 1
        # Endowment: 20 Nov 1997 Temple: JRIVE 2
        # _UID: 9D9CA8FE78334B42A249D5D9E291D3ACA2F2
        # Sealing Child: 21 Mar 1998 Temple: JRIVE 2
        # Note:


        You're more than welcome to download from here.If you have anything that might help me ,please let me know.This is a continious work.Seems to never end!!!!!

        B: Abt. 1737

        # Change Date: 21 Oct 2007 at 18:30:46



        Father: Samuel Despain b: 11 Oct 1692 in French Church, Canterbury, Kent, England c: 16 Oct 1692 in Walloon Or Strangers Church, Canterbury, Kent, England
        Mother: Anna Marshall b: 1712 in Brunswick, Virginia

        Marriage 1 Moses Harris b: ABT 1733 in Of Brunswick, Virginia

        * Married: 1756 in <, Brunswick, Virginia>
        * Sealing Spouse: 22 Sep 1993 in SLAKE 3


        1. Has Children Victor Harris b: ABT 1775



        1. Repository:
        Name: Family History Library
        Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
        Title: International Genealogical index
        Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        Note: Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church to request LDS temple ordinances.
        Search performed using PAF Insight on 3/17/2007
        Text: Sarah DESPAIN; Female; Birth: 1737 , Brunswick, Virginia; Baptism: 18 JUN 1997 MANTI; Father: Samuel DESPAIN; Mother: Anne MARSHALL
        2. Repository:
        Name: Family History Library
        Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
        Title: International Genealogical index
        Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        Note: Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church to request LDS temple ordinances.
        Search performed using PAF Insight on 3/17/2007
        Text: Sarah DESPAIN; Female; Birth: 1737 , Brunswick, Virginia; Endowment: 20 NOV 1997 JRIVE; Sealing to Parents: 21 MAR 1998 JRIVE; Samuel DESPAIN / Anne MARSHALL; Father: Samuel DESPAIN; Mother: Anne MARSHALL
        3. Repository:
        Name: Family History Library
        Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
        Title: International Genealogical index
        Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        Note: Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church to request LDS temple ordinances.
        Search performed using PAF Insight on 3/17/2007
        Text: Moses HARRIS; Male; Sealing to Spouse: 22 SEP 1993 SLAKE; Sarah DISPAIN; Spouse: Sarah DISPAIN; Marriage: 1756 <, Brunswick, Virginia>



      • Citation:

        e-mail: rpope98155@aol.com