Wright, Amye 1a

Birth Name Wright, Amye
Gender female
Age at Death 44 years


Sharon Miller wrote, 'I have a speculative last name for Amye: Wright. I believe she was the widow of William Wright, who seems to have been an early business partner of Robert's. When William died in 1656, Robert was appointed to 'settle his affairs and give the balance to William's widow Amye.' Barbara Marsh adds, 'Old Rappahannock County records note that Robert's wife was 'Amye' at least as of the Dec. 26, 1659 sale of land through the last public mention of her on Nov. 14, 1666.' Sharon continues, 'Given that 'Amye' was a very unusual name for the time, I'm fairly certain that this speculation is correct, but hasve no confirmation.' Barbara again, 'Additionally, Robert Sisson was one of the witnesses to the will of Thomas Wright, dated Oct. 23, 1661 and probated Mar. 10, 1666 in Rappahannock County.' ......"



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1625 England    
Event Note

B: 1621-1630


Death 1669 Richmond, Virginia    

Age: 44y


Family of Sisson, Robert and Wright, Amye

Married Husband Sisson, Robert ( * 1630 + 1692 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1656 Virginia Religious Marriage 2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Sisson, Margaret1643-05-181692
Sisson, William16691719-05-06
Sisson, Robert Jr.1673

Source References

  1. Helen Elise (Pope) Reneau: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=herene&id=I3235 Miller-Lowe-Pope-Walters Tree
      • Source text:

        # ID: I3235
        # Name: Amye Abigail
        # Given Name: Amye Abigail
        # Sex: F
        # Birth: ABT 1630 in , , , VA, British COlony
        # Death: ABT 1669 in Richmond, , , VA, British COlony
        # _UID: 1995AD00CF30D4479AE0994E8117A1D2E1B5
        # Note: Sharon Miller wrote: "I have a speculative last name for Amye: Wright. I believe she was the widow of William Wright, who seems to have been an early business partner of Robert's. When William died in 1656, Robert was appointed to settle his affairs and give the balance to William's widow Amye." Barbara Marsh adds "Old Rappahannock County records note that Robert's wife was 'Amye' at least as of the 26 Dec 1659 sale of land through the last public mention of her on 14 Nov 1666. Sharon continues: "Given that 'Amye' was a very unusual name for the time, I'm fairly certain that this speculation is correct, but have no confirmation." Barbara again: "Additionally, Robert Sisson was one of the witnesses to the will of Thomas Wright, dated 23 Oct 1661 and probated 10 March 1666 in Rappahonnock County." And Sharon writes: "The April 10, 1685 will of Bridget Richards says 'Moreover my desire is that Mrs. Sisson shall keep my daughter, Ann Pridum, till she is eighteen years of age and if she died before the time is expired, for her to give her to whom she will.' Bridget's will was witnessed by William Sisson and Maria Wright; William was a son of Robert Sisson." I would appreciate comments and researsh on this speculation. Please write to me, David Arne Sisson, at dasisson@worldnet.att.net.
        # Change Date: 30 Apr 2008 at 01:00:00



        Marriage 1 Robert Sisson b: ABT 1635 in Richmond, Overwharton, Stafford, VA, British COlonies

        * Married: 5 Dec 1659 in , , , VA, British COlonies


        1. Has Children Margaret Sisson b: 18 May 1653 in Dumfries, Stafford, Prince William, VA, English COlony
        2. Has Children William Sisson b: ABT 1671 in Richmond, , Rapahannock, VA, English COlony
        3. Has Children Robert, Jr Sisson b: ABT 1673 in Rapahannock, VA, USA


        Marriage 2 William Wright

      • Citation:

        e-mail: ollysgrammy@gmail.com

  2. http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=kentuckyfamily&id=I8388