BURDEN, Stella Blackburn 1 2a

Birth Name BURDEN, Stella Blackburn
Gender female
Age at Death 87 years, 9 months, 20 days


Stella was the third born child of Lee and Arie Burden. She often talked about Clifty, Arkansas, her birthplace, even though she was only four years old, when her parents left Arkansas to move to IndianTerritory.

In Indian Territory, Lee and Arie Burden settled first in the community of Mt. Zion, five miles northwest of Macomb in Pottawatomie County. Stella's father, Lee, was a farmer, but on weekends he played music for community dances on his fiddle and banjo. Stella would second for him on the piano. It was at these dances that Stella was courted by the handsome Charlie Clement.

Lee Burden helped build a schoolhouse near their home and named it Mt. Zion. Stella and her older sister, Lizzie, attended school there. Stella graduated from the 8th grade at Tecumseh School about 1901. This qualified her for a teaching certificate. She had a brief teaching career.

When she married Charlie, she became a homemaker and mother of nine children. Stella had weak lungs, damaged perhaps by TB at one time, the doctor thought. She was in ill health for a good many years, "as thin as a rail", but still managed to out live her husband by eleven years.

After Charlie's death, Stella contintued to live at the home place as much as she could. Her son Bill lived with her part of the time, and sometimes her son Churchill would live with her for a while. Sometimes she would go to Chickasha to stay a few weeks with her daughter Arie, and to Lawton to spend a few weeks with her son Chief. If she was sick she would usually stay with her daughter Bessie or her daughter Annamae, both of whom lived close by.

In 1973, Stella was extremely ill and she spent the entire winter with Bessie and her family. In 1976, Stella's condition became such that she had to be placed in the Shawnee Sunset Estates Nursing Home. She died June 18, 1976. The funeral was held at Romulus Baptist Church and she was laid to rest in Prarie View Cemetery beside her husband.

There are many things about Stella that are memorable. Perhaps most memorable was her "trademark" apron. She always wore one and it had to have a pocket where she could keep her little container of snuff. She even had "Sunday Aprons". She had a love for "breast pins" and she often wore them pinned at the center front of her dress. She had long black hair that slowly turned gray, which she kept in tight braids that were wound into a coronet and pinned to the back of her head with long plastic hair pins and combs.

She had a fabulous memory and could tell you the birthday of almost every person she knew, neighbors as well as family. One of her granddaughters-in-law was so impressed with Stella's memory of birthdays that she sent her a little red "birthday book" to write all of the birthdays down, because she said, "One of these days you will be gone and we need to preserve those dates."


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1888-08-29 Clifty, Madison Co AR    
Death 1976-06-18 Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co. OK    

Age: 87y 9m 20d

Burial   Prairie View Cemetery, Macomb, Pottawatomie Co OK    


Family of CLEMENT, Charlie Monroe and BURDEN, Stella Blackburn

Married Husband CLEMENT, Charlie Monroe ( * 1890-08-23 + 1965-01-30 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1907-12-18 Macomb, Pottawatomie Co. OK Religious Marriage 1
Event Note

at the home of the brides parents

Name Birth Date Death Date
Clement, William Lowell Lee1909-09-281913-06-12
CLEMENT, Churchill1912-04-261972-03-02
CLEMENT, Arie Etheldra1914-07-201988-04-03
CLEMENT, Lena Ellen1917-04-151996-11-29
CLEMENT, Stella Bessie1919-10-08
CLEMENT, Lelan Forrest1922-06-072006-10-28
CLEMENT, Billy Cordell1925-04-251981-12-03
CLEMENT, Lester Charlie “Chief”1927-05-151995-06-27
CLEMENT, Ruby Annamae1929-04-08

Source References

  1. Etheldra's Family Bible
  2. Linda Kaye Cope Lanier: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=lkcopelanier&id=I31615 FROM EUROPE TO AMERICA AND WEST TO OKLAHOMA
      • Source text:


        ID: I31615
        Name: David SKAGGS
        Sex: M
        Birth: 28 APR 1767 in VA 1
        Death: BEF 12 JUN 1813 in Green Co. KY
        David is mentioned in the Archibald Thompson diary, page 10, where Archibald lists the birth dates of some of the children of Henry and Mary Thompson Skaggs. Mary is Archibald's sister.

        David's name appears on a petition in 1785 for the formation of Russell Co. Virginia. His name also appears on the 1789, 1790, and 1791 Tax Lists of Russell Co. Virginia, living in the upper district. His name also appears in the Russel Co. VA Order Book, p. 153, no date given, "Ordered that James Cumpson, David Skeggs, James Davison be fined according to law for profane swearing."

        David's name appears on the 1793 Nelson Co. KY tax list. He is on the Green Co. KY 1795, 1800, 1805, 1806, and 1811 tax lists. His name is probably listed on the intervening years also, but this writer did not find specific items to verify those years.

        His name appears in various other Green Co. KY records. They includethe following:

        (1) 1793, The governor commissioned the following officers on the 16th Regiment - Frederick and David Skaggs under Lt. John Reynolds.
        (2) September 13, 1796, Order Book, p. 33, Ordered that Richard Dean,Will Vance, John Bryant, John Houchens, David Skaggs, and Joseph Meredith view the nearest and best way from Dyers' crossing at the head of Cloyd's Creek to the Blue Spring Grove, being sworn first before one Justice of Peace and report.
        (3) April 1798, excerpts from the Journal of Governor James Garrard, p. 161, Captains David Skaggs and Solomon Skaggs, ensigns listed.
        (4) Sept. 1799, Order Book, on a motion of David Skaggs, a license is granted him to keep a tavern at his house for 1year from this day and from thence until the next court. He entered into bond with John Hardin according to the law.
        (5) Feb. 19, 1800, Order book, John Smith Sr. is appointed overseer of the road from the ford of Pitman Creek near David Skaggs.
        (6) May 30, 1811, Jesse Roberts and Polly his wife for $550 to David Skaggs in Green Co. on the waters of the North Fork of Pitman, being part of Archer Mathews' survey of 5000 acres.
        (7) Deed Book 6, pages 204-205 in 1811 where it is recorded, "David Skaggs and wife, Peggy, to John Thurman, $1300, north fork of Pitman Creek, 256 acres, eastwardly to the corner of Henry Skaggs' settlement survey, crossing of Skaggs and Barbee's lines, Harrises lines, on the point of a ridge, on the cliff of the north fork of Pitman's Ridge, line of Henry Skaggs' settlement survey. (Signed) David Skaggs, Margaret Skaggs, (herX mark). Acknowledged by David Skaggs and wife, Margaret on 5 Aug 1811. She relinquished dower, Recorded 10 Aug 1811 by John Barrett, DCGC.
        (8) Aug 10, 1811, David Skaggs and Peggy his wife sell to John Thurman on the North Fork of Pitman's Creek 250 acres from Skaggs settlement survey and Barbee lines.
        (9) July 5, 1822, Deed Book 10, p. 480, Henry Skaggs of Gasconade Co.MO appoints Isaac Roberts of Green Co. KY, my lawful attorney, to convey land sold me by Drury Thompson and Jesse Roberts in Green Co.,certain papers to witness a bill of sale from David Skaggs to me for a negro named Bob and also an order for land. This last transaction took place after the death of David.




        Father: Henry SKAGGS b: 08 JAN 1723 in Maryland
        Mother: Mary THOMPSON b: 18 AUG 1739

        Marriage 1 Margaret "Peggy" [SKAGGS] b: ABT 1760 in VA
        Has No Children David SKAGGS b: 1780
        Has Children Mary SKAGGS b: ABT 1780 in Russell Co. VA
        Has Children Henry SKAGGS b: 1785 in VA
        Has No Children Jacob SKAGGS b: 1786 in Russell Co. VA
        Has Children Richard SKAGGS b: 11 JAN 1801 in Green Co. KY
        Has Children John C. SKAGGS b: 1805

        Author: Archibald Thompson
        Title: Diary
        TYPE: Book

      • Citation:

        e-mail: lkcopelanier@hotmail.com