Randolph, James Richard 1a

Birth Name Randolph, James Richard
Gender male
Age at Death 27 years, 5 months, 23 days


LINEAGE: Edgecomb County, North Carolina Record Book of Marks and Brands
"James Randal, son of Alexander Randal, A Crop & two Slits in their right
Ear & a Flower ??????? over half of moon in y left."

!RESIDENCE: Edgecomb, County, NC

Source: Randolph Newsletter, Volume 1 Issue 4 Fall 1999
Will of James Randolph Senior
October Courte 1797
In the name of God Amen. This 15th day of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven. I James Randolph Senior of the county of Caswell and State of North Carolina, being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory. Thanks be given to teh Almighty God. And calling to mind the Mortality of my body and undertainty of this life, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the following Manner and form. And first I yield my soul unto the hands of Almighty god who gave it and my body to the earth to be decently buried in a Christian Manner. And as for such Worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I dispose of them in the following manner--Impremise I give and bequeath to my son John Randolph the land and plantation whereon I now live, containing one hundred and forty one acres when he arrives to the age of twenty one years, to him and his heirs and assigns forever. And if he dies without age, then I leave the lad to Nimrod, also five pounds Virginia money, to him his heirs and assigns forever.-------Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebeccah Randolph one feather bed and furniture called her bed and one half the pewter belonging to the house and one cow to her and her Heirs forever.-----Item. I lend to my well beloved wife, Mary Randolph, all the residue of my estate during her widowhood but be it remembered that should my wife marry that then her estate hereby lent to her shall be equally divided between my son Jeremiah Randolph and my son Nimrod.------It is my wish and Desire that if after my death that my wife should die before my young children arrive at age that Robert my son should take his brother John and raise him and that William should take Nimrod and raise him to age.------Lastly I constitute ordain and appoint my beloved son James Randolph and my son-in-law, William Dye Executors of this my last Will and Testament; and I do hereby revoke and make void all Other will or Wills heretofore by me made, ratifying and confirming this ony to be my last will and testament. Testimony wherof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the Day and Year frist above written.
Pronounced and declared as the last will and testament of James Randolph in presence of Each of us: A. E. Murphey (Jurat), Wm. Gordon (Jurat) HIS MARK John X. Carter Caswell County
The Execution of this will was duly proved in Open Court by the oaths of Archibald Murphey and William Gordon, two subscribing witnesses and on Motion ordered to be recorded at the same time. James Randolph and William Dye qualified Executors-----A. E. Murphey (jurat) (There follows an inventory and proceeds of the sale of various hogs, a cow and calf and two steers, all of which brought 41 pounds, no shillings and 6 pence.)

Source: Randolph Newsletter, Volume 1 Issue 4 Fall 1999
Transcription of land grant in Caswell County for services rendered to the State.
To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting.
Know ye that we for and consideration of the sum of fifty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by James Randolph have given and granted by these presents do give and grant unto the said James Randolph a tract of land consisting three hundred sixty acres lying and being in our County of Caswell on the waters of Mill Creek and County Line Creek beginning at a white oak, corner of Abram Dunaway and running thence to west fifty chain to white oak, thence north with Ragsdale's line seventy two chain to a stake on Ann Smith's line thence her line east fifty chain crossing the creek to a pine, thence south seventy two chain to the fist station as by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear together with all Woods Waters or Mines mineral thereon and appurtenanced to the said land belonging and appertaining to the said James Randolph his heirs and assigns forever & yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our general assembly from time to time may direct. Provided always that the said James Randolph shall cause this grant to be registered in the register's office of our said county of Caswell within twelve months from date hereof otherwise the same shall be void & of no office.

In Testimony whereof we have caused our great seal to be hereunto affixed. Witnesseth Richard Caswell, Esq, our Governor Captain General & Commander in Chief at King's. The twentieth Day of December in the fourth year of our Independence & in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy Nine.

The 1820 Census of Pulaski Co. lists Nimrod Randolph.

Notes from Rootsweb:
ID: I1543
Name: Nimrod RANDOLPH
Sex: M
Birth: BET. 1789 - 1790 in Caswell County, NC
Death: 27 MAY 1874

Father: James R. RANDOLPH b: 1725 in VA or NC
Mother: Mary DYE b: 5 DEC 1753 in King George County, VA



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1770-03-09 Caswell County, North Carolina    
Death 1797-09-00 Milton, Caswell County, North Carolina    

Age: 27y 6m


Family of Randolph, James Richard and Dye, Mary “Polly”

Married Wife Dye, Mary “Polly” ( * 1753-12-05 + UNKNOWN )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1781-12-12 Caswell, North Carolina Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Randolph, John1786-03-301863-01-24
Randolph, Nimrod17891874-05-27
Randolph, Rebecca1788
Randolph, JeremiahUNKNOWN

Source References

  1. Linda: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=fromadamtome&id=I01670 From Adam to Me
      • Source text:

        # ID: I01670
        # Name: William Jacob Dye
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: 1719 in Richmond, Virginia, USA
        # _FOOT: Ancestry.com, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, 1
        # Death: 1810 in Old Grandville, Berte, North Carolina, USA
        # _FOOT: Ancestry.com, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, 1
        # Birth: 1719 in Richmond County, Virginia
        # Death: UNKNOWN in Old Grandville, Berte County, North Carolina
        # Note:

        Military service: 1742, Virginia.
        Residence 1: 1734, New York City, NY.
        Residence 2: 1741, Orange Cty, VA.
        Residence 3: 1742, Frederick Cty, VA .
        Residence 4: 1746, Augusta Cty, VA.





        Father: Avery Dye b: 06 MAR 1695 in Richmond, Virginia, USA
        Mother: Catherine Mackmillion b: 1700 in Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USA

        Marriage 1 Mary Elizabeth Brown b: 1727

        * Married: 1740 in Halifax County, Virginia


        1. Has No Children Ann Dye
        2. Has No Children Elizabeth Dye
        3. Has No Children Jacob Dye
        4. Has Children William Shadrick Dye b: 10 MAR 1747 in Halifax County, Virginia
        5. Has Children Mary "Polly" Dye b: 05 DEC 1753 in King George County, Virginia
        6. Has No Children James Brown Dye b: 1761


        Marriage 2 Betty Cochran



        1. Author: Ancestry.com
        Title: OneWorldTree
        Publication: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA;
        Name: www.ancestry.com
        Page: Database online.
        Text: Record for Avery DyeInc.), Database online.



      • Citation:

        e-mail: mannesah27@cox.net