Andrews, John
Birth Name | Andrews, John |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | about 61 years |
His name is mentioned in the original deed for the purchase of the land for the town of Waterbury.
From Andrews Families of Western Connecticut
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Winthrop in 1666 referred to John Andrews of Farmington as aged about 50, which approximately sets his birth date and makes him about 65 when in his will he calls himself "grown aged."
He was a very early settler in Farmington, where he had children born from 1643 on. On 28 Mar. 1650 he sued Thomas Dement and on 2 June 1653 was sued by Nicholas Disborough; and in May 1656 was complained of by Nathaniel Kellogg for rescuing cattle out of his hands which he was driving to pound....
He left a good estate of L321:19:00. His will, dated 9 Nov. 1681, proved 2 Mar. 1681/2, names wife "Marie"; son Benjamin (executor); son John; son Abraham; son Daniel (overseer); son Joseph; grandchildren, Thomas Barnes, John Andrews, Abraham Andrews, John Richards, Daniel Andrews, and Ezekiel Buck; grandchild Joseph, son of my son John; daughter "Marie" Barnes, "Hanny" Richards, and Rachel Buck; friends Capt. John Stanley and Isaac Moore to be overseers.
From The History of Waterbury, Connecticut
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... an early settler of Farmington, and one of the first (and non "fulfilling") signers of the articles for the settlement of Waterbury. He had seven sons, John, Abraham, Samuel, Daniel, Joseph, (who signed the articles, but never came to Waterbury,) Stephen, Benjamin, and three daughters, Mary, (the mother of Benjamin Barnes,) Hannah, (who married Obadiah Richards,) and Rachel. He died in 1681, (his wife in May, 1694,) leaving legacies to several of his grandchildrern, including John and Abraham Andruss and John Richards.
From Savage's Genealogical Dictionary
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ANDREWS, ANDROWS (or ANDROS, sometimes), often ANDROS, JOHN, Farmington, one of the first sett[lers]. freem[an]. 1658, by w[ife]. Mary had Mary, b[orn]. 15 Apr. 1643; John, 12 Aug. 1645; Hannah, 26 Feb. 1647, all bapt[ized]. 16 May 1658; Abraham, 31 Oct. 1648; Daniel, 1650; Joseph, 26 May 1651; there three bapt[ized]. 2 Apr. 1654; Rachel, bapt[ized]. 9 Apr. 1654; but why all were not bapt[ized]. at once, may be left to plausible conject[ure]. Stephen, b[orn]. 1606; and Benjamin, June 1659; and d[ied]. 1682. His wid[ow] died] Mary 1694. Of the ch[ildren]. my knowl[edge]. is less complete; John, eldest s[on]. was prob[ably]. of Hartford, and had John, Joseph, Stephen, and others, yet m[arriage]. or b[irth]. dates are blank; Mary m[arried]. as sec[ond]. w[ife]. Thomas Barnes; Hannah m[arried]. Richards, prob[ably]. Obadiah; and Rachel m[arried]. a Buck.
From Barnes - The Westward Migration of One Line of the Descendants of The Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, Connecticut
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... who joined the Farmington church 1654 & 1655.
From Genealogy and Ecclesiastical History of Farmington, Connecticut (referring to this John or his son)
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... On the 9th May 1658 John Andrews, joined the Church in the covenant...
... We pass over these lists and dates, and come down in the record to 1st March, 1679-80, when we find a full roll of church members in "full communion'(*) in the church in Farmington. This roll or list seems to be numbered and graded according to rank, standing, or dignity, in the community, beginning with 1, down to 42 heads of families. It is thought our fathers in these nice distinctions took for a basis, "age, list, titles, and whatever else makes a man honorable." Let not the reader be surprised at this practice in the olden time. It was only a necessary preparation for the assignment of seats in the meeting house. If you say such comparisons would not be tolerated in this age, it might be replied, we have no such necessity, for our seats are rented to the highest bidder.
14 John Andrews sen & his wife
(*) Implying that others were under the "half way Covenant" as it was called.
From Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford
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William Andrews, freeman, Mass., March 4, 1634-5 ; constable, Newtown, October, 1636; an original proprietor of Hartford, received thirty acres in the division of 1639-40, and his home-lot was south of the Little River, on land now included in the West Park. He was the first schoolmaster, teaching from 1643 until 1656; town clerk, 16.51-1658. He died in 1659; Will dated April 1; inv. Aug. 8, 1659, £211. 14. 11. His wife, Mary1, d. at Cambridge, Jam. 19, 1639-40. He m. a second wife, Abigail, mentioned in his will, and he also names “bro. George Grave.” His widow m. Nathaniel Bearding.-Ch.: i. Abigail, d. in Fairfield, May, 1653. ii. John, Hartford; m. Mary; d. June 8, 1690. iii. Thomas, of Middletown2, m. Abigail, dau. of John Kirby, of Middletown; d. 1691. iv. Esther,3 or Hester; m. Thomas Spencer, Jr., of Suffield; d. March 6, 1698. v. Elizabeth, m. May 3, 1655, Edward Granniss, of Hartford. vi. Samuel,4 born Oct. 20, 1645 ; To. Elizabeth, dau. of Sergeant Thomas Spencer; d. in Hartford, January, 1712.
1 - This seems improbable. See: Foster, Mary Naomi, and Little, Edward H. Colonial Ancestors, (Camden, ME, Penobscot Press, 1991), p. 2 Paige, Lucius R. History of Cambridge. Massachusetts 1630-1877 with a Genealogical Register, (Boston, H. O. Houghton and Co., 1877), p.480 Barbour Collection, Connecticut Town Vital Records, Hartford 1635-1855, TS abstracts, alphab. art., Vol. A-K, Andrews family listings, pp. 5-6.
2 - He married, by 1673, Hannah Kirby, born in Wethersfield, Conn., 02 Mch 1649, daughter of John and Elizabeth (?-Hinds) Kirby. See: Foster, Mary Naomi, and Little, Edward H. Colonial Ancestors, (Camden, ME, Penobscot Press, 1991), pp. 7-8. Manwaring, Charles William, comp., A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records, L. (Hartford, CT, by the author, 1904), p. 400 Coe, Mrs. S. F. Hall, Memoranda Relating to the Ancestry and Family of Sophia Fidelia Hall, Meriden, CT, n. pub., 1902) pp. 225-227. Barbour Collection, Connecticut Town Vital Records, Wethersfeld 1634-1868, TS abstracts, alphab. arr., (CSL, 1927), Kirby family listings, p. 176.
3 - Hester was a daughter of second wife, Abigail, as she left her property to her daughter, Hester Spencer; and Samuel Andrews, who married Hester's daughter, calls Abigail “Grand. mother” in deposition relating to her disposal of her property. Hartford Probate Records, rot. iv. p. 118.
4 - Savage says (vol. i. p 55) be married Elizabeth, daughter of Thwait Strickland ; but see General Register, vol. xxxiii. p. 356, for the reasons for thinking that that Elizabeth Strickland married John Andrews, Jr., son of John, born 1645.
Author: James Savage, Former President of the Massachusetts Historical Society and Editor of Winthrop's History of New England.
Title: Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May 1692, on the Basis of Farmer's
Publication: Name: 1860-62 and Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1965; Corrected electronic version copyright Robert Kraft, July 1994;
The electronic version adapted under the direction of Robert Kraft (assisted by Benjamin Dunning) from materials supplied by Automated Archives, 1160 South State, Suite 250, Orem UT 84058 in the following ways:
missing lines have been added wherever they could be located (vol. 2 could not easily be checked since line format was not replicated; the corrections found in vols 1-4 have been integrated into the text; page numbers have been represented between double brackets; hyphens have been resolved, and some abbreviated names. NOTE that letter by letter verification has NOT yet been attempted.
copyright for the new electronic version by Robert Kraft, July 1994.
Preface (part)
SOME explanatory introduction to so copious a work, as the following, will naturally be required; but it may be short. In 1829 was published, by John Farmer, a Genealogical Register of the first settlers of New England. Beside the five classes of persons prominent, as Governors, Deputy-Governors, Assistants, ministers in all the Colonies, and representatives in that of Massachusetts, down to 1692, it embraced graduates of Harvard College to 1662, members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, as also freemen admitted in Massachusetts, alone, to this latter date, with many early inhabitants of other parts of New England and Long Island from 1620 to 1675. Extensive as was the plan of that volume, the author had in contemplation, as explained in his preface, calling it "an introduction to a biographical and genealogical dictionary, "a more ambitious work, that should comprehend sketches of individuals known in the annals of New England, and "a continuation of eminent persons to the present time." Much too vast a project that appeared to me; and the fixing of an absolute limit, like 1692 (the era of arrival of the new charter), for admission of any family stocks, seemed more judicious.
has a large number of abbreviations - I have made some attempt to write them out fully in brackets
Author: Clair Elmer Barnes
Title: The Westward Migration of One Line of the Descendants of The Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, Connecticut
Publication: Name: published 1966 by the author; Location: 4525 Keever Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90807;
Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library
Author: Compiled By Trescott C. Barnes, Secretary and Genealogist
Title: The Barnes Family Year Book, Vol. I - 1907 & II - 1908
Publication: Name: Vol. I -The Grafton Press, New York; Vol. II - Winsted Printing and Engraving Co, Winsted, Conn.; Date: 1908;
Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library
An annual publication issued under the authority of the Barnes Family Association.
Page: p. 9
Author: Alfred Andrews
Title: Genealogy and Ecclesiastical History of Farmington, Connecticut
Publication: Name: Chicago, Illinois 1867;
Source Medium: Book
This book contains the ecclesiastical history, beginning in 1640, of a territory or part of ancient Farmington, Connecticut.
Page: p. 14
Title: National Society Daughters of Colonial Wars
Source Medium: Book
Title: National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century
Source Medium: Book
Title: Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford
Publication: Location:;
PO Box 270215
West Hartford, CT 06127-0215
Author: Henry Bronson
Title: History of Waterbury, Connecticut, the
Publication: Name: Bronson Bros; Location: Waterbury; Date: 1858;
original township embracing present Watertown and Plymouth, and parts of Oxford, Wolcot
Title: American Genealogist Magazine
Publication: Name: David L. Greene, Publisher;
Abbreviated "TAG"
Page: Vol. 35, p. 83-91 , Andrews Families of Western Connecticut - John Andrews of Farmington by Donald Lines Jacobus
Records of Farmington in Connecticut
Copied by the late Hon. Nathaniel Goodwin of Hartford;
Communicated by Daniel Goodwin, Esquire.;
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Volume 11, October 1857, p 323 - 328
And on the same day, April 2, 1654, Mary ANDREWS, the wife of John ANDREWS, and her son Abraham ANDREWS, about the age of 6 years and three months, and Daniel ANDREWS, about the age of 3 years and 10 months, and Joseph ANDREWS, about the age of 2 years and 3 months, wre joined to the Church. On April the 9th, 1654, Rachel ANDREWS, daughter of Mary ANDREWS, was presented to the Church and baptized.
Source: <>
Event | Date | Place | Description | Sources |
Birth | about 1620 | Essex, England | 1 | |
Death | 1681 | Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut | 1 | |
Age: 61y |
Family of Andrews, John and , Mary |
Unknown | Partner | , Mary ( * about 1621 + 1694-05-00 ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Children |
Name | Birth Date | Death Date |
Andrews, Mary | 1643-05-15 | after 1708 |
Andrews, John | 1645 | |
Andrews, Hannah | 1646-02-26 | 1725-05-00 |
Andrews, Abraham | 1648-10-31 | |
Andrews, Daniel | 1649-05-27 | 1731-04-16 |
Andrews, Joseph | 1651-05-26 | |
Andrews, Rachel | 1654-04-09 | after 1712-03-00 |
Andrews, Stephen | 1656 | |
Andrews, Benjamin | 1659 |