Zouche, Isabel 1a

Birth Name Zouche, Isabel
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth   England    
Death 1349-07-02      
Christening 3B6BE9DCE565D611A0EBC0395DC100003EA8 23 Jan 2009    


Family of Lovel, John Sir K. G. and Zouche, Isabel

Married Husband Lovel, John Sir K. G. ( * 1314-09-00 + 1347-11-03 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1340   Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Lovel, John 5th Baron Sir,KG,MP13461408-09-10

Source References

  1. Robert Lord: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=rlord335&id=I3696 ROBERT LORD ANCESTORS
      • Source text:

        # ID: I3696
        # Name: Robert FitzPicot de SAY , Sheriff of Cambridge
        # Surname: Say
        # Given Name: Robert FitzPicot de
        # Suffix: , Sheriff of Cambridge
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: 1058 in SAI, ORNE, NORMANDY, FRANCE
        # Reference Number: 3696
        # _UID: 7165E9DCE565D611A0EBC0395DC100006EAE
        # Note:

        King William sought aggressive types for the office of sheriff whoseambitions were consisten t with his. Those willing to squeeze the peasantsto their maximum were the best qualified i n William's eyes. He institutedthe practice of selling the office to the highest bidder. Thi s broughtforth evil men willing to pay exorbitant prices for the office and thenwilling to d o whatever it took to recoup their investment. . . No onespoke out for the peasantry becaus e their only representative to the kingwas the very sheriffs embezzling them. The most notori ous was Picot,Sheriff of Cambridgeshire. . . . Monks describe him as:

        "a hungry lion, a prowling wolf, a crafty fox, a filthy swine, a dogwithout shame, who stuffe d his belly like an insatiable beast as thoughthe whole country were a single corpse."

        Note: I assume that the above quote refers to Robert Fitz Picot, since hewas in Camberidgeshi re at the time of William the Conqueror.

        King William sought aggressive types for the office of sheriff whoseambitions were consisten t with his. Those willing to squeeze the peasantsto their maximum were the best qualified i n William's eyes. He institutedthe practice of selling the office to the highest bidder. Thi s broughtforth evil men willing to pay exorbitant prices for the office and thenwilling to d o whatever it took to recoup their investment. . . No onespoke out for the peasantry becaus e their only representative to the kingwas the very sheriffs embezzling them. The most notori ous was Picot,Sheriff of Cambridgeshire. . . . Monks describe him as:

        "a hungry lion, a prowling wolf, a crafty fox, a filthy swine, a dogwithout shame, who stuffe d his belly like an insatiable beast as thoughthe whole country were a single corpse."

        Note: I assume that the above quote refers to Robert Fitz Picot, since hewas in Camberidgeshi re at the time of William the Conqueror.

        1 1 1
        # Change Date: 25 Nov 2002 at 00:00:00



        Father: Picot de SAY , of Clun b: ABT 1035 in SAI, ORNE, NORMANDY, FRANCE

        Marriage 1 Mrs Robert SAY b: EST 1060


        1. Has Children Henry de SAY , Lord of Clun b: ABT. 1087 in Clun, Shropshire, England
        2. Has Children ROGER DE PICOT adopted b: ABT 1085 in COTTENHAM,CAMBRIDGESHIRE,ENGLAND



        1. Title: The Plantagenet Ancestry, by William Henry Turton, 1968
        Page: 107



      • Citation:

        e-mail: Rlord333@embarqmail.com