McDonald, Margaret B 1a

Birth Name McDonald, Margaret B
Gender female
Age at Death 73 years, 7 months, 2 days


This database consists of multiple trees. Most entries are related to my family, but there are also trees that I suspect may be related to my family but have not been proven as yet. I have uploaded all the people that I currently have. <br><br>

Not all information has been researched; this is the combination of many trees and sources, from many people who have been kind enough to share their work with me. If you see a problem with an entry that you are requesting that I CORRECT, please cite your source of facts when you contact me. I am happy to receive and make corrections that are backed up with facts and citations; otherwise, while I respect the fact that you may have different information than what I have, I have to have a reason before I change my database/tree, beyond a simple assertion that "this isn't right." I do not submit corrections more than once a month or so, as my file is very large, so please be patient.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1826-08-14 Tennessee, USA    
Death 1900-03-16 Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA    

Age: 73y 7m 2d

Christening ED0BB498128ED61191B70005D80A7E66DE6E 20 FEB 2010    
Residence 1880 Hays, Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA    


Family of Goldsby, Elias Akin and McDonald, Margaret B

Married Husband Goldsby, Elias Akin ( * 1823-09-09 + 1904-11-23 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1845-03-11 Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Goldsby, Georgia
Goldsby, Isabella1846
Goldsby, Mary E1846-09-031930-11-27
Goldsby, Elias Akin1859-05-311919-09-15
Goldsby, James Elvin1860-06-00

Source References

  1. Tricia: Jeff's Family - Intertwining Branches In A Forest Full of Trees!
      • Source text:

        # ID: I36457
        # Name: Deborah AKIN
        # Given Name: Deborah
        # Surname: Akin
        # Sex: F
        # _UID: 6AC5D22116D3D511A9644445535400002E95
        # Change Date: 22 MAR 2010
        # Birth: 1792 in North Carolina, USA
        # Residence: 1850 Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA
        # Residence: 1860 Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA
        # Death: 7 OCT 1868 in Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA

        Father: James AKIN b: 1755 in Green Co, Kentucky, USA
        Mother: Mary MURPHY b: 17 APR 1760 in Culpeper Co, Virginia, USA

        Marriage 1 Stephen GOLDSBY b: 16 AUG 1791 in Green Co, Kentucky, USA

        * Married: 24 JUL 1812 in Green Co, Kentucky, USA


        1. Has No Children C B GOLDSBY b: 1813
        2. Has Children Cynthia Ann GOLDSBY b: 14 DEC 1816 in Kentucky, USA
        3. Has Children Nancy GOLDSBY b: 10 FEB 1819 in Kentucky, USA
        4. Has Children Elizabeth GOLDSBY b: 2 SEP 1823 in Tennessee, USA
        5. Has Children Elias Akin GOLDSBY b: 9 SEP 1823 in Henry Co, Tennessee, USA
        6. Has No Children Margret Ann GOLDSBY b: 14 AUG 1826
        7. Has No Children A H GOLDSBY b: 1830
        8. Has No Children J M GOLDSBY b: 1831
        9. Has No Children O Cornelius GOLDSBY b: 1833

      • Citation:
