BURRELL, Archibald 1a

Birth Name BURRELL, Archibald
Gender male
Age at Death 78 years, 2 months, 18 days


1870 census Bethlehem Twp. Coshocton Co. OH.
Series: M593 Roll: 1185 Page: 36
July 10, 1870
Burrell, Archibald L.,head, age 39, farmer, real estate valur $10000, personal property value $1000, born in OH.
Charity, wife, age 37, housewife, born in OH.
William, son, age 18, at home, born in OH.
Hester, dau., age 16, at home, born in OH.
Nancy, dau., age 14, at home, born in OH.
Thomas, son, age 12, born in OH.
Elizabeth, dau., age 10, born in OH.
Laura, dau., age 4, born in OH.
Joseph, son, age 2. born in OH.
Burrell, Joseph, father, age 84, born in OH.

1880 Census Bethlehem Twp. Coshocton Co. OH.
Series: T9 Roll: 1003 Page: 30
June 1880
'Archab' Burrell at age 49, working as a 'Farmer' who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Virginia and a Mother born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 47, 'Keeping House', and she was born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. There are 5 children in the household, all born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio: Daughter Nancy Jane Burrell is age 24; Son Thomas Burrell is age 22; Daughter Nora M. Burrell is age 10; Son Joseph Burrell is age 5; Daughter Emma Burrell is age 7.

23 Mar 1886: Article Published on the front page of The Semi-Weekly Age, dated Headline: A Greed for Gold - Consigns Bright and Beautiful Boys to the County Alms House.
Mr. Archibald Burrell is a well-known farmer in Bethlehem township. He owns a good farm, is well provided with personal property, pays taxes upon $7,980, and is estimated by good judges to be worth at least $12,000 to $13,000. Yet this man, surrounded by all the necessities and many of the luxuries of life, last week permitted two of his grand-children, bright, beautiful and intelligent little boys, aged 5 and 6 respectively, to become inmates of the County Infirmary. They are the children of his daughter, who is the wife of Mr. Ben Talmadge. Young Talmadge and his wife separated some time since, and she and her children became inmates of her father's house. At the last meeting of the commissioners Mr. Burrell asked the Board to allow him $200 per year for the maintenance of the children. The Board offered him $132, and he thereupon brought them to Coshocton and turned them over to the tender mercies of the Infirmary Directors. They were taken to the County Infirmary, and the first of April will be sent to the Children's Home in Tuscarawas County. [3 paragraph 'rant' omitted which start with: Oh the cruel heartlessness; the cold and unfeeling greed for gold, ... article resumes with] If Mr. Burrell does not provide a home for the children, then let the other grandfather, Mr Talmadge, do so, for he pays taxes upon $8,490, is judged to be worth a least $15,000, and is abundantly able to provide for the little ones who are of his blood.

1900 Census, Bethlehem Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T623_1250, Page 5B, District 3. Census sheet is dated 14 June 1900 and show two related households: That of Archibald and Charity Burrell and that of their Son Thomas and Mary Burrell. Census shows 'Archi' Burrell at age 69, born during Oct 1830, living on a farm which he owns free of any mortgage, and working as a 'Farmer'. Archibald Burrell was born in Ohio of a Father born in Maryland and a Mother born in Virginia. All other members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Charity Burrell is age 67, born during Sep 1832. The couple has been married 49 years, and Charity has given birth to 9 children of whom either 5 or 6 are still living [It appears the Census-taker started to write 5 and changed mid-character to try to make it a 6. This Census accounts for 5 of the 5 or 6 still living: Thomas heads his own household shown on this same Census page, William Heads his own household shown on Census page 7A and Joseph, Emma and Norah/Nora are listed living in this household: Joseph Burrell is age 31, born during Oct 1868, and working on his own account as a 'Farm Laborer'; Emma Burrell is age 28, born during May 1872; and Norah/Nora M. Burrell is age 20, born during June 1879.

26 Nov 1909 Wife's Obit, Published indicates she was a Widow at that time
Obituary published on the front page of the Coshocton Daily Age [Coshocton County, Ohio] on Friday, 26 Nov 1909:
Headline: Mrs. Burrell Died Friday At Daybreak
Mrs. Charity Norman Burrell, widow of the late Archibald Burrell of South Lawn Ave, died Friday morning at 5 o'clock from a complication of diseases with which she had been suffering for several months. The funeral will be held Sunday. Mrs. Burrell was born near Bowman Section in White Eyes Township on Sept. 20, 1832, and spent all of her life on the home farm until seven years ago when she moved to Coshocton. She was married to Archibald Burrell on April 3, 1857, and by this union nine children were born, eight of whom survive. She is survived by the following children, all of whom live in Coshocton Co. - W.H. Burrell, Mrs. Hester Marshall of Coshocton, Thos. Burrell of Roscoe, Mrs. Nancy Leighninger of Newcomerstown, Jos. N. Burrell who lives on the home farm, Miss Lizzie Talmadge of Coshocton, Mrs. Ami Cullison of Cooperdale, and Miss Nora Burrell who lives at home.

Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Archie Burrell
Death Date: 2 Jan 1909
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Death: Coshocton
Source Citation:
Source Information:
Ancestry.com and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

15 Sep 1911: Coshocton Daily Age [Coshocton, Ohio]
Headline: Valuable Property for Sale
The heirs at law of the late Archibald Burrell, will sell at public sale Saturday, Sept. 30, 1911, at 1 o'clock p.m. the splendid farm up the Walhonding about seven miles northwest of Coshocton: also the fine city property brick residence at the corner of Vine street and South Lawn avenue, Coshocton, O. Both farm and residence will be sold at the residence in city of Coshocton. Crops are reserved. Terms: one-third cash on day of sale: two-thirds on April 1, 1912 when possession will be given for the farm. City Property, cash.

5 Feb 1911: Item Published in the Coshocton Morning Tribute [Coshocton, Ohio] Headline: Orders of Sale
An order of sale was issued to Administrator Joseph N. Burrell of the estate of the late Archibald Burrell from the Probate Court Saturday.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1830-10-15 Coshocton Co., OH.    
Death 1909-01-02      

Age: 78y 2m 18d

Burial   Coshocton Co., OH.    
Christening 81CE36E782054A00B3B5E1CCFAE217044991 27 Nov 2009    


Family of BURRELL, Archibald and NORMAN, Charity Ann

Married Wife NORMAN, Charity Ann ( * 1832-09-20 + 1909-11-26 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1851-04-20 Coshocton Co., OH. Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
BURRELL, Nancy Jane24 Dec 1855-18561941-09-07
BURRELL, William H. “Henry”1852-02-051929-11-09
BURRELL, Hester A.1853-11-261919-12-29
BURRELL, Thomas1858-01-221941-05-05
BURRELL, Elizabeth “Lizzie”1860-07-161939-04-15
BURRELL, Lauraabout 1866
BURRELL, Joseph N.1868-10-161951-04-12
BURRELL, Nora-Norah M.1869-06-00
BURRELL, Emma M.1872-05-001914-05-21

Source References

  1. Darlene Berchtold: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=hearts2&id=I1240 CLEMONS-NORMAN-BERCHTOLD ANCESTRY
      • Source text:


        ID: I1240
        Name: John C. **** NORMAN
        Given Name: John C. ****
        Surname: NORMAN
        Suffix: Sr.
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1732 in Hampshire Co., Virginia Colony
        Death: Abt 1824 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Burial: Virginia
        _UID: 9E22A31DEF6742D8BAF45D87D54A912052CF
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011 at 10:32
        There is a possibility that John was married 2 times. This is per Shirley Norman Gunn @ Norman @ Rootsweb.

        Listed on Culpeper Co., VA. Tax List for 1783, with his son, William..

        He inherited 1 shilling sterling from his father.

        Norman notebook: Indenture copy for the sale of land by Isaac Means & his wife Ann to John Norman for the sum of 2000 pounds (current money of Virginia). Document dated Nov. 9, 1779.

        Son William served as a Private with the Virginia Troops. From Oct 1780, served 5 months as a substitute for Ezekiel Norman, in Capt. Richard Yancey's Company; in the Spring of 1781 served 2 months as substitute for his father, John C. Norman, in Capt. James Brown's Company, Col. John Green's Regiment. William was in the Battle of Petersburg; later in 1781, he served 2 months in Capt. William Green's Company at the Siege of Yorktown.




        Father: Courtney C. **** NORMAN b: 1705 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Mother: Mary Frances **** BROWNING b: Abt 1721 in Orange Co., Virginia Colony

        Marriage 1 Sarah **** MCMURRIN b: in Hampshire, VA.
        Married: Bef 1760 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011
        Has Children Benjamin **** NORMAN b: 12 Apr 1760 in Culpeper Co., Virginia Colony
        Has Children John NORMAN b: 1761 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Has Children William NORMAN b: 23 Sep 1763 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Has No Children Isaac NORMAN b: 1767 in Virginia
        Has No Children Ann NORMAN b: Abt 1771
        Has No Children Sarah NORMAN b: Abt 1772
        Has No Children Mary "Polly" NORMAN b: Abt 1773
        Has Children Henry NORMAN b: Feb 1781 in Hampshire Co., VA.

      • Citation:

        e-mail: dberchtold35@msn.com