Elbert Co, GA

Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Family of Thornton, Reuben [@] and Allen, Elizabeth (0000-00-00)
  2. Thornton, Reuben [@] (0000-00-00)
  3. Allen, Elizabeth (0000-00-00)
  4. Adams, Samuel [@] (1784-02-01)
  5. Thornton, Martha Ann "Patsy" [@] (1789)
  6. Thornton, Reuben [@] (1797)
  7. Hunt, Sion [@] (1798-02-01)
  8. Thornton, Benjamin T [Jr Rev @] (1801-08-15)
  9. Thornton, Elizabeth [@] (1801-12-15)
  10. Adams, Samuel [@] (1803)
  11. Family of Adams, Samuel [@] and Thornton, Martha Ann "Patsy" [@] (1803)
  12. Thornton, Martha Ann "Patsy" [@] (1803)
  13. Thornton, John C [@] (1805)
  14. Upshaw, Sarah E [@] (1805)
  15. Thornton, Mary [@] (1805)
  16. Adams, Frances M "Frankie" [@] (1806-09-22)
  17. Higginbotham, John Green [MD] (1807-03-03)
  18. Thornton, Sarah S "Sally" [@] (1814)
  19. Family of Thornton, Evans [@] and Adams, Mourning McLocklin [@] (1817-10-23)
  20. Adams, Mourning McLocklin [@] (1817-10-23)
  21. Thornton, Evans [@] (1817-10-23)
  22. Dickerson, Mary Ann [@] (1817-11-05)
  23. Fortson, Jane N [@] (1819-06-10)
  24. Payne, Nancy Fleming (1819-09-16)
  25. Family of Thornton, Benjamin T [Jr Rev @] and Payne, Nancy Fleming (1819-09-16)
  26. Thornton, Benjamin T [Jr Rev @] (1819-09-16)
  27. Adams, Thomas Burton [@] (1819-10-01)
  28. Thornton, Fleming Payne [@] (1820-05-22)
  29. Thornton, Thomas S [@] (1821-05-22)
  30. Family of Maxwell, Reuben [@] and Thornton, Elizabeth White [@] (1821-12-13)
  31. Maxwell, Reuben [@] (1821-12-13)
  32. Thornton, Elizabeth White [@] (1821-12-13)
  33. Thornton, Priscilla Kendrick [@] (1823-07-31)
  34. Hunt, Sion [@] (1823-07-31)
  35. Family of Hunt, Sion [@] and Thornton, Priscilla Kendrick [@] (1823-07-31)
  36. Thornton, Lucy [@] (1823-10-14)
  37. Family of Warren, Jeremiah Stanfield and Thornton, Lucy [@] (1823-10-14)
  38. Warren, Jeremiah Stanfield (1823-10-14)
  39. Adams, Frances M "Frankie" [@] (1823-10-23)
  40. Family of Thornton, John C [@] and Adams, Frances M "Frankie" [@] (1823-10-23)
  41. Thornton, John C [@] (1823-10-23)
  42. Thornton, William E [@] (1824-05-27)
  43. Thornton, Sarah Smith [@] (1824-08-05)
  44. Warren, Lucy Emily [@] (1824-09-30)
  45. Thornton, Sarah Kindred [@] (1826-02-14)
  46. Thornton, Elizabeth Emily [@] (1826-03-29)
  47. Warren, Mary Elizabeth [@] (1826-06-06)
  48. Thornton, Sarah S "Sally" [@] (1827-10-25)
  49. Higginbotham, John Green [MD] (1827-10-25)
  50. Family of Higginbotham, John Green [MD] and Thornton, Sarah S "Sally" [@] (1827-10-25)
  51. Thornton, Benjamin Calloway [Sr Rev @] (1827-12-13)
  52. Thornton, William Thomas [@] (1828-03-20)
  53. Warren, Sarah Frances [@] (1828-10-27)
  54. Higginbotham, Sarah Ann [@] (1828-11-05)
  55. Higginbotham, Benjamin Thomas [@] (1830-06-06)
  56. Warren, William Harrison [@] (1830-09-26)
  57. Thornton, Mary Ann [@] (1830-09-27)
  58. Thornton, Reuben Benjamin [@] (1830-12-22)
  59. Warren, Thomas J [@] (1831-06-01)
  60. Thornton, John Carter [Sr @] (1832-12-23)
  61. Thornton, Asa Chandler [@] (1834)
  62. Warren, Mary A [@] (1834-07-00)
  63. Thornton, Priscilla E [@] (1836-10-24)
  64. Warren, Thomas M [@] (1836-12-04)
  65. Hunt, Benjamin Thornton [@] (1837-02-10)
  66. Higginbotham, Elijah Benson [Rev @] (1838-12-16)
  67. Thornton, Dozier [@] (1838-12-19)
  68. Thornton, Mallory J [@] (1840)
  69. Thornton, Jesse N [@] (1840-06-30)
  70. Higginbotham, Dozier James [@] (1841-03-28)
  71. Family of Adams, Thomas Burton [@] and Warren, Lucy Emily [@] (1841-09-30)
  72. Warren, Lucy Emily [@] (1841-09-30)
  73. Adams, Thomas Burton [@] (1841-09-30)
  74. Adams, William [@] (1842)
  75. Hunt, Dosier Calloway [@] (1842-10-14)
  76. Almond, W Benjamin [@] (1843)
  77. Thornton, William E [@] (1843-03-04)
  78. Family of Thornton, William E [@] and Thornton, Elizabeth Emily [@] (1843-03-04)
  79. Thornton, Elizabeth Emily [@] (1843-03-04)
  80. Family of Goss, Horatio James [Jr] and Warren, Sarah Frances [@] (1843-12-21)
  81. Goss, Horatio James [Jr] (1843-12-21)
  82. Warren, Sarah Frances [@] (1843-12-21)
  83. Adams, Frances C [@] (1844)
  84. Hunt, Daniel Crumley [@] (1844-12-14)
  85. Goss, Jeremiah Warren [@] (1845-01-12)
  86. Adams, Cora Aris [@] (1846)
  87. Higginbotham, Rueben Crumley [@] (1846-03-16)
  88. Hunt, Emily Priscilla [@] (1846-04-08)
  89. Thornton, Priscilla Kendrick [@] (1846-08-16)
  90. Goss, William Hamilton [@] (1846-12-01)
  91. Family of Thornton, William Thomas [@] and Almond, Lucinda A [@] (1847-11-02)
  92. Almond, Lucinda A [@] (1847-11-02)
  93. Thornton, William Thomas [@] (1847-11-02)
  94. Adams, Littleton J [@] (1848)
  95. Goss, Lola Amanda [@] (1848-04-22)
  96. Adams, Sarah Elizabeth "Lizzie" [@] (1849-11-30)
  97. Goss, Elizabeth Katherine [@] (1849-12-03)
  98. Adams, Dillard Fillmore [@] (1851)
  99. Hulme, Margaret L Anntoinette [@] (1852-04-19)
  100. Warren, William Harrison [@] (1852-08-19)
  101. Family of Warren, William Harrison [@] and Dobbs, Catherine P (1852-08-19)
  102. Dobbs, Catherine P (1852-08-19)
  103. Adams, Willis S [@] (1852-12-24)
  104. Goss, Sarah Frances [@] (1853-09-02)
  105. Goss, Emma Gee [@] (1858-09-16)
  106. Adams, Frances M "Frankie" [@] (1860-09-07)
  107. Warren, Jeremiah Stanfield (1860-09-20)
  108. Thornton, Thomas S [@] (1863-02-19)
  109. Warren, Joseph James "JJ" [@] (1867-07-21)
  110. Hulme, Martha Adeline [@] (1867-07-21)
  111. Family of Warren, Joseph James "JJ" [@] and Hulme, Martha Adeline [@] (1867-07-21)
  112. Warren, John Henry [@] (1870-03-08)
  113. Warren, Eugenia Rebecca "Jeanie" [@] (1873-01-23)
  114. Goss, Horatio James [Jr] (1874-03-19)
  115. Hunt, Sion [@] (1875-02-11)
  116. Dickerson, John T [@] (1883-02-01)
  117. Warren, Rupert White "Roop" [@] (1883-10-18)
  118. Goss, Emma Gee [@] (1886-08-00)
  119. Thornton, Fleming Payne [@] (1887-01-24)
  120. Goss, Jeremiah Warren [@] (1890-08-05)
  121. Higginbotham, Sarah Ann [@] (1903-04-22)
  122. Warren, Eugenia Rebecca "Jeanie" [@] (1905-09-27)
  123. Almond, Lucinda A [@] (1908-12-18)
  124. Thornton, William E [@] (1911-10-08)
  125. Higginbotham, Elijah Benson [Rev @] (1912-06-23)
  126. Higginbotham, Elijah Benson [Rev @] (1912-06-25)
  127. Goss, William Hamilton [@] (1925)
  128. Adams, Sarah Elizabeth "Lizzie" [@] (1925-12-25)
  129. Goss, Elizabeth Katherine [@] (1931)
  130. Goss, Maggie Penelope [@] (1933-02-14)
  131. Warren, John Henry [@] (1949-05-18)