Elbert Co, GA
Enclosed By |
Place Encloses |
Family of Thornton, Reuben [@] and Allen, Elizabeth
Thornton, Reuben [@]
Allen, Elizabeth
Adams, Samuel [@]
Thornton, Martha Ann "Patsy" [@]
Thornton, Reuben [@]
Hunt, Sion [@]
Thornton, Benjamin T [Jr Rev @]
Thornton, Elizabeth [@]
Adams, Samuel [@]
Family of Adams, Samuel [@] and Thornton, Martha Ann "Patsy" [@]
Thornton, Martha Ann "Patsy" [@]
Thornton, John C [@]
Upshaw, Sarah E [@]
Thornton, Mary [@]
Adams, Frances M "Frankie" [@]
Higginbotham, John Green [MD]
Thornton, Sarah S "Sally" [@]
Family of Thornton, Evans [@] and Adams, Mourning McLocklin [@]
Adams, Mourning McLocklin [@]
Thornton, Evans [@]
Dickerson, Mary Ann [@]
Fortson, Jane N [@]
Payne, Nancy Fleming
Family of Thornton, Benjamin T [Jr Rev @] and Payne, Nancy Fleming
Thornton, Benjamin T [Jr Rev @]
Adams, Thomas Burton [@]
Thornton, Fleming Payne [@]
Thornton, Thomas S [@]
Family of Maxwell, Reuben [@] and Thornton, Elizabeth White [@]
Maxwell, Reuben [@]
Thornton, Elizabeth White [@]
Thornton, Priscilla Kendrick [@]
Hunt, Sion [@]
Family of Hunt, Sion [@] and Thornton, Priscilla Kendrick [@]
Thornton, Lucy [@]
Family of Warren, Jeremiah Stanfield and Thornton, Lucy [@]
Warren, Jeremiah Stanfield
Adams, Frances M "Frankie" [@]
Family of Thornton, John C [@] and Adams, Frances M "Frankie" [@]
Thornton, John C [@]
Thornton, William E [@]
Thornton, Sarah Smith [@]
Warren, Lucy Emily [@]
Thornton, Sarah Kindred [@]
Thornton, Elizabeth Emily [@]
Warren, Mary Elizabeth [@]
Thornton, Sarah S "Sally" [@]
Higginbotham, John Green [MD]
Family of Higginbotham, John Green [MD] and Thornton, Sarah S "Sally" [@]
Thornton, Benjamin Calloway [Sr Rev @]
Thornton, William Thomas [@]
Warren, Sarah Frances [@]
Higginbotham, Sarah Ann [@]
Higginbotham, Benjamin Thomas [@]
Warren, William Harrison [@]
Thornton, Mary Ann [@]
Thornton, Reuben Benjamin [@]
Warren, Thomas J [@]
Thornton, John Carter [Sr @]
Thornton, Asa Chandler [@]
Warren, Mary A [@]
Thornton, Priscilla E [@]
Warren, Thomas M [@]
Hunt, Benjamin Thornton [@]
Higginbotham, Elijah Benson [Rev @]
Thornton, Dozier [@]
Thornton, Mallory J [@]
Thornton, Jesse N [@]
Higginbotham, Dozier James [@]
Family of Adams, Thomas Burton [@] and Warren, Lucy Emily [@]
Warren, Lucy Emily [@]
Adams, Thomas Burton [@]
Adams, William [@]
Hunt, Dosier Calloway [@]
Almond, W Benjamin [@]
Thornton, William E [@]
Family of Thornton, William E [@] and Thornton, Elizabeth Emily [@]
Thornton, Elizabeth Emily [@]
Family of Goss, Horatio James [Jr] and Warren, Sarah Frances [@]
Goss, Horatio James [Jr]
Warren, Sarah Frances [@]
Adams, Frances C [@]
Hunt, Daniel Crumley [@]
Goss, Jeremiah Warren [@]
Adams, Cora Aris [@]
Higginbotham, Rueben Crumley [@]
Hunt, Emily Priscilla [@]
Thornton, Priscilla Kendrick [@]
Goss, William Hamilton [@]
Family of Thornton, William Thomas [@] and Almond, Lucinda A [@]
Almond, Lucinda A [@]
Thornton, William Thomas [@]
Adams, Littleton J [@]
Goss, Lola Amanda [@]
Adams, Sarah Elizabeth "Lizzie" [@]
Goss, Elizabeth Katherine [@]
Adams, Dillard Fillmore [@]
Hulme, Margaret L Anntoinette [@]
Warren, William Harrison [@]
Family of Warren, William Harrison [@] and Dobbs, Catherine P
Dobbs, Catherine P
Adams, Willis S [@]
Goss, Sarah Frances [@]
Goss, Emma Gee [@]
Adams, Frances M "Frankie" [@]
Warren, Jeremiah Stanfield
Thornton, Thomas S [@]
Warren, Joseph James "JJ" [@]
Hulme, Martha Adeline [@]
Family of Warren, Joseph James "JJ" [@] and Hulme, Martha Adeline [@]
Warren, John Henry [@]
Warren, Eugenia Rebecca "Jeanie" [@]
Goss, Horatio James [Jr]
Hunt, Sion [@]
Dickerson, John T [@]
Warren, Rupert White "Roop" [@]
Goss, Emma Gee [@]
Thornton, Fleming Payne [@]
Goss, Jeremiah Warren [@]
Higginbotham, Sarah Ann [@]
Warren, Eugenia Rebecca "Jeanie" [@]
Almond, Lucinda A [@]
Thornton, William E [@]
Higginbotham, Elijah Benson [Rev @]
Higginbotham, Elijah Benson [Rev @]
Goss, William Hamilton [@]
Adams, Sarah Elizabeth "Lizzie" [@]
Goss, Elizabeth Katherine [@]
Goss, Maggie Penelope [@]
Warren, John Henry [@]