
Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. de Stuteville, Robert III (0000-00-00)
  2. Cooper, Simon (0000-00-00)
  3. Hewett, William (0000-00-00)
  4. Zouche, Isabel (0000-00-00)
  5. Gardner, Deborah (0000-00-00)
  6. Lyte, Dorothy (0000-00-00)
  7. Venables, Mary Ellen (0000-00-00)
  8. Slye, George (0000-00-00)
  9. De Hayden, Isabelle (0000-00-00)
  10. Kirton, Fecicia (0000-00-00)
  11. de Clare, Basilia (0000-00-00)
  12. Hoskyns, John (0000-00-00)
  13. Clemency (0000-00-00)
  14. Southworth, Elizabeth (0000-00-00)
  15. Beauchamp, Philippa (0000-00-00)
  16. Misterton, Richard (0000-00-00)
  17. Watts, Thomas II (0000-00-00)
  18. Watts, Edward I (0000-00-00)
  19. Murdoc, Hawise (0000-00-00)
  20. Wilkinson, Robert (0000-00-00)
  21. Ford, Anne (0000-00-00)
  22. Owsley, Louisa (0000-00-00)
  23. Bacon, Roger (0000-00-00)
  24. Watts, Jeremiah (0000-00-00)
  25. Bingham, Elizabeth (0000-00-00)
  26. de Grey, Lucy (0000-00-00)
  27. Family of de Stuteville, Robert III and Murdoc, Hawise (0000-00-00)
  28. , Mary (0000-00-00)
  29. Family of Jenkins, Nicholas and , Ann (0000-00-00)
  30. Bacon, Butts (0000-00-00)
  31. Venables, Thomas (0000-00-00)
  32. HOOKER, Joanna (0000-00-00)
  33. COODE, John (0000-00-00)
  34. de Arbitot, Amorie de St. Jean France Manor (0000-00-00)
  35. Family of Vernon, Ralph and Dutton, Margaret (0000-00-00)
  36. de Greystoke, Alexander (0000-00-00)
  37. , Josiah (0000-00-00)
  38. (0000-00-00)
  39. Farrington, Robert (0000-00-00)
  40. Bacon, Robert (0000-00-00)
  41. Bradbourne, Henry (0000-00-00)
  42. de Beauchamp, Joan (0000-00-00)
  43. Leveson, Alice Nicholas (0000-00-00)
  44. Constable, Robert (0000-00-00)
  45. Family of Farrington, Robert and Southworth, Elizabeth (0000-00-00)
  46. Needham, Maud (0000-00-00)
  47. Family of Hewett, William and Leveson, Alice Nicholas (0000-00-00)
  48. Bacon, Henry (0000-00-00)
  49. Stafford, Hugh 3rd Baron, 2nd Earl of Stafford, KG (0000-00-00)
  50. Cooper, Robert (0000-00-00)
  51. Rowland, Thomas III (0000-00-00)
  52. Thompson, Robert (0000-00-00)
  53. Dutton, Margaret (0000-00-00)
  54. Bigod, Gunnor (0000-00-00)
  55. Vernon, Ralph (0000-00-00)
  56. Owsley, Henderson N. (0000-00-00)
  57. Family of Owsley, Henderson N. and Owsley, Louisa (0000-00-00)
  58. Bacon, Henry (0000-00-00)
  59. Watts, Richard (0000-00-00)
  60. de Grey, Aline (0000-00-00)
  61. Bacon, Elizabeth Drury (0000-00-00)
  62. de Massey, Robert (0000-00-00)
  63. Napier, Mary (0000-00-00)
  64. De Napton, John (0000-00-00)
  65. Pemberton, Scollis (0000-00-00)
  66. , Ann (0000-00-00)
  67. Family of Slye, George and Gardner, Deborah (0000-00-00)
  68. Babington, Elizabeth (0000-00-00)
  69. de Percy, Anastasia (0000-00-00)
  70. Jenkins, Nicholas (0000-00-00)
  71. Atheling of Wessex, Ingild (718)
  72. England, Heluna (784)
  73. Steinsson, Erik (814)
  74. Wessex, Aethelwulf (858-01-13)
  75. of England, Edmund I (946-05-26)
  76. of Mercia, Ealdgyth (960)
  77. de Vaudreuil, Asperling (975)
  78. Saxe-Wessex, Aelfgifu (991)
  79. , Uchtred (991)
  80. Family of , Uchtred and Saxe-Wessex, Aelfgifu (991)
  81. de Mons, Gossuin (997)
  82. de Merleberge, Alured (1000)
  83. FitzWinmarch (1015)
  84. de Corcun, Hubert (1019)
  85. Ulfsdatter, Githa (1020)
  86. Flandrensis, Rolf Wy (1024)
  87. of England, Goda (1025)
  88. Vexin, Dreux (1025)
  89. Family of Vexin, Dreux and of England, Goda (1025)
  90. de Lathom, Dunning (1031)
  91. , Beatrice (1038)
  92. Saxon, Ongar (1048)
  93. FitzBaldrick, Hugh (1050)
  94. Giffard, Rohese (1054)
  95. de Clare, Richard de Tonbridge FitzGilbert (1054)
  96. Family of de Clare, Richard de Tonbridge FitzGilbert and Giffard, Rohese (1054)
  97. of England, Goda (1055)
  98. , Lesceline (1055)
  99. de Merleberge, Alured (1062)
  100. de Lacy (1065)
  101. (1065)
  102. de Dursley, Rissa (1067)
  103. Family of de Berkeley, Roger I and de Dursley, Rissa (1067)
  104. de Berkeley, Roger I (1067)
  105. Saxon, Lefstan (1070)
  106. de Tracy, Gieva (1072)
  107. de Salt-Les-Dames (1074)
  108. de Villiars, Payn I (1075)
  109. le Rus, Roger (1075)
  110. Family of FitzRichard de Clare, Gilbert and de Clermont, Adeliza (1076)
  111. de Clermont, Adeliza (1076)
  112. FitzRichard de Clare, Gilbert (1076)
  113. , Pretiosa (about 1079)
  114. de Pola, William (1080)
  115. , Anneis (1080)
  116. de Querceto, Ralph (1081)
  117. de Haget, Aghete (before 1086)
  118. de Essex, Suain (1086)
  119. , Heilwis (1090)
  120. England, Maud (1091)
  121. (1095)
  122. Foliot, Richard (1095)
  123. de Delaval, Emma (1096)
  124. Mabel, Matilda (1098)
  125. STIGAND, Agnes (1098)
  126. de Munchensy, Hubert II (1100)
  127. Walter, Harvey (1100)
  128. , Agnes (1100)
  129. , Gundreda (1100)
  130. Family of de Munchensy, Hubert II and (1100)
  131. Saxon, Ailwin (1100)
  132. (1100)
  133. (1101)
  134. Saye, Mrs Helius (1105)
  135. Family of de Berkeley and (1108)
  136. de Villiars, Alan (1108)
  137. de Berkeley (1108)
  138. (1108)
  139. de Lascelles, Emma (1110)
  140. de Villiars, Emma (1110)
  141. de Brito, Ralph (1110)
  142. de Tracy, William (1110)
  143. , Hawise (about 1112)
  144. de Cokefield, Robert (1112)
  145. of Brittany, Conan II (1113-03-00)
  146. of England, Matilda (1113-03-00)
  147. Family of of Brittany, Conan II and of England, Matilda (1113-03-00)
  148. , Isabel (1115)
  149. de Villiars, William (1115)
  150. de Villars, Thomas (1117)
  151. FitzRichard de Clare, Gilbert (1117)
  152. Family of De Warren, William II and De Crepi, Isabel (1118)
  153. De Crepi, Isabel (1118)
  154. De Warren, William II (1118)
  155. FitzHarding, Robert (1119)
  156. Family of FitzHarding, Robert and FitzEstmond, Eve (1119)
  157. FitzEstmond, Eve (1119)
  158. Fossard, Nigel V (1120)
  159. de Villars, Adam (1120)
  160. , Alice (1120)
  161. de Clare, Rohese FitzRichard (1121)
  162. de Villars, Richard (1122)
  163. , Agnes (1124)
  164. FitzHarding, Helen FitzRobert (1124)
  165. FitzAilwin, Henry (1125)
  166. Corbet, Simon II (1125)
  167. Fitztecon, Ellen (1126)
  168. de Loxley, Robert (1129)
  169. de Pitres, Walter (1129)
  170. de Pola, Nicholas (1130)
  171. FitzWaltherof, Robert (1130)
  172. de Warenne, Gundred (1130)
  173. de Newburh, Roger (1130)
  174. Family of de Newburh, Roger and de Warenne, Gundred (1130)
  175. de Culwen, Amabilis (1130)
  176. de Mandeville, William (1130)
  177. , Sara (1133)
  178. , Hawise (1135)
  179. de Brito, Cecily (1135)
  180. de Berkeley, Sedzilia (1138)
  181. De Warenne, Ada (1139)
  182. Family of of Scotland, Henry Caenmore and De Warenne, Ada (1139)
  183. of Scotland, Henry Caenmore (1139)
  184. D'Eincourt, Alice (about 1140)
  185. de Vere, Aubrey II (1141-05-09)
  186. , Hawise (1142)
  187. FitzHarding, Helen FitzRobert (1145)
  188. Banastre, Robert (1145)
  189. Family of de Berkeley, Roger IV and FitzHarding, Helen FitzRobert (1145)
  190. de Berkeley, Roger IV (1145)
  191. Haget, Faritius (after 1147)
  192. de Clare, Alice (1148)
  193. de Clare, Rohesia (1149)
  194. de Clare, Gilbert (1149)
  195. , Alice (about 1155)
  196. Maureward, Ada (1155)
  197. Corbet, Alice (1156)
  198. Curwen, Patrick (1158)
  199. (1159)
  200. Corbet, Roger (1159)
  201. , Margaret (1160)
  202. Corbet, Walter (1160)
  203. De Warren, William (1160)
  204. Plantagenet, Philip (1160)
  205. de Stuteville, Burga (1160)
  206. de Vescy, William (1160)
  207. Family of de Vescy, William and de Stuteville, Burga (1160)
  208. Peche, Geoffrey (1161)
  209. Gifford, Hugh of Yester (1162)
  210. Fitzalan, John (1164)
  211. de Turfine, Alani (1164)
  212. , Isabel (1165)
  213. de Bolbec, Hugh (1166)
  214. de Vere, Rohese (1166-10-00)
  215. de Pola, William (1168)
  216. , Amice (1170)
  217. de Caux, Matilda (1170)
  218. , Ermentrude (about 1170)
  219. de Briene, Guy III (1170)
  220. , Alice (1170)
  221. , Amice (about 1170)
  222. (1172)
  223. , Unknown First Wife (1175)
  224. de Turville, Geoffrey (1177)
  225. , Mabel (1178)
  226. de Avenel, Oliver (about 1180)
  227. Foliot, Hawise (1180)
  228. Jorz, Elias De (about 1183)
  229. de Torrington, Eva (1183)
  230. de Beaumont, Margaret (1185)
  231. , Margaret (about 1185)
  232. de Stuteville, Burga (after 1185)
  233. de Bolbec, Walter (1185)
  234. Gifford, Matilda (1185)
  235. Moston, Matilda (1185)
  236. , Egidia (1187)
  237. de Bohun, Humphrey III (1187-04-06)
  238. , Isabel (1190)
  239. , Mary (1190)
  240. de Saint Valery, Joan (1192)
  241. de Hedenton, Emma (1194)
  242. de Normanville, Agatha (1195)
  243. , Margaret (1195)
  244. de Newburg, Alice (1196)
  245. Paynel, Hawise (1197-04-24)
  246. de Flete, Sarah (1199)
  247. Family of de Multon, Thomas II and de Flete, Sarah (1199)
  248. de Multon, Thomas II (1199)
  249. de Oreby, Philip (1200)
  250. (1200)
  251. Golcar, John (1200)
  252. , Lettice (1200)
  253. de la Pole, Jane (1202)
  254. , Roese (1202)
  255. De Warrenne, Hammelin Plantagent (1202-04-00)
  256. , Dionisia (1205)
  257. De Meschines (1205)
  258. de Avenel, Emme (about 1205)
  259. , Amicia (about 1207)
  260. de Lancaster, Hawise (1209)
  261. de Brus, Peter II (1209)
  262. Family of de Brus, Peter II and de Lancaster, Hawise (1209)
  263. de Beauchamp, William (1211)
  264. , Alice (about 1212)
  265. Fitzwalter, Alice (1213)
  266. , Lucy (1215)
  267. de Beaumont, William (1215)
  268. de Corbuceo, Emma (1217)
  269. Germonde, Lucia (1219)
  270. of Cornwall, Ralph Chenduit VI (1220)
  271. de Beche, Joan (1220)
  272. , Joan (about 1222)
  273. , Edeka (about 1222)
  274. Golcar, Agnes (1225)
  275. de Avenel, Oliver (about 1226)
  276. le Strange, John IV (1226)
  277. De Berners, Ralph (1228)
  278. de Braose, Sybil (1228-02-05)
  279. Valletort, Joan (1229)
  280. De Harcourt, Emma (1229-12-29)
  281. , Lucy (about 1230)
  282. de Horbury, Ralph (1230)
  283. , Alice (1230)
  284. Picot, Isabel (about 1230)
  285. de Sanford, Alice (1231)
  286. (1235)
  287. , Eufemia (1235)
  288. de Lisle, Jordan (1235-01-00)
  289. (about 1239)
  290. of Cornwall, Ralph Chenduit VI (about 1239)
  291. Family of of Cornwall, Ralph Chenduit VI and (about 1239)
  292. , Joan (1240)
  293. , Margaret (1240)
  294. Chenduit, John (1240)
  295. Dutton, Geoffrey (1241)
  296. Family of Dutton, Geoffrey and de Lacy, Idonia Alice (1241)
  297. de Lacy, Idonia Alice (1241)
  298. de Grey, Eva (1242)
  299. , Elizabeth (1245)
  300. Buhmley, John (1245)
  301. , Christiane (about 1245)
  302. , Helisant (1248)
  303. de Standon, Vivian (1250)
  304. Lisle, Alice (Nmn-Robert) (1250)
  305. de Avenel, Emme (about 1253)
  306. de Bois, Ernald III (1255)
  307. , Maud (1255)
  308. , Katherine (1255)
  309. de Havering, Nicholas (1255)
  310. de Everingham, Robert (1256)
  311. de Longchamp, Alice (1256)
  312. Chenduit, John (about 1259)
  313. Family of Chenduit, John and (about 1259)
  314. (about 1259)
  315. Clarissa, Mary of Scotland (1260)
  316. le Gaunte, Richard (1260)
  317. ap Gruffudd, Rhys (1260)
  318. , Isabel (about 1263)
  319. , Alice (1263)
  320. de Grey, Emma (1264)
  321. de Havering, Elizabeth (1265)
  322. , Alesia (1265)
  323. , Alice (1265)
  324. , Hawise (1266)
  325. Bacon, Henry (1266)
  326. Longspee, Ida (1266)
  327. de Beauchamp, Ela (1267-01-10)
  328. de Latimer, Christian (1269)
  329. Fitzrandolph, Ralph (1270)
  330. , Agnes (1270)
  331. Buhmley, Eleanor (1270)
  332. de Valence, Joan (1273)
  333. de Berkeley, Margaret (1274)
  334. , Sibel (1275)
  335. , Maud (1275)
  336. , Alice (1275)
  337. Bernacke, William (1275)
  338. , Maud (1275)
  339. de Berkeley, John (1277)
  340. de Beauchamp, Humphrey (1278)
  341. de Chaucombe, Anabil (1278)
  342. de Berkeley, James (1279)
  343. , Roese (1279)
  344. , Margery (1280)
  345. de Berkeley, Thomas III (1280)
  346. Doterinde, Richard (1280)
  347. Beaumont, William (1280)
  348. Fleming, Robert (1281)
  349. de Chaworth, Patrick IV (1283-07-07)
  350. Botiller, Maud Le De Verdun Countess of aru (1283-11-27)
  351. , Elizabeth (1285)
  352. Brailsford, Margery (NMN-Ralph) (about 1287)
  353. Erdeswick, Thomas (about 1290)
  354. de Pateshull, William (1291)
  355. Ridware, Isabella (NMN-Thomas) (about 1295)
  356. de Berkeley, Millicent (1295)
  357. Wake, Ida (1295)
  358. Barneis, Amice (1296)
  359. de Berkeley, Alice (1297)
  360. de Berkeley, Maurice IV (1298)
  361. Cooper, Simon (1300)
  362. Bodrugan, Joan (1300)
  363. , Alice (1300)
  364. Kirton, Fecicia (1300)
  365. Bacon, Roger (1300)
  366. de Berkeley, Peter (1301)
  367. de Berkeley, Isabel (1307)
  368. de Lisle, William (about 1309)
  369. Berners, John (1310)
  370. de Ferrers, Anne (1310)
  371. de la Warre, Catherine (1310)
  372. de Berkeley, Peter (1310)
  373. Fitzralph, Joan (1310-04-01)
  374. de Bosco, Robert (1311)
  375. Family of de Wyleby, Robert and , Emma (1315)
  376. , Emma (1315)
  377. Cobold, Margery (1315)
  378. Lyne, Margery (1315)
  379. de Wyleby, Robert (1315)
  380. de Bures, Catherine (1315)
  381. de Sanford, Alice (1317-09-07)
  382. Peveral, Joan (1318-11-12)
  383. de Engaine, John (1318-11-12)
  384. Family of de Engaine, John and Peveral, Joan (1318-11-12)
  385. , Joan (1320)
  386. Thorpe, William (1320)
  387. d'Aton, Elizabeth (about 1320)
  388. de Chaworth, Maud (1320)
  389. Bacon, Beatrice (1320)
  390. Family of Bacon, Henry and Ludham, Margaret (1321)
  391. Bacon, Henry (1321)
  392. Ludham, Margaret (1321)
  393. Bosco, Matthew Wood (1322)
  394. de Chaworth, Maud (1322-12-03)
  395. DeBotreaux, John (1323)
  396. , Juliana (1325)
  397. Family of de Arderne, John and Venables, Alice (about 1326)
  398. de Arderne, John (about 1326)
  399. Venables, Alice (about 1326)
  400. de Latimer, Christian (1326)
  401. Family of le Strange, John and le Boteler, Ankaret (1328)
  402. le Strange, John (1328)
  403. le Boteler, Ankaret (1328)
  404. de Beauchamp, Giles (1328-05-21)
  405. Family of de Beauchamp, Giles and de Bures, Catherine (1328-05-21)
  406. de Bures, Catherine (1328-05-21)
  407. de Berkeley, Joane (1329)
  408. de Mowbray, John (1329)
  409. Plantagenet, Joan (1329)
  410. Family of de Mowbray, John and Plantagenet, Joan (1329)
  411. de Berkeley, John (1330)
  412. de Everingham, Adam (1332)
  413. Family of de Everingham, Adam and Deiville, Joan (1332)
  414. Deiville, Joan (1332)
  415. de Berkeley, Roger (1334)
  416. de Boyes, Robert (1334)
  417. , Katherine (1335)
  418. Family of de Beauchamp, Roger and de Pateshull, Sybil (1336)
  419. de Beauchamp, Roger (1336)
  420. de Pateshull, Sybil (1336)
  421. de Berkeley, Thomas (1336)
  422. de Berkeley, Alphonsus (1337)
  423. Thirning, John (1340)
  424. , Joan (1340)
  425. , Alice (1340)
  426. Family of Thirning, John and , Joan (1340)
  427. de Driby, Alice (1341)
  428. de Audley, Margaret (1347-09-07)
  429. Bosco, Jane (1348)
  430. de Pateshull, William (1349)
  431. Plantagenet, Joan (1349)
  432. , Catherine (1350)
  433. de Pateshull, Sybil (after 1351-10-26)
  434. Skevington, Rose (1353)
  435. Bensted, Edward (1355)
  436. of Leake, John Lord of Cotham (1359)
  437. de la Warre, Catherine (1361)
  438. Butler, James (1361)
  439. de Beauchamp, Giles (1361-10-00)
  440. de Beauchamp, Roger (1363)
  441. Tastard, Agnes (1370)
  442. Septvans, William (1370)
  443. Warren, John (1371)
  444. Stafford, Margaret (1371)
  445. Family of Warren, John and Stafford, Margaret (1371)
  446. Skevington, Rose (1371)
  447. Family of Holland, Ralph and Skevington, Rose (1371)
  448. Holland, Ralph (1371)
  449. Holland (1372)
  450. Stoner, Catherine (1375)
  451. Bowerman, Elizabeth (1383-03-23)
  452. Braybrook, William (1383-04-27)
  453. de Ferreres, Henry (1388)
  454. Septvans, Catherine (1390)
  455. BUTLER, James "the White Earl" (1390)
  456. Holland, Catherine (1395)
  457. Family of Winnington, Robert and Holland, Catherine (1395)
  458. Winnington, Robert (1395)
  459. BEAUCHAMP, Joan (1396)
  460. De Ferreres, Elizabeth (1400)
  461. Culpepper, William (1400)
  462. d'Aton, Elizabeth (before 1402-05-02)
  463. Morgan, John (1403)
  464. de Beauchamp, Roger (1406-05-03)
  465. Dowler, Margaret (1408)
  466. Bingham, Elizabeth (1409)
  467. Barton, Isabel (1410)
  468. Braybrooke, Nicola (about 1411)
  469. de Beauchamp, John Baron de Beauchamp (1412)
  470. Warren, Nicholas (1413)
  471. De Wynnington, Agnes (1417)
  472. Mauntell, Margaret Newenham (1417)
  473. DeEgerton, Elen (1417)
  474. Mortimer, Elizabeth (1417-04-20)
  475. Family of Leek, John and Grey, Alicia (1418-06-24)
  476. Grey, Alicia (1418-06-24)
  477. Leek, John (1418-06-24)
  478. Kene, William (1420)
  479. Bradshaw, Henry (about 1420)
  480. Poynings, Eleanor (1422)
  481. Bonville, Elizabeth (1425)
  482. Broughton, John (1425)
  483. of Gaunt, Elizabeth Beaufort (1425-11-24)
  484. Thorpe, John (1427)
  485. de Copeland, Margaret (1427)
  486. Bowerman, Elizabeth (1428-05-25)
  487. Culpepper, Richard (1430)
  488. Spencer, Robert (1430)
  489. Longford, Ralph (1431)
  490. Braybrook, William (1431-10-16)
  491. Sargent, Edwin (1431-12-23)
  492. Radcliffe, Joan (1432)
  493. Bacon, Mary (1434)
  494. Hetherington, Gordon James (1435)
  495. Fray, Catherine (about 1435)
  496. de GORGES, Elizabeth (about 1435)
  497. Mchutchison, Alice Jean (1435)
  498. Ogle, Robert (1435-08-12)
  499. Mauntell, Margaret Newenham (1438)
  500. Bacon, Francis (1442)
  501. Gerard, Elizabeth (1443)
  502. Botreaux, John (1444-03-25)
  503. Bacon, William (1445)
  504. Mauntell, John (1446)
  505. Thorpe, Margery (1447)
  506. Kene, Bridget (1448)
  507. Fauntelroy (1448)
  508. Morgan, John (1448-07-05)
  509. Dowler, Margaret (1449-07-05)
  510. Arthington, John (1450)
  511. Carter, John (1450)
  512. Lenthall, Rowland (1450-11-25)
  513. Ogle, Maud (1451-08-21)
  514. Betham, Margaret Elizabeth (1452)
  515. Wydeville, Margaret (1454)
  516. Radcliffe, Edward (1455)
  517. (1458)
  518. Margery (1458)
  519. De Ferreres, Thomas (1459)
  520. Marshall, John (1460)
  521. Dutton, Isabel (1463-07-11)
  522. Family of Molyneux, Thomas and Dutton, Anne (1463-07-11)
  523. Dutton, Anne (1463-07-11)
  524. Southworth, Christopher Richard (1463-07-11)
  525. Family of Southworth, Christopher Richard and Dutton, Isabel (1463-07-11)
  526. Molyneux, Thomas (1463-07-11)
  527. Plantagenêt, Elizabeth [illegitimate] dau of Edward Plantagenet, King Edward IV of Engla (1464)
  528. Family of Spencer, Robert and Beaufort, Eleanor (1465)
  529. Beaufort, Eleanor (1465)
  530. Spencer, Robert (1465)
  531. Barnes, John (1465-06-01)
  532. Family of Dutton, John and Molyneux, Margaret (about 1468)
  533. Dutton, John (about 1468)
  534. Molyneux, Margaret (about 1468)
  535. Fauntelroy (1468)
  536. Lyte, Thomas (1468)
  537. Bernard, Rupert (1470)
  538. Grey, George (1470)
  539. Stafford, Margaret (1470)
  540. Jermyn, Margaret (1470-06-01)
  541. Bernard, Rupert (1471-01-09)
  542. Drew, John (1474)
  543. Harris, Arthur (1475)
  544. Family of Leeke, John and Margery (1475)
  545. Margery (1475)
  546. Leeke, John (1475)
  547. Barnard, Thomas (1476)
  548. Bacon, Henry (1478)
  549. Croxton, Alice (1478)
  550. Percy, Henry Algernon (1478-01-14)
  551. Ingleby, William (1480)
  552. Family of Warren, John and Gerard, Eleanor (1480)
  553. Gerard, Eleanor (1480)
  554. Warren, John (1480)
  555. Bacon, William (1480)
  556. Bernard, Eustace (1481)
  557. Bernard, Francis (1481)
  558. Standish, Hugh (1481)
  559. Wotton, Margaret (1481)
  560. Westby, Ralph (1485)
  561. Graves, Robert (1485)
  562. Bold, Richard (1486)
  563. Le Hunt, Alice (after 1487)
  564. Nansicles, Mary (1490)
  565. Family of Gifford, Roger and Nansicles, Mary (1490)
  566. Cave, Thomas (1490)
  567. Gifford, Roger (1490)
  568. Pemberton, Robert (1490-04-00)
  569. Stokes, Alice (1491)
  570. Broughton, John (1491)
  571. Hildesley, Miss (1492)
  572. Walwyn, Elizabeth (1493)
  573. Ashley, Hugh (1493-04-29)
  574. Warren, Laurence (1494-07-05)
  575. Family of Warren, Laurence and Legh, Margaret (1494-07-05)
  576. Legh, Margaret (1494-07-05)
  577. Berrington, John (1495)
  578. Northwode, John De (1496)
  579. Anstell, Emily (1498)
  580. Mallory, William, Sir (1498)
  581. Arthington, John (1498-04-13)
  582. Prest, Cicely (about 1500)
  583. Abney, *George Henry (about 1500)
  584. Hetherington, Gordon James (1500)
  585. Spencer, Margaret (1501-08-16)
  586. Family of Percy, Henry Algernon and Spencer, Catherine (1502)
  587. Spencer, Catherine (1502)
  588. Cholmeley, Dionysia (1502)
  589. Cholmeley, Dionysia (1502)
  590. Percy, Henry Algernon (1502)
  591. Willoughby, Jane (1502-01-01 (Julian))
  592. Harbottle, Guiscard (1502-01-01 (Julian))
  593. Family of Harbottle, Guiscard and Willoughby, Jane (1502-01-01 (Julian))
  594. Aston, Isabel (1503)
  595. Grey, George (1503-12-16)
  596. Grey, John (1504-04-15)
  597. DeEgerton, Elen (1504-04-20)
  598. Loving, Abel (1505)
  599. Bernard, Frances (1506)
  600. Wentworth, John V (1506)
  601. Prescott, James Sir (1508)
  602. Fitzwilliam, Ellen (1509)
  603. Wolesley, Anthony (about 1510)
  604. Neale, Thomas (1510)
  605. , Elizabeth (1510)
  606. Hastings, Ann (1510)
  607. Sparrow, *@Anne (1510)
  608. Savage, Ann (1512)
  609. Wolesley, *Ellene (about 1514)
  610. Girdler, John (about 1515)
  611. , Ellen (1515)
  612. Family of Warren, Edward and Booth, Dorothy (1516-08-14)
  613. Booth, Dorothy (1516-08-14)
  614. Warren, Edward (1516-08-14)
  615. Family of Cave, Thomas and Danvers, Elizabeth (1518)
  616. Cave, Thomas (1518)
  617. Danvers, Elizabeth (1518)
  618. Bothe, William (1519-11-09)
  619. Barker, Nicholas (1520)
  620. Family of Carey, William and Boleyn, Mary (1520-02-04)
  621. Boleyn, Mary (1520-02-04)
  622. Carey, William (1520-02-04)
  623. Harbottle, Eleanor (1522)
  624. de Percy, Thomas (1522)
  625. Family of de Percy, Thomas and Harbottle, Eleanor (1522)
  626. Cholmeley, Dionysia (about 1523)
  627. Cholmeley, Dionysia (about 1523)
  628. Cholmeley, Richard (about 1523)
  629. Family of Cholmeley, Richard and Cholmeley, Dionysia (about 1523)
  630. Family of Cholmeley, Richard and Cholmeley, Dionysia (about 1523)
  631. Cholmeley, Richard (about 1523)
  632. Smyth, David (1524)
  633. Family of Bigod, Francis and Conyers, Catherine (about 1527)
  634. d' Anvers, Susanna (1527)
  635. Dudley, Guilford (1527)
  636. Bigod, Francis (about 1527)
  637. Conyers, Catherine (about 1527)
  638. Percy, Henry Algernon (1527-05-19)
  639. Maplesden, Peter (about 1529)
  640. Watts, Thomas I (1530)
  641. Calvert, John (about 1530)
  642. Wrytt (1532)
  643. Blagrove, Richard (1532)
  644. Family of Blagrove, Richard and Wrytt (1532)
  645. Family of Travers, Walter and , Anne (1534)
  646. , Anne (1534)
  647. Travers, Walter (1534)
  648. Family of Peke, Robert of Beccles and Anne, Joan (1535)
  649. Anne, Joan (1535)
  650. Peke, Robert of Beccles (1535)
  651. Family of Peke, Robert of Beccles and Anne, Joan (1535)
  652. Anne, Joan (1535)
  653. Peke, Robert of Beccles (1535)
  654. Berrington, Humphrey (1535)
  655. Wotton, Margaret (1535-10-16)
  656. Okeover, Philip (1536)
  657. Hooker, Robert Vowell (1537-08-09)
  658. Rawlings, Margaret (1538)
  659. Family of Bacon, James and Rawlings, Margaret (1538)
  660. Gilbert, Radegan (1538)
  661. Bacon, James (1538)
  662. Grey, Mary (1538-02-22 (Julian))
  663. Okeover, Humphrey (1538-04-05)
  664. Bacon, William (1539)
  665. Leveson, Nicholas (1539-10-13)
  666. Hoskyns, John (1540)
  667. Standish, Alice (about 1540)
  668. Hoskyns, William (1542)
  669. Rushton, John (1542)
  670. Southworth, Dorothy (1542)
  671. Family of Rushton, John and Southworth, Dorothy (1542)
  672. Hoskyns, Thomas (1544)
  673. Lewknor, Edmund (1545-03-11)
  674. Bacon, Anna Revett (1546)
  675. Hungerford, Walter (1546)
  676. Southworth, Thomas (1546-01-13)
  677. Knyvett, Henry (before 1547-03-30)
  678. Family of Maplesden, Peter and (about 1548)
  679. (about 1548)
  680. Maplesden, Peter (about 1548)
  681. Ashley, Henry (1549)
  682. Le Long, Anthoine (1549)
  683. Stokes, Alice (1550)
  684. Hickling, Christian (1550)
  685. Chase, Isabel (1550)
  686. Family of Bothe, William and Warburton, Elizabeth (1550)
  687. Warburton, Elizabeth (1550)
  688. Bothe, William (1550)
  689. Rowland, Thomas I (1550)
  690. Chase, Isabel (1550)
  691. Owen, Richard (1550)
  692. Rowland, Thomas II (1550)
  693. Neale, Thomas (1550)
  694. Pemberton, Robert (1550-04-00)
  695. Grey, Thomas (1550-10-10)
  696. Chichester, John (1551)
  697. Daniel, Thomas (1551)
  698. Smyth, Ann (1553)
  699. Leonard, John (1554)
  700. DeSpaigne, Gervois (1554)
  701. Westby, Ralph (1554-06-02)
  702. Daniell, Joane (1555)
  703. Salkeld, Michael (1555)
  704. Family of Stoughton, Thomas and Lewkenor, Elizabeth (1555)
  705. Dennis, Anne (1555)
  706. Lewkenor, Elizabeth (1555)
  707. Stoughton, Thomas (1555)
  708. Carter, Peter (1555)
  709. Standish, Roger Robert (1556)
  710. Ashton, Leonard (1556)
  711. Burbeck, Isabella (1557)
  712. Clinton, Henry (Fiennes) 2nd Earl of Lincoln (1559-02-00)
  713. Hastings, Catherine (1559-02-00)
  714. Family of Clinton, Henry (Fiennes) 2nd Earl of Lincoln and Hastings, Catherine (1559-02-00)
  715. Keith, Janet (1559-11-24)
  716. Hinton, Elizabeth (1560)
  717. Graves, Thomas (1560)
  718. Family of Gerard, Thomas and Port, Elizabeth (1560)
  719. Blagrove, Joan (1560)
  720. Anstell, Emily (1560)
  721. Port, Elizabeth (1560)
  722. Gerard, Thomas (1560)
  723. Wroth, Mabel (1560-06-10)
  724. Family of Aucher, Edward Esquire and Wroth, Mabel (1560-06-10)
  725. Aucher, Edward Esquire (1560-06-10)
  726. Leveson, Alice Nicholas (1561-04-08)
  727. Bodley, Dionysia (1561-09-10)
  728. Booth, William (1565)
  729. Warburton, Elizabeth (1565)
  730. Family of Booth, William and Warburton, Elizabeth (1565)
  731. Rogers, John (1565-07-22)
  732. Kingsmill, June (1566-05-08)
  733. Harbottle, Eleanor (1566-05-18)
  734. Conyers, Catherine (1566-10-21)
  735. Burrage, Elizabeth (1568)
  736. Family of Fielding, Basil and Willington, Goodith (1569)
  737. Willington, Goodith (1569)
  738. Fielding, Basil (1569)
  739. Gatacre, Dorothy (before 1569-08-15)
  740. Isham, John (1570)
  741. Greenleaf, Robert (1570)
  742. , Anne (1570)
  743. Fallowfield, Agnes (1571)
  744. Stevenson, William (1571)
  745. Family of Stevenson, William and Fallowfield, Agnes (1571)
  746. Barker, Elizabeth (1572)
  747. (1572)
  748. Southworth, Elizabeth (1573)
  749. Dye, Robert (1574)
  750. Beason, John (1574)
  751. Ford, Anne (1574)
  752. Bourne, Benedicta Moyle (1575)
  753. Neale, John (1575)
  754. Wortley, Grace (1575)
  755. Family of Boyes, Christopher and Wortley, Grace (1575)
  756. Boyes, Christopher (1575)
  757. Grosvenor, Anthony (1575)
  758. Stanhope, Anne (1575-02-21)
  759. Hastings, Catherine (1576-09-22)
  760. Gatacre, William (1577-12-22)
  761. Hall, Richard (1579)
  762. Booth, William (1579-09-00)
  763. Loving, Abel (1580)
  764. Chichester, Robert (1580)
  765. , Elizabeth (1581)
  766. Osborne, Richard (1581-11-08)
  767. Lane, Dorothy (1582)
  768. Woodward, Bridget (1582)
  769. Lane, Ralph (1582)
  770. Gething, John (1584)
  771. Calvert, John (about 1585)
  772. Chichester, John (1585)
  773. Mynne, John (about 1585)
  774. , Grace (about 1585)
  775. Family of Calvert, John and , Grace (about 1585)
  776. Foster, Richard (1587)
  777. Hooker, Frances (about 1588)
  778. Burbage, John (1589)
  779. Watts, Edward I (1590)
  780. Abney, Dannett (1590)
  781. Owen, Richard (1590)
  782. Stones, Jenet (1590)
  783. Lawson, Michael (1590)
  784. Thorowgood, Capt. Adam (1590)
  785. Eidson, Ralph (1590-04-29)
  786. Clifton, Thomas (1592)
  787. Southworth, Katherine (1592)
  788. Family of Clifton, Thomas and Southworth, Katherine (1592)
  789. Watts, Thomas I (1593)
  790. Croshaw, Katherine (1593)
  791. Lyttleton, Elizabeth (1594)
  792. , Susan (1595)
  793. Beason, John (1595-07-18)
  794. Family of Thompson, Ralph and Marsnett, Elizabeth (about 1596)
  795. Marsnett, Elizabeth (about 1596)
  796. Thompson, Ralph (about 1596)
  797. Willoughby, Francis (1596-11-16)
  798. Napier, Mary (1597)
  799. Wroth, Mabel (1597)
  800. Knyvett, Henry (1598)
  801. Needham, John (1598)
  802. Dye, Robert Arthur (1598-03-04)
  803. Brent, Hugh (1599)
  804. , Juliana (1599)
  805. Grosvenor, Mary (1599-03-26)
  806. Wellstead, Sarah (1600)
  807. Weaver, Samuel (1600)
  808. Savage, Ann (1600)
  809. Robinson, John (1600)
  810. Morris, Nicholas (1600)
  811. Clayden, John (about 1600)
  812. Jackson, Ann (1600)
  813. Needham, Benjamin (1600)
  814. , Margaret (about 1600)
  815. Du Toict, Estienne (1600-05-00)
  816. Seymour, Thomas (1600-08-08)
  817. Bourne, Benedicta Moyle (1601-08-01)
  818. Family of Hoskyns, John and Bourne, Benedicta Moyle (1601-08-01)
  819. Hoskyns, John (1601-08-01)
  820. Dambrine, Marie (1602)
  821. Shelley, Robert (1602)
  822. Robinson, Richard (1602)
  823. Burbeck, Isabella (1602)
  824. Thomas, Jane (about 1603)
  825. Family of Belcher, Thomas and Hunt, Deborah (1603)
  826. Belcher, Thomas (1603)
  827. Thompson, George (1603)
  828. Gardner, Deborah (1603)
  829. Hunt, Deborah (1603)
  830. Shelley, Margaret (1604)
  831. Dumas, Mary (1604)
  832. Needham, Katherine (1605)
  833. Eidson, Ann (1605)
  834. Westley (1605)
  835. Newman, Martha (1605)
  836. Needham, Ann (1607)
  837. Robinson, Clara (1607)
  838. Eidson, Gennet (1607-12-00)
  839. Isham, Dorcas Anne (about 1608)
  840. Jager, Ann (1608)
  841. Foster, Richard (about 1608)
  842. Family of Foster, Richard and Isham, Dorcas Anne (about 1608)
  843. Calvert, Mary (about 1608)
  844. Rogers, Honora (after 1608-02-28 (Julian))
  845. Wriothesley, Thomas (1608-03-10 (Julian))
  846. Hewitt, Thomas (1609)
  847. Skutt, Martha (1610)
  848. , Ruth (1610)
  849. Lawson, Thomas (1610)
  850. Smyth, David (1610)
  851. Family of Graves, Thomas and Croshaw, Katherine (1610)
  852. Croshaw, Katherine (1610)
  853. Hall, Anna (1610)
  854. Dent, Anne (1610)
  855. Graves, Thomas (1610)
  856. Eidson, Elizabeth (1610-06-00)
  857. Calvert, Leonard (after 1611)
  858. Newman, John (1611)
  859. Shelley, Anne (1612)
  860. Needham, Ann (1613)
  861. Thompson, William (1614)
  862. Burrage, Elizabeth (1614-06-12)
  863. Bailey, Margaret (1615)
  864. Cotton, William (1615)
  865. Thompson, Robert (about 1615)
  866. Acherson, William (1615)
  867. , Juliana (1616)
  868. Stevenson, Margaret (1616)
  869. Family of Thompson, John and , Juliana (1616)
  870. Wilkinson, William (1616)
  871. Thompson, John (1616)
  872. Beason, John (1617-10-26)
  873. Needham, Rachel (1618)
  874. , Juliana (1619)
  875. Thompson, Christopher (1619)
  876. Marsnett, Elizabeth (1620)
  877. , Hester (about 1620)
  878. , Margarat (1621)
  879. Family of Farley, Thomas and Molyneux, Jane Of Sefton (1622)
  880. Family of Farley, Thomas and Molyneux, Jane Of Sefton (1622)
  881. Molyneux, Jane Of Sefton (1622)
  882. Farley, Thomas (1622)
  883. Molyneux, Jane Of Sefton (1622)
  884. Farley, Thomas (1622)
  885. Cheney, John (1623-05-16)
  886. , Elizabeth (1624)
  887. Chichester, Robert (1624-04-24)
  888. Highman, Mary (1625)
  889. Wright, Amye (1625)
  890. Beason, John (1627-04-23)
  891. Aucher, Elizabeth (1627-12-03)
  892. , Ann (1628)
  893. Cooke, Janet (1629)
  894. Scarisbrook, Lt. Col. John (1630)
  895. Courts, John I (about 1630)
  896. Sisson, Robert (1630)
  897. Lawson, Thomas (1630-10-10)
  898. Hall, Anna (1631)
  899. Howard, Matthew (1631)
  900. Family of Howard, Matthew and Hall, Anna (1631)
  901. White, Richard (1633)
  902. Jager, Ann (1634)
  903. Wood, James (1634)
  904. Family of Wood, James and Jager, Ann (1634)
  905. Acherson, Mary (1635)
  906. Stevenson, Margaret (1635)
  907. Burdett, Thomas (1635)
  908. Family of Wilkinson, William and Stevenson, Margaret (1635)
  909. Eidson, Denys (1635)
  910. Wilkinson, William (1635)
  911. Dye, Martin (1635)
  912. Crabtree, Samuel (1636)
  913. Family of Belcher, William and Davey, Sally Ann (before 1637)
  914. Belcher, William (before 1637)
  915. Brent, Ann (1637)
  916. Davey, Sally Ann (before 1637)
  917. Wilkinson, Francis (1637-02-07)
  918. Belcher, Dorothy (1637-08-31)
  919. Family of Browning, Thomas and , Hester (1638)
  920. Browning, Thomas (1638)
  921. , Hester (1638)
  922. Smith, Elizabeth (1638)
  923. Browning, John (about 1640)
  924. Pate, Thomas (1640)
  925. Gething, John (1640)
  926. Clarke, Ann (1642)
  927. Wood, James (1643)
  928. Villiers, George (1645)
  929. Jamison, Jane (1645)
  930. Thompson, George (1646)
  931. Browning, Hester (about 1648)
  932. Travers, Samuel (1648-06-00)
  933. Demarest, Elizabeth (about 1649)
  934. Constable, Marmaduke (1650)
  935. Family of Constable, Marmaduke and Sherborne, Anne (1650)
  936. Sherborne, Anne (1650)
  937. Lyddall, Ann (1650)
  938. Rowland, John I (1650)
  939. Thompson, Christopher (1651)
  940. Dale, Edward (1653)
  941. Family of Dale, Edward and Skipwith, Diana (1653)
  942. Skipwith, Diana (1653)
  943. Osborne, Anne (1654-01-14 (Julian))
  944. Davey, Sally Ann (1656)
  945. Beason, John (1656)
  946. Highman, Mary (1656)
  947. Beason, Samuel (1656-10-21)
  948. Thomas, Jane (about 1660)
  949. Lawson, Ruth (1660)
  950. Clayden, John (about 1660)
  951. Hoskins, Ruth (1662)
  952. Lawson, Deborah (1663)
  953. Eidson, Matthew (1663-10-01)
  954. Demarest, Elizabeth (1664)
  955. Family of Browning, John and Demarest, Elizabeth (1664)
  956. Browning, John (1664)
  957. , Margarat (1667)
  958. Hostead, James (1667)
  959. Lawson, Hannah (1668)
  960. Thompson, Isaac (1669)
  961. Lawson, Jonah (1670)
  962. Beason, John (1670)
  963. Browning, Thomas (1671)
  964. Browning, William (1673)
  965. Browning, Thomas (1674-07-00)
  966. Greenberry, Ann (1675)
  967. Basham, Michael (1675)
  968. Browning, Hester (1676)
  969. Barber, Jane (1677)
  970. Browning, Judith (1678)
  971. Browning, Elizabeth (1680)
  972. Quismore, Mary (1680)
  973. Rucker, Ambrose Levi (1681)
  974. Cooling, Mary (1684)
  975. Browning, Mary (about 1685)
  976. James, John (1688)
  977. Thompson, George (1689)
  978. Hallom, Robert (1691-04-24)
  979. Thruston, Justina (1691-08-26)
  980. Lawson, Thomas (1691-11-12)
  981. Ballenger, Andrew (1692)
  982. Wilkinson, Francis (1693-02-23)
  983. Offill, William (1695)
  984. Barber, Jane (1699)
  985. Basham, Michael (1699)
  986. Family of Basham, Michael and Barber, Jane (1699)
  987. Crabtree, Samuel (1700-07-07)
  988. Family of Beason, Samuel and Cooling, Mary (1704-05-14)
  989. Beason, Samuel (1704-05-14)
  990. Cooling, Mary (1704-05-14)
  991. Beason, Mary (1706-02-12)
  992. Jamison, Jane (1709)
  993. Lawson, Hannah (1713)
  994. Thompson, Isaac (1725)
  995. Basham, Michael (1746)
  996. Cooling, Mary (1750-08-05)
  997. Beard, Edward (1760)
  998. Beason, Mary (1777-03-29)
  999. Thompson, John (1780-05-05)
  1000. COOK, Mary Ann (1805-05-07)
  1001. Ingram, William (about 1818)
  1002. Radcliffe, Elizabeth (1836-11-05)
  1003. Radcliffe, Elizabeth (1836-11-05)
  1004. Worswick, Mary Hancock (1862)
  1005. Unknown, Annie E. (1898-08-31)
  1006. Family of Stice, Lloyd Byron and Unknown, Annie E. (1917-03-02)
  1007. Stice, Lloyd Byron (1917-03-02)
  1008. Unknown, Annie E. (1917-03-02)
  1009. Stice, Estelle Loretta (1919)
  1010. Southworth, Cicely ((Deceased))
  1011. Venables, Mary Ellen ((Dead))
  1012. Needham, Maud ((Dead))
  1013. Venables, Thomas ((Dead))