Enclosed By |
Place Encloses |
Jackson, Peter [@]
Dickerson, John T [@]
Scales, Rebecca
Umsted, Emily
Unknown, Mary A.
Jackson, Mark [@]
Almond, Lucinda A [@]
Thornton, Manira A
Hembree, William
Unknown, Catherine E.
Unknown, Laura
Little, Laura C.
, Perry
Trent, Caledonia D.
Warren, Lucy Permelia Elizabeth [@]
Wyatt, Frances Christian 'Fannie'
Family of Warren, John Marshall [@] and Hulme, Margaret L Anntoinette [@]
Warren, John Marshall [@]
Hulme, Margaret L Anntoinette [@]
White, Joe M.
Rainey, Thomas Edward
Roberts, Luther Marvin
Roberts, Thomas Alton
Ogle, Mary Jane 'Mollie'
Roberts, Richard F. G.
Harris, William A.
Olcott, Chispa
Roberts, Richard Polk Jr.
Hammontree, Edward Franklin 'Frank'
Roberts, Lena May
Thornton, Reuben Benjamin [@]
Rowell, Hettie
Warren, John Marshall [@]
Webb, Barbara
Unknown, Ross Lee
Hicks, Bernice
Bowen, Montie Vesta
Ogle, Cora Lee
Morris, Alton Bonapart
Ogle, Zelma
White, Lloyd
Ogle, Roy L.
Ogle, Esther
Leggett, Dorothy Lee
Ogle, Preston
White, Lowell
Ogle, Clifton W.
Campbell, Ruby M.
Campbell, Ruby M.
Hayes, Kattie 'Katie' Grace
Hall, Grace Elizabeth
Roberts, Richard Polk
Roberts, Robert G.
Ogle, John Bunyan
Unknown, Ross Lee
Family of Ogle, John Bunyan and Unknown, Ross Lee
Roberts, Jewell
Hicks, Eula Mae
Baker, James C.
Denton, Jeter Ray
Blackwood, Truett Nathaniel
Keyt, Edith Hilda