Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Jackson, Peter [@] (1801-09-23)
  2. Dickerson, John T [@] (1814)
  3. Scales, Rebecca (1818-11-07)
  4. Umsted, Emily (1822)
  5. Unknown, Mary A. (1826)
  6. Jackson, Mark [@] (1827-08-11)
  7. Almond, Lucinda A [@] (1831-10-29)
  8. Thornton, Manira A (1845-07-00)
  9. Hembree, William (1846-07-00)
  10. Unknown, Catherine E. (1854)
  11. Unknown, Laura (1856)
  12. Little, Laura C. (1856-11-00)
  13. , Perry (1859-07-29)
  14. Trent, Caledonia D. (1860-11-13)
  15. Warren, Lucy Permelia Elizabeth [@] (1867-06-02)
  16. Wyatt, Frances Christian 'Fannie' (1873-08-00)
  17. Family of Warren, John Marshall [@] and Hulme, Margaret L Anntoinette [@] (1874-01-08)
  18. Warren, John Marshall [@] (1874-01-08)
  19. Hulme, Margaret L Anntoinette [@] (1874-01-08)
  20. White, Joe M. (1875-09-12)
  21. Rainey, Thomas Edward (1877-11-09)
  22. Roberts, Luther Marvin (1878-03-17)
  23. Roberts, Thomas Alton (1878-11-30)
  24. Ogle, Mary Jane 'Mollie' (1878-12-27)
  25. Roberts, Richard F. G. (1880)
  26. Harris, William A. (1882-09-05)
  27. Olcott, Chispa (1885-12-06)
  28. Roberts, Richard Polk Jr. (1887-01-05)
  29. Hammontree, Edward Franklin 'Frank' (1889-04-11)
  30. Roberts, Lena May (1889-05-30)
  31. Thornton, Reuben Benjamin [@] (1891-05-21)
  32. Rowell, Hettie (1891-09-23)
  33. Warren, John Marshall [@] (1896)
  34. Webb, Barbara (1899-10-00)
  35. Unknown, Ross Lee (1900)
  36. Hicks, Bernice (1900-03-18)
  37. Bowen, Montie Vesta (1901-03-29)
  38. Ogle, Cora Lee (1905)
  39. Morris, Alton Bonapart (1908-09-28)
  40. Ogle, Zelma (1908-11-19)
  41. White, Lloyd (1912)
  42. Ogle, Roy L. (1912-02-24)
  43. Ogle, Esther (1913)
  44. Leggett, Dorothy Lee (1914-04-15)
  45. Ogle, Preston (1916)
  46. White, Lowell (1916)
  47. Ogle, Clifton W. (1918-04-00)
  48. Campbell, Ruby M. (1919)
  49. Campbell, Ruby M. (1920)
  50. Hayes, Kattie 'Katie' Grace (1920-12-20)
  51. Hall, Grace Elizabeth (1922-11-17)
  52. Roberts, Richard Polk (1926-04-01)
  53. Roberts, Robert G. (1926-07-02)
  54. Ogle, John Bunyan (1927)
  55. Unknown, Ross Lee (1927)
  56. Family of Ogle, John Bunyan and Unknown, Ross Lee (1927)
  57. Roberts, Jewell (1928-08-29)
  58. Hicks, Eula Mae (1939-01-20)
  59. Baker, James C. (1939-06-17)
  60. Denton, Jeter Ray (1957-01-14)
  61. Blackwood, Truett Nathaniel (1998-02-05)
  62. Keyt, Edith Hilda (2004-10-10)