Family of Phelps, Obediah and Dye, Margaret "Peggy"


Married Husband Phelps, Obediah ( * 1776 + 1810 )
Married Wife Dye, Margaret “Peggy” ( * 1770 + 1833-02-22 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1796-02-28 Halifax County, Virginia Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Phelps, Freeman Killingsworth1800
Phelps, Robert1803
Phelps, Lorenzo Dow18051892-03-16
Phelps, Catherine1806UNKNOWN
Phelps, Levina1807UNKNOWN
Phelps, Pernetta1808
Phelps, Vincent Green1810
Phelps, Mahulda1815UNKNOWN
Phelps, Charlotte Jane1817UNKNOWN
Phelps, Obediah1818UNKNOWN
Phelps, Margaret “Martha” PeggyUNKNOWN
Phelps, MatildaUNKNOWN