Family of Trammell, John Sr. and Hutt, Mary Gerard Peyton 1a


Married Husband Trammell, John Sr. ( * 1670 + 1755 )
Married Wife Hutt, Mary Gerard Peyton ( * 1675 + 1723 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1691-03-25 Westmoreland, Virginia, British Colonial America   2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Trammell, Mary Anne1693
Trammell, Thomas1697
Trammell, John II1700
Trammell, Gerrard I17021786-06-23
Trammell, William T.1704
Trammell, Daniel Sr.1707
Trammell, Sampson Sr.1712

Source References

  1. Subject: RE: [CONN-L] John Trammell and Mary Ann HUTT
      • Source text:

        Subject: RE: [CONN-L] John Trammell and Mary Ann HUTT
        Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 15:20:16 -0500
        In-Reply-To: <001401c1800e$75c61da0$>

        The HUTT GenForum also has some discussion of the identity of
        the woman who married John TRAMMELL. One problem was cleared
        up there by Rosemary Mahan: she says that the Mary Ann HUTT
        who married Andrew READ was the daughter of Gerrard HUTT Junior,
        not Senior. So that Mary Ann HUTT is out of the picture.

        The other problem remains - the identity of the woman known
        as Mary Gerrard HUTT or Mary Ann HUTT, wife of John TRAMMELL.
        R.L. Samuell says that Daniel HUTT and Temperance GERRARD were
        married on 1 June 1669 at the home of her father Dr. Thomas
        Gerrard in Westmoreland Co. VA. They had only two children,
        as Daniel died in 1674. The children named in his will were
        Gerrard HUTT (Sr) and Anne (not Mary Ann) HUTT.

        The later marriage date (apparently documented) makes it all
        the more impossible for Gerrard HUTT Sr., born between 1670
        and 1674, to be the father of the Mary Ann HUTT who married
        John TRAMMELL in 1698. It would have to have been his sister
        Anne, but she was never called Mary, and there are numerous
        references to John TRAMMELL's wife Mary from 1691 through
        1705, according to Nancy Norman.

        Carol Mitchell says that Anne HUTT married Thomas WADDY, but
        R.L. Samuell says Thomas WADDY married Ann HULL, daughter of
        Augustine HULL; the Freeman site referenced by Jean Wall has
        Ann HULL, daughter of Augustine, married to Gerrard HUTT Sr.
        All very circular, and one more reason to mistrust the Freeman

        Daniel HUTT and Dr. Thomas GERRARD were the original immig-
        rants; unless one or both immigrated with an unknown brother,
        the existence of a Mary Ann HUTT or a Mary Gerrard HUTT is
        hard to explain. Carol Mitchell says she's researched both
        the HUTT and GERRARD sides and finds no descendant who could
        have married John TRAMMELL.

        So who was this mystery woman? Is it possible that a second
        daughter, Mary, was conceived shortly before Daniel HUTT's
        untimely death and born after it, say in 1674, the same year
        his will was probated? That sort of thing must have happened
        occasionally. There would then be just enough time for Mary
        to grow up and marry John TRAMMELL and be recorded as his
        wife in 1691 in Westmoreland Co. VA.



        -----Original Message-----
        From: Michael J. Vaughn []
        Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 12:28 PM
        Subject: [CONN-L] John Trammell

        Betsey and others:

        I think Betsey has a good point about not changing our genealogy just
        on the information that was posted on the net. However, my
        intuition -- a poor substitute for documentation -- tells me that John
        Trammell's wife was probably a granddaughter of Dr. Thomas, and that
        she was not a Gerard, since the male line of Gerards from Dr. Thomas
        died out whit his sons.

        John Trammell died about 1755 in Fairfax County, Virginia, and his
        wife was Mary as early as 1698 when he sold land to Joseph Hutson, and
        the deed recited that it was in the possession of John Trammel and
        Mary his wife.

        There is even an earlier (1691) transaction in which John Trammell had
        a wife Mary.

        Mike Vaughn

  2. LDRR-3X6