Originally posted by: @RUTGERS.ARPA:SRA@MIT-XX.ARPA
Message-ID: <842@topaz.ARPA>
Date: Sat, 2-Mar-85 10:57:17 EST
Article-I.D.: topaz.842
Posted: Sat Mar 2 10:57:17 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 5-Mar-85 02:09:26 EST
Sender: daemon@topaz.ARPA
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Lines: 19
From: Rob Austein
The Four Lords of the Diamond seems to be getting bad press around
here. I liked it, anyway, and I didn't notice any deformed women in
it. Certainly the series ends on a somewhat appocolyptic note, but
it's worth reading. It's actually about as "hard" sf as he has
The Dancing Gods books are fun if you can put up with a series that is
a parody of itself (a barbarian named Joe?!?). War of Shadows is also
a good standalone, particularly if you like quadruple-bluff
what-the-bleep-is-going-on stories.
His other stuff has mostly been mentioned. I agree that his politics
tend to repeat in most of his books, but this goes for most authors I
have read.