Message-ID: <12913@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 28-Aug-84 05:50:30 EDT
Article-I.D.: sri-arpa.12913
Posted: Tue Aug 28 05:50:30 1984
Date-Received: Thu, 30-Aug-84 11:02:20 EDT
Lines: 14
There is a neat little book done by James Blish back in the sixties
called THE QUINCUNX OF TIME, based on a shorter work called "Beep!"
It features the instantaneous Dirac transmitter, which "vibrates"
all space simultaneously. Blish points up sneakily that this implies
it also vibrates all TIME simultaneously, and therefore every Dirac
message received also includes ##every other## Dirac message ever
sent or ever to be sent throughout eternity, sort of wadded up into
an initial burst of noise before the transmission begins. One of the
great original twists on an old SF "must-have;" the "subspace radio,"
"hyperwave", whatever have you. Recommended; you can
read it in an evening.
--Jeff Duntemann