Message-ID: <12536@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 16-Aug-84 22:53:35 EDT
Article-I.D.: sri-arpa.12536
Posted: Thu Aug 16 22:53:35 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 19-Aug-84 02:39:22 EDT
Lines: 14
Most reissues of Metropolis contain the original cuts (a demonstration
that the absence of a thing is as real as its presence?)
The main victims are the introduction, which shows a '30s view of
Olympic training, replete with overt Naziism and repressed
homosexuality; and the erotic dance of the golem (Brigitte Helm).
American censors usually removed another sequence, in which
a giant machine (Capitalism) is seen as Moloch devouring helpless
humans (Labor) [ First Amendment? - a mere piece of paper, Herr
President ].
If you get the chance, SEE an uncut Metropolis. The sound-track
problem is susceptible to a technical solution - take ear muffs!