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clock vs joystick [message #76175] Wed, 29 May 2013 23:44 Go to previous message
Originally posted by: rfox@sdcsvax.UUCP (Richard Fox)
Message-ID: <445@sdcsvax.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 3-Nov-84 21:07:18 EST
Article-I.D.: sdcsvax.445
Posted: Sat Nov  3 21:07:18 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 6-Nov-84 04:11:12 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: EECS Dept. U.C. San Diego
Lines: 15

Here's a stomper for ya.

How is the clock and the user port 1 related? 

It looks as if user port one can somehow ground out the clock or slow
it down. For the 100,000 dollar question --> WHY?

If any one has noticed that when the joystick is plugged in the user port 1
and is pulled all the way to the left the clock cycles seem to be slowed
down by a factor of almost 10? If any one has noticed this idiosync. of
the C64 please post why. I will try and solve the little problem -

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