Message-ID: <8400063@uok.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 26-Jun-84 12:09:00 EDT
Article-I.D.: uok.8400063
Posted: Tue Jun 26 12:09:00 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 30-Jun-84 02:36:20 EDT
Lines: 59
Nf-ID: #N:uok:8400063:000:1975
Nf-From: uok!esmith Jun 26 11:09:00 1984
uok!esmith Jun 26 11:09:00 1984
copied without permission, of course...
according to the 1973 copy of the blueprints that I have the ship's
complement is as follows:
commanding officer (capt)..............1
executive officer (lt. cmdr)...........1
helmsman (lt.).........................6
yeoman (ens)...........................4
chief navigator (lt. cmdr).............1
navigation officer (lt.)...............3
navigator (ens)........................6
ordnance officer (lt.).................3
ordnance specialists (ens)............30
total 55
science officer (lt.cmdr)..............1
asst. science officer (lt.)............1
scientist (ens)........................4
laboratory technicians (ens)..........74
yoeman (ens)...........................2
chief surgeon (lt. cmdr)...............1
doctors (lt. cmdr).....................3
head nurse (lt.).......................1
nurse (ens)...........................21
medical technicians (ens).............30
total 136
chief engineer (lt. cmdr)..............1
asst. chief engineer (lt.).............1
engineering officer (lt.)..............4
engineering specialists (ens).........93
transporter specialists (ens).........33
yoeman (ens)...........................2
chief of communications (lt. cmdr).....1
communications officer (lt.)...........5
communications specialists (ens).......9
chief of security (lt. cmdr)...........1
security officer (lt.).................5
security specialists (ens)............84
total 239
standard 43 officers & 387 crew.........430
In every case minimum grades are shown for each billet. Individual ships
may vary by reason of individual modification.
And there you have it, according to the blueprints put out by Paramount
in 1973.
- Eric L. Smith