Message-ID: <246@lzmi.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 21-Aug-84 23:50:12 EDT
Article-I.D.: lzmi.246
Posted: Tue Aug 21 23:50:12 1984
Date-Received: Thu, 23-Aug-84 01:16:46 EDT
Organization: AT&T Information Systems, Lincroft, NJ
Lines: 34
I'm looking to buy the Transtar 120S daisywheel printer. It's based on
a Silver Reed print mechanism, takes SR wheels and ribbons, and is
OEM'ed by "Transtar", which in turn is part of Vivitar. They had a
nation-wide dealer network, didn't like it, and now are offering their
printers mail-order through a company called Winslow Sales. There's a
thirty day trial period, during which (I believe) you can send the
printer back and ask for a refund. The six month warentee covers parts
and service. There are two service locations in NJ: the one in
Linhurst (sp?) is run by Transtar or Vivitar, the one in Clifton is
actually an MAI/Sorbus center that'll do warentee work. (There's also a
Silver Reed dealer in what Jerry Pournelle calls "baseball bat range" -
if something goes wrong, I could get to them with a baseball bat.)
It prints at 14 cps, and doesn't have a wide carriage. Including
shipping and handling (but not 8.1% sales tax within WA state), the
serial version costs $340; the parallel version (130P), $390. The 130S
prints at 18 cps, and has a wide carriage; serial $460, parallel $490.
Cables are neither included or available from these guys. The printers
have only (yuchh) friction feed. A forms tractor is avaiable for the
130S directly from Vivitar/Transtar for $150, and has its own six month
I've read the InfoWorld review of the 130S; they said it was a good buy
at $700, faster than the specified speed (so have they since improved
the specs?) and quiet for a daisywheel. Does anyone out there have any
experience with the Transtar in general, and any machines sold through
Winslow in particular?
-Paul S R Chisholm, AT&T-IS ENS