Message-ID: <1513@uw-june>
Date: Sun, 27-May-84 11:48:54 EDT
Article-I.D.: uw-june>.1513
Posted: Sun May 27 11:48:54 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 2-Jun-84 09:27:41 EDT
Organization: U. Washington, Computer Sci
Lines: 15
I read in an article today in the paper that Shatner has "reconciled"
himself with Kirk, and has no problems with playing the character. In fact,
he says, with the grasp the producers have of the characters, and the fact
that the movies can be made for between $10 and $15 million each (relatively
cheap for A movies), he could see "50 more Star Trek movies, released over
18-month periods"....
No complaints here!!!
"Those who travel with him.... must be crazy."
Moriarty, aka Jeff Meyer
UUCP: {ihnp4,cornell,decvax,tektronix}!uw-beaver!uw-june!moriarty
ARPANET: moriarty@washington