Message-ID: <19300001@uokvax.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 15-Feb-85 16:58:00 EST
Article-I.D.: uokvax.19300001
Posted: Fri Feb 15 16:58:00 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 22-Feb-85 10:11:18 EST
References: <250@unm-la.UUCP>
Lines: 15
Nf-ID: #R:unm-la:-25000:uokvax:19300001:37777777600:819
Nf-From: uokvax!emjej Feb 15 15:58:00 1985
OS-9/68000 has a device driver for RAMdisk (editorial: rather a bogus use
of memory! the way OS-9 works, cache (with write-through, for robustness)
or something that would benefit all disks on the system would be much better
for performance!). That would be a good starting point for a 6809 version,
especially if you could deal a Level Two version for the 68000, which would
have to deal with the sorts of things a 6809 RAMdisk would (i.e. making sure
you're in the right address space at the right time). Ask Microware about it.
Alternative suggestions for the extra RAM: put video and font memory in it
for use with O-Pak, so it won't eat the memory where OS-9 lives. (I guess
that suggestion is better pointed at Frank Hogg, but then he's pushing FLEX
for the CoCo.)
James Jones