Originally posted by: ivancich@utah-cs.UUCP (Eric Ivancich)
Article-I.D.: utah-cs.3534
Posted: Wed Nov 13 01:53:40 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 14-Nov-85 07:30:50 EST
References: <181@srs.UUCP>
Reply-To: ivancich@utah-cs.UUCP (Eric Ivancich)
Distribution: net
Organization: Univ of Utah CS Dept
Lines: 22
After playing Dungeon of Doom for hours, and not getting very far, I had 3
1. Give up and put the disk away for awhile.
2. Keep playing and hope for a little luck.
3. CHEAT!!!
Anyone acquainted with me knows that I chose #3. Basically, I was able to
decode most of the Character Data file. This enabled me to modify my
character's stats and inventory. By giving my self the best armor, the best
weapon ('Death Blade'), two rings (regeneration and x-ray), a scroll
(mapping +200), 25 for all six stats, and 200+ maximum hitpoints, I didn't
have much of a problem going down, getting the Orb, defeating the tough guy,
and exiting the dungeon. Now that I've done it illegally, I hope to do it
legally some day. Anyways, if you think I should post what I found out to
the net, send me some mail. If I receive a lot of requests, I'll post what
I've found out.
Eric Ivancich
P.S. I don't know which was more fun, figuring the file's format out, or
playing the game.