Originally posted by: chai@utflis.UUCP (Henry Chai)
Message-ID: <115@utflis.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 11-Mar-85 21:53:58 EST
Article-I.D.: utflis.115
Posted: Mon Mar 11 21:53:58 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 12-Mar-85 05:08:25 EST
Reply-To: chai@utflis.UUCP (Henry Chai)
Organization: FLIS, University of Toronto
Lines: 23
Keywords: Xanth, Piers Anthony, sexist
Yes folks, Xanth #8 has hit the bookstores already.
This ones is called "The Crewel Lye" (the cruel lie)
and features Jordan the ghost as the central character.
I refuse to buy it; I stopped buying after the 6th.
I'll just wait for the public libraries to get it, but meanwhile if
any of you die-hard Xanth fans out there would like to tell me what
you think of it, just mail me; I'll be gald to hear from you.
BTW, does anyone find the Xanth novels sexist? I do.
The women characters are (almost) always of the pretty, buxom, not-too-bright
type, who loved nothing more than to show off their legs or
to look for husbands. (Princess Irene is a prime example)
The comparison between women and nymphs is also rather degrading
to the female sex.
However, there is very little sexism in the other Piers Anthony novels,
so I wonder whether he did it tongue-in-cheek or not?
Henry Chai o.-
Faculty of Library and Information Science \_/
U of Toronto
{decvax, ihnp4, allegra}!utcsri!utflis!chai