Message-ID: <8972@brl-tgr.ARPA>
Date: Wed, 6-Mar-85 01:39:51 EST
Article-I.D.: brl-tgr.8972
Posted: Wed Mar 6 01:39:51 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 9-Mar-85 09:05:51 EST
Sender: news@brl-tgr.ARPA
Lines: 24
You are right that ZCPR3 thrives best in a hard disk environment,
but it also is useful in small floppy disk environments.
One of the newsletters addressed this question, and a tradeoff table was
presented which discussed the tradeoffs. I personally use ZCPR3 on a
hard disk most of the time, but I also have several applications disks
which have around 60K of disk overhead devoted to ZCPR3 itself
(MENU, VMENU, and VFILER systems).
You have many options other than SIMTEL20 thru which ZCPR3 can be acquired.
SIG/M is one, Echelon is another, and RBBS systems is a third. Some computer
clubs are giving seminars on ZCPR3 installation also.
Re Small C, I believe that similar options (SIG/M, RBBS, computer clubs)
exist also.
How to best use your time? I would recommend that you first acquire
all of the pointers info you can (RBBS list, address of SIG/M, address
of Echelon, ZCPR3 Helper list, etc) so that you can continue accessing
the software after your net access goes away. Once you have this, can
the CPM directories on SIMTEL20 and explore whatever tickles your
fancy. Lots of good stuff all thru the directories.