Originally posted by: @RUTGERS.ARPA:feldman%bartok.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
Message-ID: <645@topaz.ARPA>
Date: Thu, 14-Feb-85 15:45:49 EST
Article-I.D.: topaz.645
Posted: Thu Feb 14 15:45:49 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 15-Feb-85 05:32:50 EST
Sender: daemon@topaz.ARPA
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Lines: 11
From: feldman%bartok.DEC@decwrl.ARPA (Geoff Feldman HL02-3E09 225-6023)
My vote is "Object Based Intelligent Engine" As a twentieth century
AI developer, thats what OBIE was, although OBJECT is in Caps in this
case in that this computer dealt with objects in a more literal sense
than todays machines.
I wont defend this choice in terms of the story, its unfounded. But
I had fun thinking of it.