Message-ID: <618@topaz.ARPA>
Date: Wed, 13-Feb-85 14:01:26 EST
Article-I.D.: topaz.618
Posted: Wed Feb 13 14:01:26 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 14-Feb-85 03:04:27 EST
Sender: daemon@topaz.ARPA
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Lines: 26
From: Mark F Rand
Hello.. Here in the New York City area there are two channels showing
Dr. Who (channels 21 and 50). Channel 21 shows Dr. Who in 1/2 hour
episodes every weekday at 7pm. Channel 50 shows Dr. Who in entire
episodes once a week on Sat. 9pm- 10:30(unless interrupted by a beg-a-thon).
Dr. Who used to also be shown on channel 9 on Sat. mornings, but they kept
repeating the same 10 or 12 episodes over and over(for a year and a half).
(These episodes starred Tom Baker) Eventually they couldn't repeat anymore
so they replaced Dr. Who with wrestling(!!).
Channel 21 has gone thru the whole of Tom Baker and Peter Davidson now and
is now starting over from beginning of Tom Baker. Channel 50 has also gone
from Tom Baker thru Peter Davidson, but is now going to show the Pertwee
episodes starting this Saturday.(The only time I've seen Pertwee was in
the "5 Doctors" episode.)
This Saturday when I turned to 50 to see Dr. Who, I was instead shown
a show called "K9 and Company" with K9 and Sarah Jane Smith..
I have never seen (nor heard of) this show before..
Is this show still running?? Does the Dr. ever make a guest appearance??
See ya fellow SF fans!!
Mark Rand (Tigqc356@Cunyvm)
(New York City - Queesn College)