Message-ID: <1562@ritcv.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 1-Mar-85 00:12:13 EST
Article-I.D.: ritcv.1562
Posted: Fri Mar 1 00:12:13 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 4-Mar-85 05:49:31 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Lines: 14
Xref: watmath net.micro.mac:720
I recently purchased "Inside Macintosh" in order to do some development work.
However, no documentation was supplied that described how to use the utilities
on the 3 MacStuff disks. For example, when I opened the Font Editor I only
received the 'watch' icon and no matter how long I waited the watch didn't
disappear. When I clicked the mouse, the system bombed. Then I tried to create
a screen using the 'screen maker'. The system didn't bomb but the next time
I loaded the MacStuff disk, the screen I created showed up instead of the
screen. I assumed screenmaker was to transfer screens
created in MacPaint to applications.
Can anyone shed any light on this. Where can I get documentation describing
the use of the MacStuff disks? Can anyone help me get started using these?